Friday, March 31, 2017

THE ULTIMATE SICKNESS: Causes, Symptoms, Aspects, Effects, TREATMENT, Part Ninety-Seven

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[Continued from yesterday]

The reason that Grandmother and her relatives and those in her community so cherished that which they pointed to with the terms "Mother Earth" and "Father Sky" was because of what they understood. 

They understood the functioning of the totality, the way that sunshine / light interacts with plants and allows for the manifestation of consciousness within a composite unity . . . that is, within an elemental plant food body. 

They also understood that the composite unity must circulate clean air and that the composite unity circulates conscious-energy via the regular consumption of healthy, non-contaminated plant food. 

Even when they ate the meat of deer, they knew that the deer had survived by eating plants and was passing on to them the consciousness-sustaining energy provided by the consumption of healthy plants. 

Maharaj said, "Someday science will advance to the point that it validates all of the non-dual teachings." 

Grandmother, having received no "formal education and learning," was prepared to receive the wisdom passed down to her, so she would have understood the words of the scientist Szent-Gyorgyi when he said, “What drives life is … a little electric current, set up by the sunshine." She understood the functioning of the totality without having to learn scientific words or principles, and she understood the necessity of healthy plants and sunshine and clean water in the process she was temporarily a part of.

The wisdom - such as that shared via the vision - allows one to understand without the addition of learned knowledge (a.k.a., "learned ignorance").

In the vision being discussed, the ways of the functioning of the totality were made clear as certain natural elements appeared throughout. Prevalent throughout the vision were these four: 

1. healthy plants and forests and clean lands 

2. water in the form of a branch ("branch water") and a pool and a waterfall and a stream irrigating a desert and an ocean and a lake 

3. pure winds / clean air 


4. light . . . in fact, very bright light. 

What the vision did include was a detailed demonstration of how life comes about, a demonstration of how conscious-energy manifests and cycles, and a demonstration of how the four life-facilitating components listed above cycle and allow spaces (called "humans") to form and to survive for a time by (a) consuming healthy elemental plant food (and thus circulating conscious-energy) and by (b) receiving the light both directly as well as by way of plant consumption and by (c) drinking pure water. 

What the vision did include was a presentation of exactly what is required for composite unities (including humans) to form; to provide a space in which the consciousness can manifest; to provide a space capable of circulating air and consuming plant food and thereby allowing for the cycling of - and the continuing manifestation of - conscious-energy for a time. 

Grandmother understood that if persons bastardize the plants of the earth and the water of the earth by inundating them with contaminants, then the present fashion in which the totality is functioning on planet earth - as illustrated in the vision - will end. 

What the vision did not include for the functioning of the totality to continue was a need to ignore the wind and solar energy that the indigenous peoples relied on. 

What the vision did not include for the functioning of the totality to continue was a need to drill into the earth or to frack the earth in order to remove oil and gas and coal.

What the vision did not include for the functioning of the totality to continue was a need to tolerant corporate-induced earthquakes, oil spills, gas line explosions, and the dumping of contaminants in streams and rivers and the pumping of contaminants into the air in order to allow business profits to be greater by not having to invest money in ways to end their contaminating practices.

What the vision did not include  for the functioning of the totality to continue was billionaire mine owners or super rich oil and gas company executives or multi-billionaire business people or millionaire and billionaire politicians, leaders, dictators, despots, tyrants, autocrats, or authoritarians. 

What the vision did not include for the functioning of the totality to continue were imams, ayatollahs, rabbis, priests, preachers, sponsors, cult leaders, super religious persons and their sky cult leaders, or spiritual giants. 

What the vision did not include  for the functioning of the totality to continue were gods or goddesses or a God or any other entities living in some "other world" to control what goes on this planet. To the contrary, everything that happened in the vision happened spontaneously and automatically and instinctively and mindlessly and unthinkingly without input from any kind of "Controller of Things and People" and without any learned ignorance involved at all. 

What the vision did not include  for the functioning of the totality to continue were any unnatural things or concepts or any supernatural things or concepts. All was natural

And because all was natural, then all was mindless; and because all was mindless, then all was also concept-less.

If the functioning of the totality is to continue on planet earth and is to facilitate the functioning of humans and is to allow them to continue to be for a time, then the things which are included in the vision are not optional. They are requirements.

And if the functioning of the totality is to continue on planet earth and is to continue to facilitate the functioning of humans and to allow them to continue to be for a time, then the things which are not included in the vision - but which are currently present on the planet and which are using their influence and authority to jeopardize the things which are in the vision - then those things which are not in the vision must be neutralized. 

Moreover, as far as the relative existence of humans is concerned, that neutralization is a requirement, not an option.

To be continued. 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

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Thursday, March 30, 2017

THE ULTIMATE SICKNESS: Causes, Symptoms, Aspects, Effects, TREATMENT, Part Ninety-Six

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Maharaj said, "Only that person will visit this place whose virtue and sin have come to an end." 

Some have taken from that the perspective that they have a license to "sin," that is, to do whatever (relative) harm they want to whomever or to whatever they want.

To reject all beliefs and thereby reject any duality-based notions about "what is moral vs. what is immoral" and about "who is moral and who is immoral" is not to say, "It does not matter if I do things which people consider to be immoral and if I do whatever I want to whomever or to whatever I want." 

The realized abide in a spontaneous fashion which will appear to objective observers to be "moral" but which is really just natural and normal without having to forever analyze if any given word or action is either "moral" or "immoral."

Marcus Tullius Cicero was a fairly wise Roman philosopher, politician, lawyer, orator, political theorist, consul, and constitutionalist who lived in Rome some 2,120 years ago, He said that there are six mistakes which humans have made throughout history and which they continue to make to the present, and the number one mistake is "believing that personal gain is made by crushing others." 

If one understands Maharaj's pointers regarding what wisdom is and what Love is and what the sense of oneness is, then one will function in a way which spontaneously and automatically preempts any possibility of believing that (1) "personal gain" and accumulation are worthy goals; that (2) there are "others"; and that (3) it is fine and acceptable and even necessary to "crush others" in the pursuit of personal gain. 

My Cherokee grandmother, by word and deed, instilled in me a sense of respect for "Mother Earth" and "Father Sky." She was not a fanatical environmentalist on a campaign; she was one that merely understood that if a child falls into a body of water, it cannot breath so it is Loving to pull the child out of the water so it can inhale fresh air and survive. Similarly, she knew that clean air for breathing is required for the sustenance of all composite unities, both now and in the future.

She was one who understood that the adage "Waste not, want not" was rooted in non-duality. For example, she knew that when the men returned from a hunt with a deer that none of it would be wasted and that every single piece and parcel of the deer's elemental plant food body would be used: 

Everything edible would be eaten; the hides were used to make all sorts of clothing or to make shelter or to stretch across wooden frames to make the seats for chairs; she knew that the brains could be used to tan the hides in order to make soft, comfortable jackets or leather purses and carryalls; the antlers were used to make tools; the hooves were boiled to make glue; the bones were cracked for their marrow and were then used to make handles for knives or tools; 

smaller racks / horns were used to make buttons and zipper pulls; the tongue and other parts were used to season cabbage and other vegetables; stomachs were used for water storage; sinews and intestines were used to make tools and bow strings and were used for sewing or for making jewelry to wear or - more often - to trade for other goods; and tallow was used as a lubricant for metals, as a conditioner for leathers, and to make candles. 

And while the walking stick given to Grandmother had a bear claw on the end, the walking stick she gave me had a hooked anther on the end. Both were used to slide under a snake's midsection and to set it aside (a technique often used with the copperheads in her woods which had a habit of lying out in sunny spots on the trails we walked together). 

So what would Grandmother's perspective have been in regards to those persons who believe that it is acceptable to crush "others" - and to crush the planet - for "personal gain"? The notion would be totally foreign. According to her perspective, all was to be shared, including the earth, the air, housing, food, water . . . all.

For a time she lived in a tent while her relatives and their friends were clearing land in East Texas in order to build a log cabin that would be some 60' wide and several times as long. Once the building was complete, three extended families hung hides from the roof to the earth floor in order to partition the cabin into three sections and then all shared it as their home. 

Those ancestors of mine were realized, that is free of ignorance and destructiveness and an unchecked desire to accumulate and to waste and to defile; thus, they did not crap inside their home. In their perspective, to crap in one's home would have been ignorant, stupid, and totally insane. 

Nor did they wreck their home or defile it or debase it or degrade it or pollute it. They respected the home and they respected the people who were sharing the home with them, a home which they all knew they were only using temporarily and which they therefore took care of in order to be able to pass it along to their offspring to also use temporarily someday.

And they understood that the greater home for humanity is planet earth.

A man with a house on the same street as the one I live in is unemployed, laid off by the oil industry when supply exceeded demand several years ago. On my walks in the morning, I have heard him share with neighbors how much he abhors "tree huggers" who have ruined oil workers' chances to make what was once a great living;

how much he abhorred Obama for his environmental initiatives that strangled the opportunity for businessmen and women to "make some real money"; and how happy he is that he is soon to get a job in which he will be paid to ship tar sand oil across the U.S. from Canada to the Gulf coast in order for that oil to be shipped to other parts of the globe. 

In the U.S., over 1.3 million gallons (4.9 million liters) of petroleum are spilled into U.S. waters from vessels and pipelines in a typical year. Here, over 365 pipeline ruptures occur annually, meaning that every day, on average, there is another breach and more contamination. Tar sand stands alone as the dirtiest type of oil on the planet. 

What would Grandmother say about flushing such contaminants into 36-inch pipes which will move it some 1,200 miles across the nation? You know.

More to the point, what does that have to do with non-duality and realization? Everything. 

The realized are free of any and all desire to accumulate, free of any and all desire to waste, free of any and all desire to defile their home, free of any and all desire to contaminate all rather than to purify all, free of any and all desire to disrespect the land and the sky, and free of any and all desire to allow the goal of "personal gain" to crush any and all other considerations. 

If there is no excessive desire to accumulate, there will not be any willingness to waste. 

Maharaj: "Whatever you do for your own sake accumulates and becomes explosive." 

If there is sanity, persons will not "take a dump in their own house" (and will not dump waste into lakes and rivers and oceans, either). 

If there is no fear or greed, the effects of contamination will not be outweighed by the desire for riches. 

But for the greedy, all of those considerations are "the kind of dreamy nonsense which hinders businesses and business people from accomplishing their goals and attaining personal gain." 

If there is no greed, there will be no willingness to crush others. 

Maharaj: "To be selfish means to covet, acquire, accumulate on behalf of the part against the whole" 


"Live your life without hurting anybody" 


"What kind of world can a man create who is stupid, greedy, heartless?" 

Maharaj promoted " Ahimsa," that is "Harmlessness, abstaining from hurting others in thought, word or deed." 

He said: "The split between the personality and individuality is characteristic of our present-day humanity. On one side the individuality with its longing for the true, the good and the beautiful; on the other side an ugly struggle between habit and ambition, fear and greed, passivity and violence" 


"All suffering is caused by selfish isolation, by insularity and greed."

To transcend the widespread tendency among humans who have now normalized the act of crapping in their own home - in their "greater home" - requires first and foremost transcending the widespread tendency among those same humans who have now normalized their polluted and contaminated minds.

To be continued. 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

THE ULTIMATE SICKNESS: Causes, Symptoms, Aspects, Effects, TREATMENT, Part Ninety-Five

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To review: Maharaj: Three of the key symptoms of the Ultimate Sickness are "ignorance, stupidity and insanity." 

Maharaj: "Realization is merely freedom from ignorance" (and, of course, stupidity and insanity). 

Ignorance and stupidity and insanity are a result of ignorant and stupid and insane programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, brainwashing, and indoctrination, which all persons are now subjected too from early on. 

Maharaj's third estimate / guesstimate of how many will realize: "Only 1 in 10,000,000." 

Thus, the masses, having only the slightest chance of ever being realized (that is, of being freed of the "ignorance, stupidity and insanity" which has been passed down to them) will be "non-realized." 

The non-realized move through relative existence in the most ignorant and stupid and insane fashion imaginable without choosing to do so because their programming, conditioning, etc. has led them to identify with their bodies and minds and personalities. 

Personalities, in turn, each have their own subconscious, hidden agendas and their own specific fears and desires. 

To be driven by subconscious, hidden agendas and fears and desires is a formula for misery and suffering. 

The effects of misery and suffering impact persons even if they deny the presence of misery and suffering (or the presence of depression or nervousness or anxiety or stress or irritability or anger or a host of other mental and emotional and behavioral problems). 

To be driven by the subconscious, hidden agendas of false identities is insane and assures that one will be driven by warped perspectives and also guarantees that one will be unable to consciously choose what one thinks and says and does. 

Freedom from ignorance and insanity and from being driven by warped perspectives and subconscious agendas is what the realization process offers. 

So, to continue with the sharing of other different perspectives which came via the vision: 

It was seen all merely cycles, so it was also seen that energy / matter comes and goes; that composites come together naturally and come apart naturally; and it was seen that there is not the slightest pain or suffering involved at the end of the final unmanifesting process and that there is most assuredly no pain or suffering or punishment post-manifestation. 

That understanding is offered here with a hopefully-comforting smile to those who are desiring a post-manifestation "reward" while fearing a post-manifestation punishment. 

That understanding is especially offered to those so lost in the Dream of the Planet that they actually believe that (A) praising "Someone" of "Something" 24 / 7 for eternity or (B) cycling in and out of multiple lives would is a possibility when it is not. 

The vision showed, to the contrary, that what follows the unmanifesting is the void, the nothingness, and to the truly realized, understanding that will prove to be quite soothing, quite calming, quite comforting. 

Then this came: 

And when was the last time you felt totally soothed, totally calm? Was it not during the gull (ignorance, no-knowing) stage? And the answer followed: Yes, it was. 

The vision made clear that blocked specks of manifested consciousness (blocked via programming, conditioning, etc.) soon become identified with that body left outside the arch at the beginning of the vision. It was obvious that transcending body identification was the first step on the "journey" to realization (a.k.a., "freedom from learned ignorance"). 

The vision showed that the effects of the blocking of the consciousness include persons being rendered unable to see that the relative "i" is nothing more than a temporarily-manifested speck of conscious-energy and being rendered unable to understand that the body is nothing more than earth elements that are cycling to maintain the body in which I - the consciousness - AM presently manifested. 

The vision made clear that conscious-energy is cycling into and out of the body as much as the air is, that eating happens in order to replenish the supply, and that the notion that the same consciousness has always been manifested in the same body is a falsehood that is rooted in illusory samskaras. 

The vision showed that specks of conscious-energy exist forever because energy can cycle but cannot be created or destroyed. A plant food body does not last and cannot last because all that comes together on this planet will eventually come apart (as proved scientifically and factually by the Second Law of Thermodynamics). 

The vision made clear that blocked specks of consciousness "come to a wall" (or to a stone arch) because so few understand that a speck of energy could still exist even after the (elemental plant food) brain has gone, but it must be understood that the conscious-energy is manifested in every cell of the body, not just in the brain. 

Then this came: 

 Of course the elements must return to the universal pool of elements because elements cannot be created or destroyed. Also, the conscious-energy must be released when the elements are no longer joined in a configuration that is presently called "a body," but that energy cannot be destroyed, so it will last though the specific body will not. 

The vision then made this clear: Via the dissolution, the previously-circulating body elements will return to the universal pool of elements, the previously-circulating air will be released into the universal pool of air, and the previously-circulating manifested conscious-energy will be released into the universal pool of conscious-energy. Once no longer manifested in a body, it will assume its pre-manifestation form of "Awareness That Is Not Aware Of." 

 It was also made clear that nothing more is happening; that nothing that is happening is happening as a result of a Causer but is all happening spontaneously; and that all which happens between 

(A) the formation of a plant food body 


(B) the final dissolution actually happens in a mental realm and in an imagined "world" and is never the way it appears to be to the non-Realized masses; that nothing in the "in-between world" has any lasting meaning or purpose; and that it all really is "much ado about nothing." 

The vision made clear that all which happens is merely happening under the auspices of the most basic principles that are taught - but evidently seldom learned - in most 4th grade level, basic science classes. 

(Maharaj often said that these teachings are so simple because there is nothing to reconcile that could not be understood with an understanding of the scientific principles that he predicted would advance to the stage that all of the ancient non-dual understandings will someday be scientifically, factually verified.) 

The vision made clear that the ultimate problem, though, does not involve as much what persons do not know as what persons think they do know, namely, all of the "acquired knowledge" - a.k.a., "learned ignorance" - that has been accumulated along the way that is cast off in the vision at the fourth stage . . . the gull stage . . . after the return to the Child No-Knowing Stage. 

The vision made clear that neither the body nor a gauzy, winged version of the body will exist post-manifestation in any form because all of the elements which make up the parts are going to return to the universal pool of elements. 

The vision showed how to reverse back to the Absolute, but it also showed that those seven steps - if studied in reverse - actually illustrate the original manifesting process. In that illustration, the vision makes clear that there was no pre-manifestation "You" or "Me," that there was most certainly nobody (no body) awaiting "birth" or "creation," and that notions about "pre-birth" contracts are merely so much delusional fiction. 

The vision made clear that one need but see that "I AM energy" is fact. 

The vision also made clear that the body in which the consciousness is temporarily manifested cannot last forever as a specific form and that it will, therefore, return to the pool of elements when the elements which have come together will eventually come apart. And it showed that all of that will happen painlessly and in a suffering-free manner. 

That is the case among the realized whether the dissolution happens quickly or drags out over a period, as illustrated by Maharaj whose case was the latter. He witnessed the pain of the body that was experiencing the spreading cancerous growth within. The same happens here. 

There is not a single day now that the effects of a motorcycle accident that occurred years ago do not generate body pain. Being tossed onto the surface of a highway at 70 m.p.h. resulted in the breaking of both major bones in the right leg, breaking multiple bones in the left hand, undergoing 17 breaks in the right foot and ankle, dislocating hips and shoulders, a concussion, and more. Yet the pain has no "mental" or "emotional" effect on the way that "Floyd" moves through each day, and it certainly has no effect on the "spirit" since that does not exist. As with Maharaj, it is all merely witnessed. 

The seven steps of the vision, if understood and felt and "experienced" fully, can generate a sense of comfort and calm and relief and ease alongside a courage-generating sense of security and well-being and contentment and gladness and Love. 

How can that claim be offered with such assurance? If it happened for "floyd," it can happen for anyone with intellect (meaning, "with a capacity to understand"). 

To be continued. 

 Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

THE ULTIMATE SICKNESS: Causes, Symptoms, Aspects, Effects, TREATMENT, Part Ninety-Four

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Some of you remember Michael in California who shared on this site some reflections about what transpired during his two visits to Maharaj's loft. On one of his visits, Maharaj warned those who had come to his flat that they should "beware of Big Name Teachers." 

Consider the syllogistic reasoning which led Maharaj to arrive at that conclusion: 

A. Only a few on the planet at any given moment are fully realized, Maharaj said, so those among the masses are seldom ever realized. 

B. The masses not only do not want to hear the truth; they can actually become angry or even enraged if someone shares with them their truth. 

C. Big Name Teachers are Big Name Teachers because they are popular among the masses;

therefore, Big Name Teachers are most assuredly not telling the truth to the thousands and hundreds of thousands and even millions of "fans" with whom they are popular. 

Recently, Ted Koppel (a British-born journalist in the U.S. who was for 25 years the anchor of Nightline, a program which earned an international reputation for Koppel's "telling it like it is") was being interviewed by a television commentator / personality on what is presently the most popular, Alt-Right "news" station in the U.S. 

When Koppel shared with the commentator that the commentator's telecasts were a disservice to the U.S. public - filled as they are with distortions and warped, right-wing perspectives - the shocked personality asked how Koppel could say that. 

Koppel replied: “You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.” 

Maharaj could have said the same to Hindu and Catholic priests, to Protestant ministers, to Muslim ayatollahs and imams, to Jewish rabbis, and to leaders of all such religious cults: “You have attracted people who are determined that dogma is more important than facts.” 

Maharaj could have said the same to most gurus, to most so-called "non-dual teachers," to so-called "spiritual leaders," to life coaches, to twelve-step sponsors, to spiritual counselors, to spiritual giants, to Maharṣis / Maharishis, to millionaire "spiritual writers," and to so-called "masters": “You have attracted people who are determined that spirituality (which always comes in a kindergarten-level variety) is more important than facts.” 

The author Jonathan Swift said: "When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." 

Harsh? Maybe, but the point is, Maharaj made clear that while certain of his contemporaries were welcoming thousands of visitors to their ashrams, and accumulating considerable wealth in the process, he was content to welcome a few twice a day to his small loft. 

When a wealthy man offered to build for Maharaj the grandest ashram in all of India, Maharaj flatly refused the offer. 

Too, when Maharaj abandoned religion-and-spirituality-based versions of the Ultimate Medicine, many joined into a confederacy again him, some claiming that "his ego pulled him right out of his formerly admirable spiritual state." 

The facts: Maharaj cared not a whit about either admiration or rejection; popularity or infamy; status or notoriety; renown or outrage; excess or scarcity. 

Whereas most persons both then and now are determined that their ideology / philosophy / religion / spirituality / creeds / principles / warped perspectives / concepts / beliefs, etc. are more important than facts and truth, there are a few that "get it," that is, that find at the end of their seeking a new and different perspective from that held by the masses; only then can they become free, after which they can return to the enjoyment of the unconditional happiness which they last experienced during the Child Ignorance Stage or the Child No-Knowing State. 

Many of the different perspectives which came here came via a vision which clarified valid pointers which had been received during the too-long-and-far-too-arduous seeking process. To continue with the sharing of some of those: 

After additional study of the content of the vision, this came: 

So that's what Maharaj meant when he said, "You are not in the world . . . the world is in you." In the vision, the shift from the limited and limiting identification wit the false "I" began to happen by moving through an arch. 

It became clear: That which is outside the arch - the elemental plant food body-cum-consciousness - is real because it is energy-matter, yet it is not what it appears to be. 

Once the arch is passed through, the next steps on "the path" illustrate the mental "world" (an imagined, dreamed up "world") which is the "world" that is viewed through the dirty, obscured window of the fiction-filled mind and that is experienced via the assigned and assumed personas that subconsciously drive non-realized, body-mind-personality-identified persons' thoughts and words and actions, even as they believe they are making conscious choices.

Then, this came: 

Therefore, of course they are not in the world . . . the world is in them, meaning . . . in their minds. 

The vision also revealed this: after one's former "bad" roles have supposedly been replaced with new, "good" roles that have been adopted (such as, "The Super Religious One," "The Spiritual Giant," "The Knower-Of-It-All," "The Super Virtuous One," "The Guardian of the Moral Fabric of the Planet," ad infinitum), all of which are illustrated by that which the raven siphoned into itself, then one begins living under the influence of the Dream of the Planet, walking about while playing roles on the stage of the Theater of the Lie. 

It was seen that nowhere in the vision was there any judging of those playing those roles. 

The vision made clear that those are also steps on "the path," steps which must be taken but which must eventually be transcended if realization is to happen. 

Thus, such "good"-role-playing will continue until the raven - representing all of the final roles that are played except for "The Seeker," which will continue to be played for a period - dissolves into the gull, allowing one to return to "The Child No-Knowing Stage" (a.k.a., "The Child Ignorance Stage" or "The No Concepts, No Notions, No Ideas, No Thoughts, No Misperceptions, Zero Concepts, No-Beliefs Stage.) 

The vision made clear that (a) the non-realized use the word "I" to refer to all of the false identities / personas which they have been assigned or that they have adopted; that (b) the word "I" should never again be used to refer to anything other than the manifested consciousness; and that (c) the Real "I" during manifestation is nothing more than the Pure Witnessing. 

The vision made clear that the steps are taken in total silence after having received pointers along the way which point from one step to the next.

The vision made clear that, after the third-leg "return" when reality is subsequently overlaid on the relative, then (A) either the consciousness speaks, or (B) there is the belief that a persona - a false image that has been assumed as an identity - is speaking. 

Next came another quandary, namely, trying to reconcile (a) the newly-found understanding about there being four-legs to the overall "journey" with (b) the pointer that comes at the end of the vision, specifically, THAT is all there is. 

This was raised: But that's not all there is if the vision is depicting the second leg of "the journey" when realization happens because there's a third leg which involves "returning" and overlaying reality upon the relative existence in order to abide for the remainder of the manifestation in a natural and sane and sound and logical and reasonable fashion. So what does that mean? 

Then, this clarification came: 

Ah, so the vision provides insight into the second-leg realization process - the going back, the reversing - but it also foreshadows what will happen during the fourth leg which moves one from identification with the physical, elemental plant food body to THAT. 

It is then that the "THAT is all there is" point will apply to this unmanifesting speck of conscious-energy as it completes all four legs. Got it! 

Then once more, peace came, and it was seen that it was not a "peace that surpasses all understanding" but a peace that comes with all understanding . . . with understanding all involved with the functioning of the totality. 

At that point, words from Spinoza flashed into the consciousness, explaining that persons who are out of touch with reality / Reality and who lack understanding are "ignorant of the causes by which actions are determined." 

It was seen that understanding the functioning of the totality and understanding that the cause of all is all is most comforting. 

To be continued. 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

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Monday, March 27, 2017

THE ULTIMATE SICKNESS: Causes, Symptoms, Aspects, Effects, TREATMENT, Part Ninety-Three

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The series will close with a sharing of the new and different perspectives which came by way of a particular vision. Those familiar with "floyd's journey" know that 

a. the stage was set early on to rebel against the programming, conditioning, etc.; 

b. that persons in authority eventually quelled the rebellion; and c. that the quelled rebellion blocked authenticity and blocked the ability to perceive clearly. The familiar also know 

d. that the subconscious drive to escape from the frustrating and exasperating and maddening sense of being blocked from the authenticity took a serious toll; 

e. that exposure to hundreds and hundreds of sources - including all of what Maharaj disparagingly called "the Big Name Teachers" who are to be avoided - did nothing to remove the blockage; 

f. that finding the words of Maharaj began to remove the blockages somewhat (especially after exposure to his later non-religious, non-spiritual, purer Nisargan talks); 

g. that even the pointers received from Maharaj did not remove all of the blockages (but did set the stage for turning back finally to the inner resource, the inner guru, that had been pointing out the culture's BS from early on); 


h. set the stage to receive an inner vision which provided the understanding of the functioning of the totality and why the Ultimate Sickness manifests and why most versions of the Ultimate Medicine do not provide a viable treatment plan. 

When satsang was being offered here, and when seekers come for a non-dual retreat, what happens with them when the discussion of the vision unfolds is often exactly what happened me we as the vision unfolded originally. There is almost always an "Aha!" kind of reaction to the clarity that comes with an understanding of the content of that vision. It was a "game-changer" here and has often a game-changer of seekers who have read it over the years and grasped the message or who have come here and heard it and grasped the message. 

The vision made clear that there are seven degrees of separation from reality among humans. The separation comes about during the initial "coming in process" (that is, during the process of manifesting-and-being-programmed-conditioned, etc.); therefore, there are seven specific steps during the "reversing" - the "going back" - that must be undertaken to move from body identification to full realization (that is, to full freedom from what Maharaj called "learned ignorance").

[That understanding, in turn, made clear that - as Maharaj often said - attaining realization really is a fairly simple process. Once "the Absolute" and "realization" have been stripped of all of the conceptualized and exalted and illustrious and elevating and glorifying acclaim that has been attached to them over the centuries, then the simple process of manifesting and unmanifesting as illustrated in the vision can be seen and understood. There is nothing special about the manifestation, and the vision made most clear that there is nothing special about unmanifesting.] 

The vision made clear that if - at the third step - seekers do not stop playing any and all false roles (including their false religious and spiritual roles), then they will never move beyond the third of seven steps and they will never realize; in fact, when stuck at the third of seven steps, they will obviously never even reach the halfway point to realization. 

[That, in turn, made clear Maharaj's point that there are those who are standing in the dim light of dawn but are imaginings that they have completed the full journey and are now being bathed in the bright light of the noonday sun.] 

The vision made clear that nothing is born and that nothing dies and that all that is happening is a cycling of the energy-matter that has always existed. 

The vision made clear that, because energy-matter can neither be created nor destroyed, there is no creator and there is no destroyer. 

The vision made clear that if that is nothing created or destroyed, it is a fact that there is no "Creator" and no "Destroyer" and, thus most certainly, no need during the relative for a Sustainer. 

The vision made clear that manifesting and unmanifesting happen spontaneously and that neither involves any meaning or purpose at all. 

The vision made clear that there should be as little focusing on - and being concerned about - one's unmanifesting as there is about one's next breath. 

The vision made clear that there is no "one" to benefit from being religious, spiritual, virtuous, or "good" and that it is an understanding of the Oneness and Love which leads the realized away from any desire to harm anyone. 

[To some Subject-Object observers, the realized might appear to be "good" even as they reject the dualistic concept of "good vs. evil" and "moral vs. immoral." As far as explaining the non-realized's labeling of some people as "evil," it was seen via careful consideration of what happens during the vision and via what did not happen in the vision (namely, judgment, eternal reward vs. eternal punishment, eternal pain vs. eternal pleasure, etc.) that in the absence of there being any chance at all that the concepts of "good" and "evil" are valid, then the only other plausible explanation for what the masses call "evil acts" is offered by Maharaj who saw the problem of humanity as being rooted in "ignorance and stupidity and insanity." That understanding of actual "motivation and cause" eliminates any overly-simplistic, dualistic explanation for human conduct and also allows for understanding humanity's "real issues" which need to be addressed rather than dismissing any act that is thought to be unsavory as "evil."] 

Therefore, the vision also made clear that there is no post-dissolution reward or punishment. 

The vision made clear that the Second Law of Thermodynamics does accurately point to the non-dual fact that things merely come together spontaneously and that all things will eventually come apart spontaneously. All in between that is taken be "a life" is "much ado about nothing"  among the non-realized who live in ignorance and insanity as a result of ignorant and insane programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, brainwashing and indoctrination.

The vision made clear that fear is based in not understanding and that courage is based in the understanding of the functioning of the totality which follows realization (that is, the purging of ignorance).

The vision made clear that body and mind and personality identification are all obstacles to realization and that each step which moves one away from those is a step which moves a seeker closer to realization. 

The vision made clear that manifesting, Realizing, abiding sanely and unmanifesting are all legs of what is, overall, a "four-part, four-leg journey." 

The vision made clear that abidance as one's Original Nature is sane and natural and that anything else is unnatural (including things deemed "supernatural" or "spiritual"). 

The vision made clear that while a guide or guru can be a temporary requirement for assisting one in reaching the arch - that is, for putting a seeker on the proper "path" and headed in the proper direction away from body identification alone - the movement through the steps to the final dissolution, to the total understanding, and to full realization did not happen in congregations or flocks or assemblies or groups or gatherings or meetings or in any venue that is not a natural one. 

The vision showed that most use needless and superfluous and gratuitous venues. (Those venues can now be seen to include churches; spiritual groups; temples; mosques; ashrams; cathedrals; synagogues; "houses of worship"; shrines; places on earth that some deem to be "special and holy and mystical"; groups that chant; groups around tables with captive audiences where the abnormal norm is to talk and talk and talk; groups with members who become emotionally-intoxicated and roll around on the floor during their services; groups that speak "in tongues" that they claim are "unknown, even to them"; groups that hum or chant; groups that ring "special" bells or hit "special bowls" with "special sticks" or who inhale "special" perfumed smoke and do things with "special" water; or in any other man-made structure or any man-designated place). 

The vision made clear that none of those unnatural and / or supposedly supernatural complications are necessary. 

In the vision, it was made clear that all happened privately, alone in a natural setting, not in any place made by man for the purpose of "worship" or "idolization" or "reverence" or "veneration" or for the purpose of showing off one's assigned or assumed religious and / or spiritual roles or for any other unnatural or supposedly-supernatural purpose. 

In the vision, it was made clear that all happened without the accompaniment of smoke screens and bells and whistles and earthly choirs or "heavenly" choirs or heavenly brothels.

The vision made clear that realization requires no shouting or chanting or singing or screaming or babbling by other people because, in the vision, there were no other people. Preceding the vision, certain key pointers were offered, and then the understanding unfolded spontaneously via the content of the vision which came.

The vision made clear not only exactly what is required for full realization (which is minimal) but also made clear what is not required (additions which, on this planet, are excessive and extreme and disproportionate to what, in the end, is a process that was shown in the vision to be exactly as Maharaj described: "simple"). 

The vision made clear that the Absolute (the so-called "Ultimate Reality" or "Great Reality") is actually nothing more than an all-pervasive "field of energy" in which pre-manifestation consciousness is at rest in the form of Awareness; and consciousness itself was shown to be, merely and simply, conscious-energy, energy which has, as one property, a propensity for "conscious-of-ness" if / when manifested. 

The vision showed that the Absolute is merely that "field of energy" from which consciousness can be drawn into manifestation. 

The vision also depicted the "field" to which consciousness returns during the unmanifesting. 

The vision revealed what the lowest, tiniest common "something" is (which all in this universe is and which all in all universes is and always has been). 

The vision showed that ALL is without beginning and without end with nothing ever having been "created," with nothing ever having been "destroyed," and, therefore, with nothing ever in need of an "Other-Worldly, All-Powerful (yet really inefficient) Sustainer." 

In the vision, not once did a "Creator" or "Destroyer" or "Sustainer" appear. 

In the vision, all happened spontaneously and without any single cause or "causer" or "Causer." 

In the vision, nothing that happened had any unnatural or supernatural / religious / spiritual element. All happened naturally; hence, the incorporation of the Nisarga Yoga with the Direct Path Teaching Method that is used here. 

To be continued. 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

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Sunday, March 26, 2017

THE ULTIMATE SICKNESS: Causes, Symptoms, Aspects, Effects, TREATMENT, Part Ninety-Two

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Ultimately, to try to support any “identity” alongside “the no-concept, non-dual reality” is itself contradictory. 

At the “highest level” of understanding, any “identity” is seen to be conceptual. 

“Bliss” is merely an undisturbed, unconcerned vibration. 

The ultimate non-dual understanding is that there need not be any understanding. So relax. 

When a “state” of zero concepts is reached, it is understood that there is no “identity” at all. 

Nothing from nothing leaves . . . nothing, not “SOMETHING.” 

“Absolute,” “THAT,” “Brahman,” “God,” “energy,” “energy-matter,” “Consciousness,” “Awareness,” “SOMETHING,” "SELF," "SELF-ness," "Supreme SELF," and "Infinite SELF" are still man-made labels generated by persons. 

Ultimately, to find out “who or what you are” is useless since there is no who to benefit, no user to use. 

Finding out “who you are not” could eliminate unnatural and supernatural living and allow natural, AS IF living to happen throughout the remainder of the manifestation. That would also allow freedom to happen, and only if free can bliss happen. 

The non-realized masses are addicted to chaos, forever trying to escape their sense of boredom and emptiness. Only when the addiction to the sound and the fury ends can the joy and bliss of the silence begin. 

To look to the universe and to focus on the concept of “SOMETHING” prevents seeing “The Reality of the Emptiness,” “The Reality of the Void,” “The Reality of the Nothingness.” 

Ego always wants more; freedom from the bondage of ego results in giving value to less. 

Ego is about going and doing and zooming in order to collect more; freedom from the love of more allows the non-doingness (the beingness only) to manifest, at least temporarily. 

Persons search for “the divine” and for an understanding of all that is “supernatural” when, in fact, there is nothing that is supernatural at all. The result of their having been fooled is an endless stream of desires and fears among persons. Those create a constant sense of longing, and longing generates a constant sense of dis-ease. It also inspires persons to look for power or some external, other-worldly Power in order to take care of them and give them everything they desire.

Understanding the functioning of the totality has not advanced a single iota in 5000 years since virgins were raped, killed, cut open with a knife, and had their hearts - body and blood - removed and eaten by the priest and then passed throughout the crowds in an act of communion with an angry rain god in an effort to appease him and thereby receive the rains which their crops needed in order to survive. The abnormal norm occurring and reoccurring on a regular basis during those days =


Today, Sunday, the 26th of March at 9:15 A.M. in this timezone, the same abnormal norm continues as many among the present-day 2.2 billion Christians who still laud virginity (without knowing why the pagan religion, which their present religion evolved from, wanted an unending and steady supply of virgins) and who even believe that their savior was "born of a virgin," will gather and practice vampirism and cannibalism by drinking what is supposedly the blood of their savior and by eating what is supposedly the body of their savior, modeling that for their children and setting the youth up to perpetuate that barbaric act for yet another generation.

The non-realized never come to the understanding that it is only from a condition of emptiness (empty of concepts, of identities, of a “mind”) that a sense of fulfillment can happen during the manifestation. 

The realized can taste what the Italians call il dolce di fare niente—“the sweetness of doing nothing.” 

The fully realized (that is, those fully freed of all learned ignorance) will shift even beyond that and will understand something even simpler than “the sweetness of doing nothing,” namely, il dolce di Niente—“the sweetness of Nothing,” period. 

Trace your roots. Go beyond self and Self, beyond Consciousness, beyond Awareness, and even beyond the Absolute to the seminal Nothingness. Abide as such. 

Maharaj said that most who think that they have really "gotten this deal" are actually just "trapped in their kindergarten-level spirituality."  

Those are the ones stuck at the third of seven steps on the "path" from identification with the false "I" to truly and fully understanding the functioning of the totality. 

Those are the ones playing their "new and improved roles" such as "The Super Religious One," "The Spiritual Giant," "The Super Seeker" and "The Omniscient Knower."

Those are the ones who, per Maharaj, "Think that they are being bathed in the full light of the noonday sun when they are actually still standing in the dull light of dawn."

They are the ones who think they now hold a Doctor's Degree in Realization" without understanding what Maharaj explained about realization, namely that "it is nothing more than freedom from learned ignorance."

Those are the ones who think that the Ultimate Sickness, which Maharaj later identified as a Mental Sickness, can be treated magically and effectively by tapping into some other-worldly power / Power / Powers by way of becoming experts in dogma or by becoming closer to some God or gods or goddesses by way of "spiritual exercises." 

Those are the ones who do not understand that there is no spirit within which can be made stronger by way of massaging it with special religious or spiritual exercises any more than an empty wallet can become filled with money by rubbing it in some special way. 

Rub what you believe to be a magic lantern all you want, but understand that no genie will ever appear and grant you the fulfillment of three wishes. 

Nor will any God or god or goddesses ever do that for you, either, much less fulfill not just three wishes but the millions of things which persons ask their God or gods or goddesses (through billions of prayers each day) to do for them.

That non-dual comedian and sharer of wisdom George Carlin said that he used to pray to God for all sorts of petty things and it seemed that about half the time he got what he wanted and about half the time he didn't. As an experiment, he stopped praying to God and started wishing on four-leaf clovers, a rabbit's foot, a lucky horseshoe, etc., etc., etc. The result? He got what he wanted about half the time, and about half the time he didn't. Same result as trying to get a god to give him what he wanted and to entice a god to intervene and prevent all the things which he did not want to happen.

So it is when expecting a savior, a politician, a business leader, a friend, a lover, a spouse, a rich uncle or anyone else to intervene from without and rescue you when all of your problems are actually originating from within.

Where within? Within some dreamed-up "sick spirit" which needs healing? No. Within the mind which needs healing / purging? Yes. 
All identities are limiting. Limitations restrict freedom. Restrictions of freedom prevent the manifestation of happiness during the relative existence. Preoccupation with finding identities and assigning labels has the same effect. 

If you would be free, align with the nothingness. Reach the space. 

If the part of the brain called "the mind" were to be purged of all of the foolishness stored therein, then that part of the brain would reach the space, too, which was its original condition: just an empty part of the brain with nothing stored therein originally, allowing the relative existence to unfold spontaneously under the auspices of the all-natural brain rather than under the auspices of the mind-part of the brain which is filled with unnatural and supernatural and nonsensical beliefs. 

If you would be unconcerned, then - per Maharaj - "all of your knowledge must go into liquidation." Has that happened? Have you reached the space? 

Ultimately, even “nothing” as a concept is abandoned. 

Non-duality (at the purest and most advanced level of the teachings / un-teachings) endorses zero concepts. 

All of the mutated versions of Advaita (especially those which have been morphed into a religion by men with hidden agendas" are bastardizations. Those bastardizations have been fabricated via the warped consciousness, accepted as truth by other specks of warped consciousness, and passed along now by such specks to other such specks. 

There is a process whereby, from the nothingness, a particle can manifest. This entire universe began with the instantaneous manifestation of an atom within a vacuum. 

It is from the nothingness that all manifestation happens spontaneously. After some groupings and ungroupings happen, the Nothingness will again prevail. 

Prior to “this universe,” prior to Awareness, prior to Consciousness, and prior to manifestation, there was a “time” when only a vacuum was. Your “ultimate root” is even prior to time. 

If you’re interested in oneness, understand that everything in this universe began as one, single atom that manifested within the emptiness of a vacuum. 

Purged of all identities, ideas, beliefs, and concepts, the consciousness can function as an empty vacuum. 

Originally, the empty vacuum was undisturbed, unconcerned . . . without burden, without activity, without any doingness. 

The relative existence is miserable for those who are “full of it.” If you would be undisturbed, unconcerned, without burden, without activity, without any doingness, then be the emptiness. Reach the space and abide as such. 

Fear not . . . nothing is coming. No judgment . . . no endless punishment. 

Desire not . . . nothing is coming. No endless celestial caroling . . . no heavenly brothels . . . no extraterrestrial orgies . . . no endless reward. 

Nothing later? Correct, so enjoy, NOW. 

TOMORROW: Additional different perspectives which came via the vision. 

To be continued. 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

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Saturday, March 25, 2017

THE ULTIMATE SICKNESS: Causes, Symptoms, Aspects, Effects, TREATMENT, Part Ninety-Two

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From yesterday: 
The Advaita poet William Shakespeare wrote: “The heavens themselves, the planets, and this centre observe degree, priority, and place. Insisture, course, proportion, season, form, office, and custom, in all line of order.” The Nisarga Yoga approach offers a direct route to the understanding that results in a natural way of AS IF living (that is, a natural way of functioning). That means living / functioning spontaneously for the remainder of the manifestation, knowing that the "world" is illusory but living as if any of "all this" matters. 

To continue:

Natural living recognizes that the laws of nature have the right of "insisture": either (a) life is lived naturally according to the “customs” of the universe or (b) persons violating the natural “order” will collapse and self-destruct. 

"The realized" move through the relative existence in a manner that is fixed by nature even though they appear to be moving as they please. Rather than trying to exert any force, they accept that happenings happen. 

Among the realized, nature has “priority” over efforts to control or manipulate. The realized abide within the framework of the natural laws that have “insisture,” understanding that all is to happen per the natural order and understanding that all is to happen in “proportion.” 

Persons ("the non-realized") seek to control and manipulate so they will not have to accept “proportion.” They work to accumulate and to have more and to appear to be greater than what is proportional. They imagine that they have an actual need for more than is proportional or necessary. 

The realized move along lines that are “customary” rather than along paths that are unnatural or supernatural. To think supernaturally is to think magically, and magical thinking is delusional. 

Either there is One, or there is duality and / or multiplicity. 

Either there is a prime cause and creation (and therefore a prime causer and creator) or there is neither creation nor destruction. 

Science has proved that there is neither creation nor destruction. All is energy / matter, and energy / matter can be neither created nor destroyed. Wherefore a causer or a creator in that reality? 

The cause of all is . . . all. Where is there any possibility of a creator (or a creator-sustainer-destroyer god) when That Which Is Has Always Been, when That cannot have been created, when That cannot be destroyed, and when all merely cycles . . . or not? 

Persons who are programmed to believe that their bodies-minds-personalities shall last "for infinity after death" do not pause to consider that, if infinity is a possibility in one "direction" on their timelines, then it must also be a possibility in the opposite "direction" on their timelines. Infinite is infinite. Whatever has the ability to exist "forever after" also had to have the ability to exist "forever before." 

The realized can feel, but without attachment and without a chain of reactions that result from emotional intoxication. 

Feelings among the realized are merely witnessed as they rise and fall. 

Emotions, on the other hand, are "experienced" only by persons—by those believing in their false roles and assumed ego-states. 

As a result of their persona-generated emotions, the non-realized are continually in a state of emotional intoxication and are constantly reacting and over-reacting to what they take to be "personal experiences" that are driven by desires and/or fears. 

Contrary to some charges, the Advaita understanding does not result in the realized "living a robotic existence." It does result in the remainder of the manifestation happening in a fashion that is free of mental, emotional, and spiritual intoxication. 

The egotism that always accompanies the assumption of false identities never shows up more often than when you believe that you are in a "relationship." 

In a reality which is non-dual in nature, how can "one thing" possibly relate to "another thing"? ("Advaita" does mean, "one without a second" or "not two.") 

Consider the history of the expectations that persons traditionally bring to "their relationships": besides wanting a clone of self, they expect "partners" to conduct themselves in a fashion that they find "right" and "acceptable." And what one thinks is "right" and "acceptable" is generally based in what one's parents taught them is "right" and "acceptable." Is there any greater degree of insanity than expecting a "partner" to conform to the expectations of the very persons who were the source of the majority of the lies and the nonsense that persons believe? 

The only way to alleviate "relationship anxiety" is to accept that marriage might happen . . . or might not. And if it does happen, the only way to avoid emotional intoxication and pain and to maintain peace is to witness whatever happens without playing phony roles or adopting false identities. 

Persons believe that they are in a relationship with someone they know and that they really have an "object of your affection." What a deception. (1) If "you" are not, how could "he" be? (2) Once you move beyond the image and find what that person is truly like, then you will know that you don't know him at all, and then you may well shout at him someday in anger, "I don't even know who you are!" Correct you will be. 
Originally, only one purpose of meditation was intended: not to reach a state without thought but to consider a pointer offered until that point was understood. Consideration and understanding, not “motionless consciousness,” was the intent. If it is thoughts that you wish to be free of, then address in meditation or in the quiet the falsity of the particular ego-state that is generating the thoughts, not the thousands of thoughts that the single false ego-state is generating. 

Meditation is intended to wake people up, not put them to sleep. 

Exercises conducted in the quiet along the “journey” are tools, yes, but when a homeowner’s house is built, he puts away his tools and then simply enjoys "the new place he’s in." 

Once Realized, it is understood that there is no meditator, so WHO (what ego-state) is it who believes that (a) he has completed the construction of a new house but simultaneously thinks that (b) he must continue the building process? That would be, among other assumed identities, "The Person Who Needs Maintenance" and who has not realized that there is nothing to maintain. 

Understand that everything which you take to be “spiritual” and “noumenal” is really nothing more than an accumulation of relative and phenomenal concepts. 

According to the earliest teachings shared among the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas (who migrated from Asia) that which is “true” is only the space between exhalation and inhalation. Close enough. 

The concept of "self-ness" is both false and restricted to the relative existence.

Post-manifestation, there will be no self and there will be no Self, but the real kicker is this: in actuality, there is no self or Self now . . . and there has never been. Both are concepts, dreamed up by men.

The “True Self” is not “God,” though many who have morphed the teachings into a religion or spiritual movement will adopt and defend that Self-God and their false-self concept as well. 

The "True Self" is a term used to point to the manifest consciousness after it has been freed from all blockages which warp perspective and which preempt any chance at seeking things clearly and as they truly are. 

The True Self is merely a term to be used temporarily in discussions to point to "Pure (Accurate) Witnessing," but is - along with "Subject-Object Witnessing" and "unclear witnessing" - confined to the relative existence. 

There is no post-manifestation, post-mahasamadhi selfness or Self-ness, and any belief in selfness or Self-ness - suggesting they exist either now or will exist later - is rooted in ego-state-based wishing and dreaming and hoping as well as in fallacious thinking and bogus belief systems.

To be continued. 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

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Friday, March 24, 2017

THE ULTIMATE SICKNESS: Causes, Symptoms, Aspects, Effects, TREATMENT, Part Ninety-One

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As frequent visitors to this site know, the approach used here often involves first offering pointers and then following those with examples and illustrations to clarify or reinforce the pointers. 

Nevertheless, there is always a hesitancy to do so because humans are addicted to comparing and usually end up drawing conclusions which either lead to them (1) seek attention or pity by exaggerating their own circumstances and claiming that "my case is much worse than his or hers"; or (2) minimize their own condition by claiming, "Well, I'm not near as insane as they are, so I'm not near as crazy as some have said." 

That said, the risk will be taken to share a recent example of the pointers offered here which show how warped perspectives can become if persons fixate at the third of seven steps to realization (that step being the one where such roles as "The Super Religious One," "The Spiritual Giant," and "The One Who Believes in a God and Knows Exactly What God's Will Is." 

This past Tuesday, on the floor of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, lawmakers debated a bill that would ban abortion even if genetic abnormalities and Down syndrome is detected. [During her pregnancy last year, my daughter, while awaiting results of genetic tests, said that she would not abort even if the tests results indicated the child would have Down Syndrome. Yet she remains "pro-choice," so she also said "That does not mean that other women in such cases should not have to right to choose otherwise. In either case, we should have the right to decide for themselves."] 

The bill in Oklahoma, if passed, says that doctors could have their licenses suspended or revoked, face $100,000 fines, and be sued by women who’ve had abortions. During the debate, representatives fought over whether exceptions should be made for rape and incest. 

During a heated exchange, Democrat Cory Williams asked Republican George Faught, “Is rape the will of God?” 

Faught took a moment to collect his thoughts before he finally answered that . . . "It is." He continued, “Well, you know, if you read the Bible, there’s actually a couple circumstances where that happened."

“The Lord uses all circumstances," Fraught said. 

Williams then asked Faught if he also believes that incest is also the will of God. 

Faught: “It’s a great question to ask, and, obviously if it happens in someone’s life, it may not be the best thing that ever happened. But to believe otherwise," Fraught asserted, then "You’re saying that God is not sovereign with every activity that happens in someone’s life and can’t use anything and everything in someone’s life, and I disagree with that.” 

Whether dealing with a male who is minimizing the effects of incest or rape on a woman; or a fanatic beheading one he has labeled "an infidel"; or one breaking up with a mate "because he is not a real Christian"; or someone claiming that he's for less government interference in people's lives while trying at the same time to legislate who can marry whom and who cannot marry whom and what kind of sex act is okay and what kind of sex act is his "not-approved-list," there is no greater call for different perspectives than among those fanatics with warped perspectives who are in a position to force those perspectives onto others.

And while political fanatics, sports fanatics, racial fanatics, xenophobic fanatics and others types of fanatics churn up all sorts of chaos on the planet, none of those can come close to the levels of chaos and separation and broken relations and murder and war which have been churned up over the last 5000 years by religious and spiritual fanatics. 

Is it any wonder that Maharaj did not say, 

"Whatever political things you aspire to know are all happening in this objective world, in the illusion. All is dishonesty. There is no truth in this fraud" 

but did say 

"Whatever spiritual things you aspire to know are all happening in this objective world, in the illusion. All is dishonesty. There is no truth in this fraud." 

Is it any wonder that Maharaj did not say, 

"I advise you to give up sports and follow your vocation" 

but did say 

"I advise you to give up spirituality and follow your vocation." 

Is it any wonder that Maharaj did not say that, in his case, 

"There is no xenophobic love of India left" 

but did say that, in his case, 

"There is no spirituality left." 

Talk about eventually evolving into a condition in which totally different perspectives prevailed. 

The related perspectives here include these: 

No being (of any kind) exists pre-manifestation or post-manifestation in / as THAT Absolute state. 

That includes no True Self, no Supreme Self, no Infinite Self, no Supreme Being, and no other kind of self / Self / being / Being / personal beingness / Supreme Being or Beingness. No “good” label is being sought and no “bad” label is being avoided. 

Now to continue with the discussion of other perspectives which differ from those held by the masses, perspectives which can manifest especially if realization is combined with the yoga which invites natural living vs. unnatural or supernatural living. More of the different perspectives which have come here include the following: 

The exact same providence awaits those who take themselves to be persons as well as those who do not: the ultimate fate of all manifested consciousness is that it will unmanifest and be re-absorbed into the pool of universal consciousness. 

The guaranteed cycling of conscious-energy means that those who believe themselves to be persons will eventually be free of all concerns, just as is the case with the realized. 

When the consciousness unmanifests and merges into that vast pool of energy called “The Absolute,” it knows nothing. 

Ultimately, it is irrelevant if that speck of consciousness when manifested knew Itself or if it mistook itself for the roles that the obstructed consciousness leads persons to think they are. 

The only difference happens NOW: persons suffer chaos and emotional intoxication while the Realized witness and feel, but after the consciousness is no longer manifested, the result is the same: consciousness will be unmanifested and unknowing. 

As Szent-Gyorgyi said, “What drives life is . . . a little electric current, set up by the sunshine.” 

If that fact is understood, then what room remains for arrogance, for ego, or for ego-states assumed as identities? 

If you complete this "journey," you’re going to see exactly, step-by-step, how you got from the Absolute state to the false belief that you’re a body. 

And you’re going to see how to get from believing that you are a body to Realization of the Absolute. Seeing the complete cycle, then you’re going to understand all the cycles (including how the "cycling in" happens and how the "cycling out" happens). 

You will understand each step of the "way in," all the way from the Absolute to body identification; then you will understand why the way to realizing (and abiding as) the Absolute happens only when each of those steps is taken again, in reverse order. 

Only from the conditioned mind of an assumed 'self' can self-importance come. When the last ‘who’ disappears, the understanding of THAT appears. The question is not, 'Who am I?' The question is, 'What am I'?” 

 If it's entropy and chaos and change you find unacceptable, then know that you are the Absolute. 

Know, therefore, that you are fixed, immutable, ineradicable, constant, invariable. 

All that you perceive as being variable is misperception, merely fiction imagined via your "variable mind."

I Am prior to beingness, prior to consciousness, and even prior to non-beingness. 

I have passed eternity being That, but for now I just happen to be in movement with other waves and particles of energy during this present temporary cycling into manifestation. This "floyd" or this "you" is nothing more than the result a cosmic accident, an accident that was facilitated along the way by an act of friction. Wherefore "pride"? 

Egotism and programming block acceptance of the fact that, if I (the Absolute) am beyond beingness and non-beingness, then the Absolute is beyond beingness and non-beingness. 

Nothing remains that prefers either an extension of the manifestation nor an end to the manifestation. It's called functioning from a position of neutrality: no desires . . . no fears. 

Enjoyment certainly happens though nothing is desired. 

Nothing is feared since there is nothing to register fear. 

The consciousness functions from a position of neutrality, knowing that if persons are trapped in seeking the applause of the village, they must also be prepared to accept the scorn of the town as well. 

All is neutral, and all persons can reach that position of neutrality via full realization. 

Understanding the unicity reveals that a pile of ashes, a pile of dust, you, a dog, a tree, a piano, and a plant are no different. 

All of those “seemingly different things” are one thing. 

Supposed differences perceived by the human eye and misunderstood as a result of warped “minds” are the result of varying vibrational frequencies only. 

Humanity’s (post-programming) propensity for misperceiving everything makes persons believe that differences are real rather than grasping the truth of the unity beyond the wrongly-perceived multiplicity. 

Abidance as the consciousness guarantees that duality will never be forfeited completely. 

Only the Awareness is “One” without any “one.” 

Consciousness can know the "not two." Awareness is the absolute "not two." 

If one stays alert to the reality of "not two-ness," then for the sake of discussion that one might take consciousness to be the essence of beingness, the re-purified consciousness to be the essence of non-beingness, and awareness to be the essence of the Reality beyond both beingness and non-beingness. 

In the no-concept, non-dual Reality, there is no "one thing as opposed to some other thing." 

The "realized non-dualist" understands that "I AM THAT; I AM" can be stated and understood without any sense of duality at all. So can "Consciousness / Awareness." 

What persons call "love" is the most magnificent experience of all; it is also the most horrendous experience of all. 

With such duality, how can that possibly be taken for the real? As for feeling or emotion, if love happens as a feeling, take the ride and watch the feelings rise and fall; if love happens as an emotion—that is, if it is being "experienced" by a person in an ego-state—prepare for war. 

 If there is no "do-er," and if there is no identity that is real, then there is no "lover" either. If there is no lover, then find WHO (which ego-state) thinks she / he is experiencing anything. 

Persons desiring to know what love is (what Real Love is) might benefit more (relatively speaking, of course) if they were able to understand what Real Love is not. 

Ego is believing that there’s a vast multiplicity arranged in a hierarchy and that you’re the pinnacle. 

Humility is knowing that you’re nothing, no-thing. 

Real Love is knowing that you are everything. 

Can you, from the position of "As If Living" which follows full realization, feel and share Unconditional Love? Not only can you, but you shall. In fact, once again, no choice will be involved. It will just happen . . . spontaneously and unequivocally. 

The Advaitin poet William Shakespeare wrote: “The heavens themselves, the planets, and this centre observe degree, priority, and place. Insisture, course, proportion, season, form, office, and custom, in all line of order.” The Nisarga Yoga approach offers a direct route to the understanding that results in a natural way of AS IF living (that is, a natural way of functioning). 

That means living / functioning spontaneously for the remainder of the manifestation, knowing that the "world" is illusory but living as if any of "all this" matters. 

Consider: employment can happen even without the assumption of an "employee" persona. Similarly, "spousing" can happen with assumption of a role, "parenting" can happen without assuming a role, etc. 

To be continued. 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

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