Specific "reasons" cause persons
• to be obsessive and compulsive
• and render them unable to relax
• and lead them to be driven to go and do and zoom (whether that involves religion; spirituality; employment; "personal relationships"; politicking; reforming; rescuing; seeking love; seeking mass approval and applause and admiration; trying to escape responsibilities; accumulating; finding caretakers; or controlling).
• We are looking at what causes "the reasons" to manifest
• and what must happen in order to be freed from their influence.
We are looking at what causes "the reasons" to manifest
and what must happen in order to be freed from their influence.
So, to continue:
Persons obsess, act compulsively, are unable to relax, are fanatical, are driven by subconscious motives, and do whatever authority figures tell them to do - unquestioningly - because of reason #33: the refusal to face the facts and admit that all gods and goddesses and "The One True God" were "invented" by humans.
The causes of reasons #33? Once more:
Maharaj: "In an effort to acquire good or to get rid of the bad, you have invented a God"
"Without you as witness there would be neither animal nor God"
"What is God to you? A sound, a word on paper, an idea in the mind?"
"Why not work on the theory that you are your own creation and creator. At least there will be no external God to do battle with."
Of course Maharaj knew that nothing has ever been created (or destroyed) and that all is merely cycling, coming together temporarily and then coming apart with the elements which form a plant food body eventually returning to the universal pool of elements, with the air circulating through a plant food body returning eventually to the universal pool of air, and with the conscious-energy circulating into and out of a plant food body eventually returning to the pool of universal conscious-energy.
When Maharaj said he needed nothing, a questioner asked, "Not even God?" to which Maharaj replied, "All these ideas and distinctions exist in your world; in mine, there is nothing of the kind."
In the 12 June 2017 post, one of Reverend Jim Rigby's key pointers was paraphrased this way:
The persons who cling to the belief in an anthropomorphic, human-like deity with ears and eyes and a mouth will understand neither the functioning of the totality nor the source of the cosmic processes which have been happening and which continue to happen. (See the 12 June post for a link to hear the message exactly.)
He said of those clinging to ancient beliefs, "They are trying to give CPR to worldviews that have already died."
Again, to paraphrase Jim, what might be said here is, "The 7.275 billion persons on the planet who are claiming a religious affiliation and the millions more who are bragging that they 'are not religious but are spiritual instead' are all trying to give CPR to some amazingly sick worldviews which need to be allowed to go ahead and die, once and for all."
And what could be more arrogant and more egotistical than to dream up a God and to speak of how wonderful that God is and how great that God is and how deserving that God is of praise and respect and admiration and worship and glorification and adoration and veneration and exaltation and then report,
"Oh, by the way, He looks just like me! I mean he's older so He has long white hair and a long white beard, but other than that, His body looks just like mine. Maybe not quite as buff and well-toned as I am because He's so old, but for the most part, He looks just like us humans. In fact, here's what He looks like:
Note, he doesn't look like some multi-armed being or like an elephant, etc. Other religions have it all wrong unless they know that God looks like what is in the image above."
Again, billions refuse to face reality and admit that all gods and goddesses and "The One True God" were - as Maharaj said - "invented" by humans, so is it any wonder that so many are trapped on endless "paths" and engaged in no-end "journeys" and have dedicated their lives to programs that encourage them to believe ancient myths and to believe in a dreamed up God?
Maharaj said that "Realization is merely being free of learned ignorance," and that has . . .
everything to do with the way that persons abide now during the time they are in a state of being temporarily manifested
nothing to do with anything post-manifestation.
Get that to get free.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
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