Sunday, April 26, 2009


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An Advaita Vedanta philosophy site, focusing on Realization, enlightenment, nisarga yoga, non-duality (nonduality), your original nature, dwelling as your natural state, and the teachings of Maharaj.

Announcing the closing of the Non-Duality Bookstore as the focus in the future will be on providing books electronically. See at the end of this post an offer to receive at lower-than-eBook prices the last of the paper books remaining in stock at 50% off with free shipping in the U.S. and half-price shipping internationally.

FROM A SITE VISITOR: How can you claim that maharaj was realized and at peace when he got mad and ran people out of his house?

FROM ANOTHER SITE VISITOR: How much time do you spend with people? I mean do you blend into society are do you retreat…isolate…whatever?

FROM ANOTHER SITE VISITOR: do you ever feel resentful about people who write you and ask stupid questions or argue with you about their religion or their beliefs? seems like denial if you claim no.

FROM ANOTHER SITE VISITOR: Do you think there were some people that maharaj hated even though he said he lived with wisdom and love? For instant, how could you not hate hitler? do you ever get sick of people who aren’t realized.Is there anything you hate?

F.: All of the writers of the e-mails above share one particular relative belief which is a marker of the non-Realized: they actually believe that there is some association between appearance and truth. In fact, appearance is always the not-truth.

Consider this example from the relative (which is—with the manifestation of consciousness—the only “place” where appearances can happen): Who that has reached the age of “young adult” or “adult” has not entered into a relationship based on an image of another person that later proved to be the exact opposite of what was initially shown and supposedly seen? ("He seemed like a really honest and wonderful guy" or "She really is a nice person."]

Is it not becoming clear why the Realized do not appear to be Realized? The fact is that everything regarding appearances during the relative existence is 180-degrees the opposite of what is real. Do you know persons who work at “looking spiritual”? Then they are revealing that they are “not spiritual” at all (whatever you take “spiritual” to mean).

Do you know persons who work at “appearing to be religious”? Then they are revealing that they are “not religious” at all (whatever you take “religious” to mean). And the Realized that Realized via the nisarga approach will appear the least Realized of all (again, depending on what persons think “Realized” is supposed to look like).

This speck looked far more spiritual (to the non-Realized) during the days of kneeling and meditating and burning and ringing and humming than now. All of the trappings and accouterments and practices of religious and spiritual persons/personas is the stuff of the third step and usually must happen before movement along the “path” can continue to Full Realization.

However, nothing about looking religious and acting spiritual and appearing to be Realized has anything to do with Reality. This morning, as this posting was happening, a deer walked up to the window and looked in at "floyd" sitting before a monitor, but that deer drew no conclusion about what it was seeing. To it, I did not look either spiritual or non-spiritual. I did not look Realized or not Realized.

Why did that deer draw no conclusions based in appearance? Well, first—of course—because it has no “mind.” Secondly, in the absence of a “mind,” it is far closer to Full Realization that any persons living in this neighborhood who think they know who or what “floyd” is.

So someone might see Me ask a person to leave satsang or an Advaita seminar, as happened last week. Less than five minutes into what was to be a fifty-five-minute-one-on-one session, the session was ended because the person sitting opposite Me went into an anger-based, resentful rant about two co-workers.

As he reported the details regarding the ways that other persons had offended him, the volume of the voice and the physical twisting and shifting increased as the original emotional reaction was re-sent through the body and mind of the man via this re-telling of his tales.

That re-sending of the original effects of the supposed offenses drove him to re-experience and even magnify the original reactions via the re-telling. Consider the way that re-sending supported and renewed “resentment” by understanding the roots of the words involved:

the French sentire = “to feel” and the French resentir = “to feel strongly” and/or “to feel bitter or indignant about.” Resentment was supported and amplified by re-sending the effects throughout a body-mind-personality triad.

The man was interrupted and was informed that the session would have to end. It was explained that, as in the case of oil and water, this speck abides as THAT, so one abiding in his fashion (with such intensity and anger and histrionics that were being used to reinforce his sense of separation and better-than-ness) cannot be engaged in the dance of unicity. [See yesterday’s post: Maharaj taught that “what is Real can never combine with the unreal.”]

The charge was made that “if I really had my s*** together, nothing could bother me.” The response was that no further explanation would be offered. Was there a “floyd” that was upset or “mad”? No. Does water choose not to combine with oil? No. There is no chooser that is deciding to combine or not combine. The not combining is just a natural process which happens spontaneously among the Realized.

Persons who sit in meetings and listen to an hour of nonsense and insanity have been programmed (re-programmed?) to do so. If Realization happens, then sanity and peace do not try to combine with nonsense and a lack of peace, especially when it is not true peace that is being sought by the talkers and when what is really being sought is a venue for re-sending whatever persons "feel strongly about" or "feel bitter and indignant about."

It might appear that the deer in this neighborhood move away from noisy children or noisy machinery, but in fact the deer are moving toward a place of quiet and silence. So, too, the Pure Witness moves to the quiet and the silence. Are the deer offended when persons about them are noisy? No, yet they do, simply and naturally, move toward the quiet and the silence. Unlike mindful persons, neither the deer nor the Realized can develop an addiction to chaos.

In the case of that seminar, this speck of Is-ness which requires food and clothing and shelter during the manifestation left the silence to speak, but there was no "speaker" other than the consciousness. As with Maharaj, some seekers came that were ready and their visit was allowed to continue;

some seekers came that were less ready but were at a point where they could hear certain pointers and staying happened; some came that were not ready but came to generate noise that distracted the other seekers or the teacher and staying did not happen; and some came with their own personal, ego-based agendas and they were “asked out” promptly, so to speak.

No matter the condition of the consciousness that comes or the plethora of blockages that persons bring or the number of persons who stay or the number of persons who leave, there is no "floyd" that is in any position other than a position of neutrality. No Realized speck is happy that “ready seekers” show or is unhappy that “not-ready seekers” show.

It is all witnessed, but that which is Real always sets forth an invitation for that which is unreal to leave. Sometimes the unreal disappears via an awakening. Sometimes, when it is obvious that no awakening is going to occur during any given session, the unreal is invited to leave and to take the body-cum-blocked-consciousness along with it.

The consideration is to understand that all appearances are false; to understand that Reality cannot be seen as long as persons are looking at what they take to be "others that are better than or lesser than" or at what they take to be their own most sacred cows;

and to understand that all cows—sacred or not—will generate BS that prevents seeing clearly…that prevents seeing the substance beyond the form…that prevents seeing the Real beyond the mis-perceived…and that prevents being able to differentiate the true from the false. Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)


While quantities last, the following package deal is being offered: Receive all nine (9) of the books listed below for $88 total with free shipping in the U.S. and ½ price shipping internationally.

[Sorry, but the offer does not apply to eBooks; this limited-time offer, however, is even less expensive than eBooks. This applies to the last of the paper books which are now in stock but which will never be available again. As various titles sell out, as happened with one title yesterday, the remaining paper versions will be offered at a pro-rated price of 50% off also.]

From the Absolute to the Nothingness
From the I to the Absolute (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)
It's All Bullshit (and Why Knowing it Sets You Free)
Self-Transformation Meditation Guide I
Self-Transformation Meditation Guide II
There's No Such Thing as ''Peace of Mind''
Spiritual Sobriety (Recovering What Religions Lost)
The Essence of the Teachings

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