Wednesday, May 07, 2008


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An Advaita Vedanta realization, enlightenment, nisarga yoga site discussing non-duality (nonduality), your original nature, and dwelling in the natural state as revealed by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

FROM A SITE VISITOR: So isn’t the prevention of ego really all about just staying awake to what we’re thinking and doing and assuring that we remain humble? Patricia

F.: So, Patricia, it should be seen that only ego-states take themselves to be thinkers and do-ers and that ego-states are about the fictional “mind” and its belief in the illusions of personality. It should also be seen that humility cannot possibly manifest alongside ego-states and thinking and doingness and “mind” and personality.

You were also told that, if you would be truly awake and ego-free, You must also realize that this temporary period of manifestation can and must happen in the same mode as Your natural state prior to manifestation (which will also be Your natural state post-manifestation).

Your natural state is Your natural state. You Are THAT now, but you are not functioning as that during the relative existence since you believe that thinking can generate humility and can eliminate ego when thinking is actually the very food on which ego thrives.

Yet awareness of that natural state is blocked, obscured, by beliefs and ideas and concepts and thinking. The deer, living quite naturally, does not think, does not assume false identities, and does not use egotism to try to sustain something that is imaginary. All of that would be most unnatural for a deer and it is most unnatural for a human.

It is equally unnatural to try to overlay supernatural concepts onto that which is natural. Anything that is unnatural or supernatural has nothing whatsoever to do with what is natural and will, in fact, prevent natural, AS IF living from happening.

All unnatural concepts and all supernatural concepts are merely (1) blockages that prevent Pure Witnessing from happening, will (2) guarantee that egotism—not humility—will be the driving force in your relative existence, and will (3) prevent you from “dwelling” as Your natural state for the remainder of the manifestation.

Thus, persons are trapped in ego or egotism not because of a lack of humility but because of a lack of awakening…of liberation from personality…of transitioning beyond the body-mind-personality identification.

You were invited to understand that Your present state is that natural state and that original nature, that Your awareness of that reality is blocked because of the ideas and concepts and beliefs that prevent the Pure Consciousness/True Self from knowing its nature, and that the way to be free of ego is not by “thinking” but by being free of the “mind” and personality and the effects of conditioning and programming. Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)

TOMORROW: Information on Dennis Waite’s latest book

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