Tuesday, March 21, 2017

THE ULTIMATE SICKNESS: Causes, Symptoms, Aspects, Effects, TREATMENT, Part Eighty-Eight

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As the end of the series approaches, a summary of other perspectives will be offered. 

The fact is that many perspectives which differ from those held by the masses can manifest if realization happens (and especially if it is combined with the only yoga which invites natural living vs. unnatural or supernatural living). 

Why do billions adhere to the dictates of their religious dogma or spiritual movements? Why do persons reject Maharaj's recommendation that they abandon their organized religions and their spiritual practices? 

Because the masses are addicted to power and control; because the masses believe that there is "a power" or some "Higher Power" or "The Universe" or "A Force" which is available to interfere with the happenings on this planet if invited with unquestioning faith to do so; and because persons live in personality-driven fear and desire and they believe that if they have a relationship with the powerful "here" and The Powerful "there," then they can have their fears alleviated and their desires fulfilled. 

The different perspectives which have come here include the following: 

All is matter / energy and neither energy nor matter can be created nor destroyed; they are infinite; hence, no creation has ever happened and, therefore, no Creator has ever existed. 

Because there is no Creator "there," there are no creators "here," so no one have ever created anyone. Elements cycle. That's all. 

Because there is no birth, merely a cycling of elements, then there can be no re-birth, much less multiple births. 

Because there is no birth, there is no death. Because there is no death, there is no "after-death" or "afterlife." 

Post-manifestation, the elements of a plant food body return to the universal pool of elements. 

Nothing remains to be judged, to be found lacking, to be deserving of punishment; nothing remains to be found acceptable or good or even great and therefore deserving of reward. 

The Advaitin Christ was right about a few non-duality pointers: 

No one shall ever see a kingdom of heaven. It is within to the extent that peace is within. 

Heaven and earth shall fade away as the conscious fades away because they are just mental concepts, dreamed up and stored in an elemental brain. 

The brain will return to the elemental pool, so no concepts can remain. So, those are some of the different perspectives that came after the Nisarga Yoga understanding was combined with the understandings that came with realization. All desire and longing and fear can be transcended when you no longer embrace the limited identity of a physical body or the corrupted “mind” or any fictional personality. 

To those who claimed that they "have had the same body for an entire lifetime, this is offered:"Trillions of cells have 'come and gone,' so with the exception of a few organs, a chain of bodies that you took to be you has 'come and gone.' It must be asked, 'Among all of those different body forms, which one of those 'me's' would any person claim to be 'the real me'? What 'me' would a 'mind' assume to be 'the one, real me'?" What a distortion to talk of a 'me'.'' 

It is to be understood that persons always take an illusion and either dualistically upgrade the illusion or downgrade the illusion. For example, consider the lie, “This world is real and after death, there is another world that will provide eternal continuity for the body-mind-personality.” 

Persons upgrade the illusion of “this world” with the promise of another world in heaven for the “good people” and they downgrade the illusion of “this world” with the threat of another world called "hell" that awaits the “bad” people. 

Similarly, “I am a man” can be an initial illusion. Egotism can generate the belief that “I am a spiritual man,” which is nothing more than an upgrade of the illusion. Guilt can take the initial illusion that "I am a man" and generate the belief that “I am a bad man,” which is nothing more than a downgrading of the illusion.

Realization can free you from the roles, and freedom from those roles will free you from the drama. Yet most persons are so addicted to the chaos, so lost in the drama, and so removed from reality that they will never search for a way out of their prison. 

Non-realized persons move about within the confines of their prison and believe that they are free. Few will ever have any desire to be totally independent. 

Fewer still will take the seven-step “journey” to reality and know true freedom and absolute independence. 

Most persons will fight to the end in defense of nonsensical, magical beliefs that were dreamed up by uneducated men during ancient times. 

What about you? How free do you want to be? How soon do you want that freedom? 

Frustration results from a sense of limitation. 

Frustration cannot end, therefore, as long as humans are identified with that which is limited: a physical body, a “mind,” and personality. 

I am not personal; I have no individuality, so how could I have individual meaning or an individual purpose? I cannot. 

For now, the consciousness is manifested, so whatever happens  . . . happens. Nothing more is involved. 

Efforts to quiet the mind or to ignore thoughts cannot succeed with any consistency. 

Only when Full Realization strikes, only when the "Oh my gosh!" moment happens - only then does the mind dissolve. 

It is true that, if you are instructed to "avoid thinking about an elephant," the only thing that you can think of is an elephant. So, what is the answer? The answer is not to try to be rid of a disturbing thought. The answer is to ask when a thought is interrupting the peace, “WHO (what ego-state) is thinking that thought?” 

Only by relinquishing belief in the false identities that inspire thoughts can the thoughts come to an end. 

Only by abandoning the "this" and "that" in such beliefs as "I am this" (role) or "I am that" (role) will the peace and quiet of only the "I Am" ever happen. 

The "mind" is the instrument that supports your personality with thoughts, and those thoughts are the instruments that will forever prevent "peace of mind." 

In fact, there is no such thing as "peace of mind." 

There is only peace if freed of the "mind." 

Consciousness is rooted in the Absolute. 

The brain is rooted in the elements. 

The mind is rooted in ignorant programming, conditioning, domestication, acculturation, brainwashing, and indoctrination. 

To be continued. 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

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