The invitation was to address the issue of The Perfectionism Personality Disorder and its always accompanying Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
How does those relate to two of the key symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness which Maharaj identified as “ignorance and insanity”?
How ignorant is it to believe that one is perfect?
How ignorant is it to believe the leaders of congregations or sects or programs who believe their leaders when they say that their dogma or exercises or teachings can purify or even make persons perfect?
How insane is it to be driven by the machinations of an ever-churning mind which constantly recycles thoughts over and over and over again when those thoughts are themselves rooted in insanity?
How insane it is to let insane thoughts drive one to behave in compulsive (that is, in habitual, neurotic, uncontrollable, and irrational) ways?
How wise or sane is it to be driven by fanaticism and to charge full speed ahead with eyes totally shut while being driven by emotional intoxication and to do that throughout an entire relative existence? Not at all.
And how ignorant and insane is it to be driven by subconscious forces, put in place from early childhood on, and to be totally unaware of those forces which are actually and unconsciously determining your every thought and word and action? Would that not be totally ignorant and insane?
Yet most persons dismiss the effects of all the past programming and conditioning and acculturation and domestication and brainwashing and indoctrination to which they have been exposed and dismiss the lingering effects of everything that has happened in the past by saying, “Floyd that was then . . . this is now.”
What Maharaj made clear when he warned against personality identification and the everlasting effects of conditioning is that “then” is still “now” unless the ignorant and insane drivers which were set in place via psychological conditioning are recognized and eliminated.
Most people don't have a clue that they spend their entire lives fighting the patterns witnessed during their childhood, modeled by the authorities in their lives, stored in their minds, and now causing them to be driven by a repetition compulsion which assures that the earliest patterns they saw and are now copying will be repeated by them, no matter how ignorant and / or insane those early patterns were.
Hence Maharaj eventually said that the problems of humanity are not a result of being exposed to too little dogma; are not a result of “a spiritual malady” or “a sick soul”; but instead are centered in the minds which began to form as soon as children were exposed to programming and conditioning and acculturation and domestication and brainwashing and indoctrination.
Do persons "outgrow" the concepts which are planted in their minds? Never.
Those concepts will be there forever. How often does an awareness of those concepts come into consciousness? Almost never. Those who have spent their careers studying the mind know that persons never forget anything. Once a memory, concept, belief etc. is stored in the mind, it is forever stored in the mind.
How much of what was put into a child’s mind will come into consciousness during adulthood? Less than 1%.
Nevertheless, it is there, determining what thoughts are thought, what words are spoken, and what actions are taken.
Would anyone who is not ignorant and not sane accept a ticket for a ride on a train with no engineer to drive it and with no working brakes? Of course not, if they are sane enough to make a conscious choice.
Yet persons are deprived of the ability to make conscious choices when they are being driven by subconscious forces instead. Thus, children are programmed, conditioned, acculturated, domesticated, brainwashed, and indoctrinated to think certain ways, to talk certain ways, and to behave certain ways, and then they will think and talk and behave in those ways for a lifetime if realization does not happen (realization, per Maharaj, simply being “freed from ignorance”).
The result? Humans' bodies are like runaway trains without any brakes. They have no ability to make choices that are wise because they are being driven by subconscious forces which are steeped in ignorance and insanity.
A sense of perfectionism leads to a sense of being different from others, and a sense of being different from others can occasionally lead to low self-esteem, but more often, it leads to a sense of excessively high self-esteem and the belief that one is better than others. That sense of separation fosters a sense of duality, and all duality is a lie.
To be trapped in personality is to be trapped in personality and disorders and is to live a lie.
Among the results of certain disorders are a sense of being perfect along with obsessive thinking and compulsive behaviors, all of which lead to fanaticism. Seldom will fanatics find others who are as fanatical about what they are fanatical about, but if they do find those types, they will become a member of their religion or a member of their program or a member of their spiritual movement or a member of their political party, etc.
Then any other persons around those fanatics will be exposed to the ignorance and insanity of persons who are being driven by their fanatical, fervent, zealous, and besotted belief systems. And that is no fun to be around at all, just as it is no fun to be that way at all.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
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