Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dualistic Thoughts Generate Emotional Intoxication Among Persons Believing in “WHO’S” instead of THAT

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An Advaita Vedanta realization, enlightenment, nisarga yoga site discussing non-duality (nonduality), your original nature, and dwelling in the natural state as revealed by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

FROM A SITE VISITOR: It sounds like Advaita Vedanta (or you) minimize things or deny the effects of things. I look at my life and know the effects of things that have happened and know that I deserve more than I’ve gotten. Helen

F.: Hello, Helen. Not quite sure how you even found an Advaita site. Since you have the answers and seem not be to seeking anything offered here, the response is not as much for you as it is for those that visit the site and are seeking answers.

Nisarga yoga offers an invitation to live simply and naturally. The natural-living deer neither minimizes nor maximizes. The deer does not “look at its life.” The deer does not suffer the mental or emotional effects of things misperceived since it has no “mind” with which to label the happenings during the manifestation as “bad” or “good.”

The deer, being mindless, has no concepts about a “good life” or a “bad life.” It has no concepts about "entitlement" and "deserving." It has no concepts about “more” or “less.”

To live as naturally and spontaneously and peacefully as the deer, the consciousness must function spontaneously while the no-concept, non-duality reality unfolds like a play upon a stage.

Understand that all actions are preceded by words, and all words are preceded by thoughts/beliefs. If persons become free of their belief in dualistic concepts, they could not use words to complain about subjects steeped in the untruth of duality.

It would not be a matter of denial or minimization; instead, it simply could not be a false belief that is considered to be true. (No thoughts = no words = no thought-generated actions or misery or emotional intoxication.) All misery and suffering either (1) starts with a thought and is perpetuated by thoughts and words or (2) end when all dualistic thoughts end.

With that which is a product of (a) plant food and (b) a chemical interaction as a result of (c) an act of friction involving a male and a female (driven by passion and sex drive and instinct), wherefore any question about “deserving more than you got?”

WHO thinks she or he is limited to the body and the “mind” and the personality? WHO are the supposed ego-states that feel hurt or interfered with or threatened or slighted or deserving of more?

By discarding the fictitious WHO’s that persons think they are, they might become aware of THAT Which They Truly Are. If that happens, then no false ego-states remain to express duality-based complaints. Thereafter, the manifestation plays out automatically and spontaneously and naturally and contentedly.

Then, all unfolds from a position of neutrality. Deer function with that degree of neutrality and freedom and peace on a daily basis. So do birds and snakes and grass and fish and trees and all manifestations of energy…all except most humans.

Know what humans think they have that separates them from those forms, and see what humans believe it is that makes them “nobler” or “better” or “different,” and you will find that which must be discarded if you would dwell in the natural state. Please enter in the silence of contemplation.

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