Sunday, May 18, 2008

THE “HEAVEN-HELL” DEBATE: How Religion Has Always Generated Dualistic Beliefs, Part Three

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An Advaita Vedanta realization, enlightenment, nisarga yoga site discussing non-duality (nonduality), your original nature, and dwelling in the natural state as revealed by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

FROM A SITE VISITOR: Hey Floyd, I love your site!! Well, I was programmed by catholicism and I'm still having trouble realizing that there is no heaven/hell... I still have a fear that I may create my own hell or that there might be a hell.. How can I deprogram myself from this fear?

F.: It could have been seen in yesterday’s post exactly (a) why there is such widespread darkness and (b) why the light has become inaccessible to the masses of the planet:

all 6.5 billion of the persons on the planet have been indoctrinated by a cult, by their various cultures. Further bastardization or blocking of the consciousness happens to six billion of those 6.5 billion who claim that their source of truth is one of the three cults that evolved from the words of Abraham.

Those six billion who have assumed the false identity of “Jew” or “Christian” or “Muslim” have been subjected to a second set of cult-style teachings in the form of religious dogma and doctrines.

As a result, 6.5 billion people are living in the learned ignorance that they accumulated in their cultures and six billion of those 6.5 billion are living in a two-fold level of ignorance because they have been acculturated by their societies and then acculturated by religious leaders and religious family members and religious neighbors and religious relatives and religious politicians.

While the six-and-a-half billion who have been cast into the darkness by their cultures will be seriously handicapped in any effort to break free of the entrapment of their dualistic beliefs, the six billion who have been doubly exposed to cult teachings via religious and/or spiritual movements will find it almost impossible to ever understand the teachings of non-duality.

That enculturation, combined with conditioning and programming, generates a set of unquestioned belief systems. Those persons with their accepted-by-faith-alone, dualistic beliefs will be ensnared in the dream of the planet that eventually leads to the nightmare of the planet:

a relative existence marked by confusion, ignorance, fluctuation rather than stability, and unending shifts between occasional states of happiness and extended periods of unhappiness, depression, dissociation, suffering, and misery. And those subjected to a second dose of cult teachings via religion are the most attached to duality and its accompanying lack of awareness of Truth.

For the 6.5 billion who are sleepwalking through the relative existence as a result of enculturation, they cannot be free unless they begin to question what they have been told in their societies’ distribution centers of cultural foolishness: homes, schools, clubs, groups, etc.

For the 6 billion among the planet's population who are sleepwalking through the relative existence as a result of enculturation as well as indoctrination in the Abrahamese of the sky cults, they cannot be free unless they begin to question the content of their enculturation along with their second dose of programming and conditioning.

They must question everything they were told or read in the places where they acquired their second measure of foolishness and nonsense and dualistic concepts: homes, schools, clubs, and groups as well as churches or temples or mosques or spiritual groups or self-improvement seminars, (and, yes, in some ashrams, too), ad infinitum. Please enter into the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)


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