Tuesday, May 06, 2008


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An Advaita Vedanta realization, enlightenment, nisarga yoga site discussing non-duality (nonduality), your original nature, and dwelling in the natural state as revealed by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

FROM A SITE VISITOR: So isn’t the prevention of ego really all about just staying awake to what we’re thinking and doing and assuring that we remain humble? Patricia

F.: The reason for the misery and suffering on the planet is egotism and egocentrism. The reason for egotism and egocentrism is the assignment and assumption of ego-states…of false identities…of false personas.

Even the claim that one is “humble” is being generated by the belief in some upgraded persona: “I am a person” is upgraded by the arrogant to “I am a good person” or “I am a great person.” For many persons, what convinces that that they are “good” or “great” is, in part, their humility.

The more “godly” persons take themselves to be, the more “god-like” their behave, eventually believing they have “power,” “control,” the right to judge and “bless” or “curse,” the right, in fact, to decide “who should live” and “who should die.”

While behaving in that manner, persons can project an image of humility, claiming they are “a child of God” or “an agent of God,” or “God’s humble servant and steward,” or “a mere channel through which God operates to bring into fruition His purpose on earth.”

So much for “humility.” Again, Patricia, the antidote for the sickness of egotism and egocentrism that generate such relative misery and suffering on the planet is not humility but is Realization instead.

Only post-Realization can the natural pre-manifestation state and the natural post-manifestation state be understood. And only then can it also be understood that any period of manifestation in between can happen in the fashion of the natural pre-manifestation state and the natural post-manifestation state.

Thus, you were invited to find “where” You were in the days prior to conception, to know Your Original nature prior to manifestation, and to determine what “characterized” (and “characterizes”) that natural state.

In that natural state which is the central subject matter of nisarga yoga and the Direct Path Method of teaching, no misery or suffering happened because there was no “one” to experience such. There was no concern with “preventing ego” since no “one” existed to assume an ego-state and trigger the use of egotism to sustain a false identity.

If that/THAT was Your natural state and Your original nature prior to manifestation, and if that/THAT shall continue to be Your natural state and Your original nature post-manifestation, how could Your current state and nature be any different?

It cannot, but the case is that persons have not a clue about their one and only state and original nature because of programming and conditioning and enculturation and domestication which have generated a “mind” that is the repository of lies and distortions and illusory beliefs and concepts that block the awareness of that nature and that state.

If only belief in those concepts were to be discarded, if only the body-mind-personality identifications were to be discarded, then the process of clearing away the obstacles to clear seeing of Your nature and Your natural state would happen and You could know (and abide as) that state now.

Then, You could transition even the attachment to the manifested consciousness; You could transition beyond ego-state assumptions and their accompanying egotism and egocentrism; You would not seek anything, including an image of humility; and You would abide NOW as THAT Which You Are. Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)

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