Friday, April 25, 2008


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Advaita Vedanta realization, enlightenment, nisarga yoga site discussing non-duality (nonduality), your original nature, and dwelling in the natural state as revealed by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

FROM A SITE VISITOR: I have been reading your books and blog and I see that most of the people resist having there ideas and concepts being smashed to pieces. I feel no resistance, I want to cast aside all concepts, I'm ready! What do I do? I do have another question in the relative it seems that we still have points of view and strong opinions about things as it seems you do regarding such topics as 911, Katrina, religion etc... I get confused in knowing this stuff but feel guilty when I still getting pissed off say at work when someone is being lazy or proper sanitation isn’t being followed, I know in regards to the void it doesn’t matter but in the relative world I feel it’s important for a kitchen to be clean, How do you balance the two? Walter

W.: I do have another question: in the relative it seems that we still have points of view and strong opinions about things as it seems you do regarding such topics as 911, katrina, religion etc.

F.: First, WHO is this that you are accusing of having an opinion? You write to the no-WHO as if there really were a WHO, revealing that, subconsciously, you still believe very much in your own Who-ness.

As for “points of view,” all that can be said with accuracy is that the consciousness either witnesses what is happening from the subject-object witnessing mode or witnesses truth via Pure Witnessing.

When the consciousness speaks, it speaks from one of those two modes, depending on the level of the listener (or reader).

When dealing with beginners or intermediate seekers, Maharaj would occasionally respond when relative issues such as “war” or “death of a son” or “suffering” were raised. His responses were level-appropriate, meeting the seekers at the place on the “path” where the seekers words revealed them to be.

Yet that speck was merely noting the relative insanity and misery in order to invite seekers to see the insanity as insanity; then, he would invite all to move beyond the relative nonsense by finding their original nature and then abiding as that/THAT.

But understand in the case of that speck or in the case of this speck, there is no “one” to have a point of view. Until you are free of all points of view, that point will be beyond your understanding. Thorns are merely used to remove thorns.

So “we” do not have “strong opinions.” As often happens, those who have not completed the entire “journey” will automatically try to project their own relative misunderstandings onto the pure consciousness when it speaks: “I have strong opinions, so I can see when ‘you’ do too.”

(By the way, there are no guarantees that you will ever understand that; in fact, the odds are ten million to one, according to Maharaj's estimate, that you will not.)

Examples of relative nonsense are provided on occasion in order for novice seekers to understand the relative insanity that happens when the consciousness is warped or blocked so that a contrast can be drawn with the level of peace that can happen if persons abandon their beliefs about all of those relative instances, can discard all concepts, and can find the Truth.

The thorns used along the way to remove thorns are used at certain levels only. At the "advanced" levels, fewer and fewer thorns need be employed. Until those steps, the AM-ness (and the "stuff" of the Is-ness) is only mentioned to distinguish illusion from the Reality of the I AM THAT.

Next, consider why, on the bottom of the home page at, there is a recommended order for reading the books available on that site. Relative issues are discussed in the books listed for beginners so that all that is false can be seen prior to the later works that deal with what IS.

Why? Seekers must begin by focusing on what is not before being able to focus on what is, so the consciousness will speak occasionally of that which is not in preparation for inviting seekers to understand all that must be cast aside in order to complete the entire “journey” and witness THAT Which Is.

Finally, even among the Realized, feelings happen and are witnessed as they rise and fall. What does not happen is emotional intoxication, which can only seem to be “experienced” and which can only be taken (in error) as real by an ego-state.

When M.’s voice elevated as he ran out of his loft those who came with an agenda to showcase their knowledge/learned ignorance, there was no strong opinion or emotion involved because there was no “one” to have an opinion and because there was no “experiencer” to experience any emotion. Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)

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