Saturday, April 25, 2009


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An Advaita Vedanta philosophy site, focusing on Realization, enlightenment, nisarga yoga, non-duality (nonduality), your original nature, dwelling as your natural state, and the teachings of Maharaj.

Announcing the closing of the Non-Duality Bookstore as the focus in the future will be on providing books electronically. See at the end of this post an offer to receive at lower-than-eBook prices the last of the paper books remaining in stock at 50% off with free shipping in the U.S. and half-price shipping internationally.

FROM A SITE VISITOR: How can you claim that maharaj was realized and at peace when he got mad and ran people out of his house?

FROM ANOTHER SITE VISITOR: How much time do you spend with people? I mean do you blend into society are do you retreat…isolate…whatever?

FROM ANOTHER SITE VISITOR: do you ever feel resentful about people who write you and ask stupid questions or argue with you about their religion or their beliefs? seems like denial if you claim no.

FROM ANOTHER SITE VISITOR: Do you think there were some people that maharaj hated even though he said he lived with wisdom and love? For instant, how could you not hate hitler? do you ever get sick of people who aren’t realized.Is there anything you hate?

F.: [Continued from yesterday] So when Maharaj invited persons to leave the loft on Ketwadi Street, he was not “mad,” to use a word from one site visitor. There was no “one” to be mad.

In the book FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE, a combative person who believed he had found all the answers in his twelve-step group visited one satsang session to try to interfere with the transmission of a set of teachings that differed from his own. His comments were addressed briefly and then he was told to leave. Just as with Maharaj, there was no "floyd," no "one," who was “mad.”

First, that man had not completed the steps prior to the third step which was being discussed that day, so the third step teachings would have been meaningless to him even if he had stayed. Next, he was not there to learn/unlearn. He was there to force his beliefs on a group that had not sought him out in order to hear his beliefs.

Finally, the other seekers in attendance had completed the steps prior to the one being discussed and were ready to move along the “path.” It was that phase of their “journey” that was being guarded, not a “teacher’s ego-state” as might appear to be the case to the non-Realized.

Those who believe that they can draw valid conclusions with judgments based in their perceptions certainly “need” the teachings, but they most certainly cannot understand how it is that the Realized might appear not to be Realized at all even though they most assuredly are.

One seeker that visited Maharaj in the 1970’s said, “He was completely normal and human in his behavior. Yet within this appearance of everyday normalcy was the guru who was answering my questions about practice and conditioning with uncanny precision.”

As Maharaj went about the process of removing the effects of conditioning, nothing about that speck appeared to be “special.” While enjoying the entertainment that resulted from the dance, his comments at times might seem to have revealed a “separatist” tone, but at the core it was all nothing more than amusement, even as pointers were being offered that could alter the relative existence for the entirety of the remaining manifestation.

Many worshiped Krishnamurti and his talks even though much of what he shared was “mind stuff.” When asked about him, Maharaj replied, “Krishnamurti is a great thinker.” Most nodded in agreement and took the comment to be a compliment. The few who understood that the content of the mind is useless and that it must be cast aside entirely understood the veiled implication.

Does that mean Maharaj felt “better than” Krishnamurti? Of course not. It was merely a truthful pointer that amounted to nothing more than a part of the dance. Once, when a woman was displaying her knowledge of a Buddhist analogy which involved the use of a boat to cross into nirvana, M. said, “I would put you all on a boat, send you to the other shore, and I would stay here on this shore.”

Was there a “Maharaj” who was “mad” at the woman for bringing up such talk? No. Was he going to allow talk that sent a false message to go unchecked from the loft? No. That is all that was involved with the response: dismissal and redirection…not anger.

Those writing the e-mails above are attached to their relative perceptions, but yesterday, the pointer was offered that…

if one were to view that speck called “Maharaj” via the Pure Witness, there would be no erroneous conclusions drawn about “Maharaj being mad” because there would be no erroneous conclusion drawn about Maharaj being at all.

The consideration for today is this:

Is it possible that what the writers of the e-mails above think they are seeing in a supposedly “three-dimensional world” (including people with their height, width, depth) and “the world” they’ve always experienced only with the five senses (tasting, touching, smelling, seeing, hearing) is a phenomenal realm but that there is something totally liberating that could be understood that is beyond a nonsensical, mis-perceived existence? Is it possible that they could be guided to tap into a fourth dimension using the sixth sense and thereby find a peace that surpasses what they think they understand about a limited, finite “three-dimensional, five-sense world”?

As is the case among all of the Realized, I am neither “of the world” nor “in the world.” Neither was that which was erroneously thought to have been “Maharaj.” A seeker reported that his sessions with Maharaj taught him, among other things, that “what is real can never combine with the unreal.”

Reality can be overlaid upon the Am-ness, but that does not mean that what is observable in the relative is as it appears. That is also why it can appear to some that the Realized are not Realized at all, but again…appearances are never real. Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)

While quantities last, the following package deal is being offered: Receive all nine (9) of the books listed below for $88 total with free shipping in the U.S. and ½ price shipping internationally.

[Sorry, but the offer does not apply to eBooks; this limited-time offer, however, is even less expensive than eBooks. This applies to the last of the paper books which are now in stock but which will never be available again. As various titles sell out, as happened with one title yesterday, the remaining paper versions will be offered at a pro-rated price of 50% off also.]

From the Absolute to the Nothingness
From the I to the Absolute (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
It's All Bullshit (and Why Knowing it Sets You Free)
Self-Transformation Meditation Guide I
Self-Transformation Meditation Guide II
There's No Such Thing as ''Peace of Mind''
Spiritual Sobriety (Recovering What Religions Lost)
The Essence of the Teachings

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