An Advaita Vedanta philosophy site, focusing on Realization, enlightenment, nisarga yoga, non-duality (nonduality), your original nature, dwelling as your natural state, and the teachings of Maharaj.
Announcing the closing of the Non-Duality Bookstore as the focus in the future will be on providing books electronically. See at the end of this post an offer to receive at lower-than-eBook prices the last of the paper books remaining in stock at 50% off with free shipping in the U.S. and half-price shipping internationally.
FROM A SITE VISITOR: How can you claim that maharaj was realized and at peace when he got mad and ran people out of his house?
FROM ANOTHER SITE VISITOR: How much time do you spend with people? I mean do you blend into society are do you retreat…isolate…whatever?
FROM ANOTHER SITE VISITOR: do you ever feel resentful about people who write you and ask stupid questions or argue with you about their religion or their beliefs? seems like denial if you claim no.
FROM ANOTHER SITE VISITOR: Do you think there were some people that maharaj hated even though he said he lived with wisdom and love? For instant, how could you not hate hitler? do you ever get sick of people who aren’t realized.Is there anything you hate?
F.: Earlier, a comparison was drawn between (A) the way that persons—preoccupied with body identification—avoid the physically sick and (b) the way that the Realized spontaneously and naturally move to quiet, healthy environments. [Note an exception: those trapped in the Personality Type Two Helper/Rescuer/Savior roles will actually seek out the sick and will draw the sick or user types to them.]
Interestingly, a flu bug can garner the attention of the billions of non-Realized across the globe and most of those persons will immediately spring into action. Yet flu bugs come and go; conversely, “The Non-Realization Dis-ease” stays, and few will ever take any action at all to be free of its effects.
The movement toward an environment that is peaceful and quiet is being discussed even though some might conclude at first glance that it’s a given—that on some level, all persons must surely want the levels of peace and quiet that marked the first several million years of existence of humans or human-like beings but that have given way to a “need for noise” among the masses.
For those that might assume that the peace and quiet is automatically preferred nowadays, evidence to the contrary will be discussed tomorrow, along with an explanation about why that is the case.
[In fact, yesterday, a "pro-noise" e-mail was received as a counter-argument to the considerations offered recently about the natural tendency to move toward the peace and quiet. Of course, those living unnaturally or supernaturally will be drawn to noise.
Furthermore, understand that nothing which is natural and sane and sound can be assumed to be understood by those marching to the beat—to the very loud beat—of the drum that sounds out the cadence to which the non-Realized masses move about during the relative existence. That will be discussed in more detail tomorrow. For now, the discussion of how it is that the Realized naturally move toward the quiet will continue.]
The words of Maharaj provide another analogy that can be used to understand why the spontaneous shift to "the non-infected zones" mentioned earlier happens and why the Realized move to areas that are free of such contaminants as noise germs, concept bugs, and the especially-pervasive duality infestation.
Maharaj spoke of “kindergarten spirituality,” and the kindergarten analogy is also appropriate here. First, understand this: one’s basic personality is usually formed by the age of five or six, typically in an effort to adjust to a dysfunctional home environment. The basic personality type will determine what every child thinks and says and does, and the development of that childish coping tool makes sense.
What does not make sense is when that tool of a six-year-old is still determining thoughts and words and deeds in a twenty-year-old, in a thirty-year-old, in a forty-year-old, etc. If one is not free of the influence of personality (which billions on the planet are not) then persons will behave as six-year-olds (which billions on the planet do).
[If that seems harsh, study the way that supposed “adults” handle their money, the way that supposed adults behave in their “relationships,” the way that supposed adults practice unsafe sex when deadly diseases can be contracted with one exposure, and the way that supposed adults fight over the most nonsensical issues imaginable. Very childish, yes?]
If it is understood that the thoughts and words and deeds of supposed adults are being determined unconsciously by personality, then it will also be understood why the planet is populated with billions of persons who are thinking and talking and behaving as six-year-olds, no matter their actual chronological age.
Because of personality, planet earth is now one big kindergarten, and that is a major reason that sages for centuries have invited persons to become liberated from the influence and effects of personality/personas.
So, consider kindergartens if you would understand the movement among the Realized toward the silence. Some persons work in kindergartens, either teaching or volunteering. But beyond those, what adult would want to spend all day, every day, in a kindergarten?
Would you not be exposed to excessive noise, to persons that, quite predictably and through no “fault” of their own, have no understanding at all of reality? Would you not be exposed to childishness, to immaturity, to silliness, to infantile and juvenile behavior, to irresponsibility, to pettiness, to quarreling, to fighting, to moodiness, to instability, to absurdity, to inanity, to selfishness and self-absorption, to persons wanting instant gratification, to persons with no concern at all about their impact on others, and to folly—all without interruption?
Yet if you visit a kindergarten, you notice that the kindergarteners for the most part accept all of that as “normal” without questioning it in the least. Wouldn’t you, in fact, be able to witness most of them joining right in and contributing to all of the chaos above? Only rarely might you see a child in the corner, finding all of that nonsense most uncomfortable, not being attracted to it in the least, and not participating in the nonsense at all.
Of course those in charge who have normalized the chaos will try to pull that child back into the activity, feeling he/she must be suffering from some deficiencies in terms of socialization skills. They will advise that the child needs to develop social skills and needs to learn to participate in the chaotic activities with the other kindergarteners, and they will echo the way that non-Realized persons behave when they criticize the Realized for not being absorbed in the chaos of the planet.
If it happened that you visited the kindergarten and witnessed all of that, wouldn’t the levels of chaos be exactly as you expected, knowing what you know about kindergarteners and how they think and talk and behave because of their age and personalities and lack of maturity and lack of understanding?
But would you want to join in and participate in all of that? Now you would not criticize them by saying, “You people are acting just like kindergarteners” as if they have a choice to act any other way, but you might choose not to join in. You would not likely want to be in that environment 24/7, but billions are being driven to live out a relative existence that is exactly like that.
Now, the questions in the e-mails above having been addressed, it is time for those visitors who wrote those comments and questions—as well as other visitors—to consider certain other questions:
First, what is it that you are seeking? Are you seeking the freedom and peace that accompany natural living, or are you seeking out places where the levels of ambient noise are so loud that they might drown out the kindergarten-type screamings inside your head that are the result of a “mind” that cannot be stilled…that cannot be quiet?
As long as a self or selves remain, there will be no seeking of the quiet because the voices of the false selves that emanate from the “mind” are uncomfortably deafening. The ego must speak, must generate sounds, and must seek out sources of noise in order to try to drown out the always-restless, always-uncomfortable "mind." Thus, tomorrow the connection between ego-states and noise-generation will be discussed. Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)
identification with the false “I”
abidance as the Absolute
has seven steps that must be taken in an exact, reverse order from the way the “coming in” happened. The book above is a step-by-step guide to Realization.
Get the Book or eBook
While quantities last, the following package deal is being offered: Receive all nine (9) of the paperback books listed below for $88 total with free shipping in the U.S. and ½ price shipping internationally.
NOTE: Only one full set remaining. The offer will become an eight-book set after the next order.
From the Absolute to the Nothingness
From the I to the Absolute (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
It's All Bullshit (and Why Knowing it Sets You Free)
Self-Transformation Meditation Guide I
Self-Transformation Meditation Guide II
There's No Such Thing as ''Peace of Mind''
Spiritual Sobriety (Recovering What Religions Lost)
The Essence of the Teachings
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Non-Duality Book Set
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Or, Option Two:
Host an Advaita Study Group in your home.
Enough paperback copies remain in stock to provide the following for you and three other seekers:
4 copies-From the I to the Absolute (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
4 copies-Consciousness / Awareness
4 copies-From the Absolute to the Nothingness
Take turns reading passages and then discussing the pointers.
All 12 books for $120.00 (equal to $30 each) + free S&H in the U.S.
To order this set, you must use
the Contact link to make arrangements for payment—VISA or MC only for this package—and to provide the address for free U.S. shipping.
most titles are also available as eBooks
The Official Website of Floyd Henderson
abidance as the Absolute
has seven steps that must be taken in an exact, reverse order from the way the “coming in” happened. The book above is a step-by-step guide to Realization.
Get the Book or eBook
While quantities last, the following package deal is being offered: Receive all nine (9) of the paperback books listed below for $88 total with free shipping in the U.S. and ½ price shipping internationally.
NOTE: Only one full set remaining. The offer will become an eight-book set after the next order.
From the Absolute to the Nothingness
From the I to the Absolute (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
It's All Bullshit (and Why Knowing it Sets You Free)
Self-Transformation Meditation Guide I
Self-Transformation Meditation Guide II
There's No Such Thing as ''Peace of Mind''
Spiritual Sobriety (Recovering What Religions Lost)
The Essence of the Teachings
To order, click
Non-Duality Book Set
then add the package to the shopping cart and follow the checkout procedure to the secure pay site.
You may pay with any of these major credit cards

Or, Option Two:
Host an Advaita Study Group in your home.
Enough paperback copies remain in stock to provide the following for you and three other seekers:
4 copies-From the I to the Absolute (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
4 copies-Consciousness / Awareness
4 copies-From the Absolute to the Nothingness
Take turns reading passages and then discussing the pointers.
All 12 books for $120.00 (equal to $30 each) + free S&H in the U.S.
To order this set, you must use
the Contact link to make arrangements for payment—VISA or MC only for this package—and to provide the address for free U.S. shipping.
most titles are also available as eBooks
The Official Website of Floyd Henderson