"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves."
--Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
[Continued from yesterday]
These pointers were offered in the previous post:
I do not have to be gay to advocate for gays who are being bullied, assaulted, beaten, maimed and / or killed.
I do not have to be Muslim to advocate for Muslims who are being bullied, assaulted, beaten, maimed and / or killed.
I do not have to have black skin to advocate for the blacks who have historically been (and who continue to be) bullied, assaulted, beaten, maimed and / or killed in the U.S., including by the authorities who are being paid to protect them and their rights.
Additionally, I do not have to be living below the poverty level as defined by the U.S. Government in order to advocate for the poor.
I do not have to be physically disabled or wheelchair bound or homebound in order to advocate for the physically disabled or wheelchair bound or homebound.
To "empathize with" means to understand and relate to the feelings of another human, and that can only happen when Real Love manifests (which is the version of love which allows the realized to "know they are everything").
Thus, one need not be an animal to empathize with animals being abused. One need but be realized.
One should not need to be white to empathize with white women being abused in their homes, with white men being abused in their homes, with white men and women being killed during "breakups," or with the millions of whites being killed or imprisoned annually. One need but be realized.
One should not need to be a drug addict or an alcoholic or any other kind of addict to empathize with those suffering from the effects of the Addictive Personality Disorder. One need but be realized.
One should not have to be a citizen of the U.S. to empathize with those in the U.S. who have suffered from terrorist attacks or from the far higher number of attacks perpetrated by their fellow U.S. citizens. One need but be realized.
One need not be a citizen of Great Britain, France, India, or a Middle Eastern country to empathize with humans attacked and / or killed in Great Britain, France, India, or the Middle East or in any other nation. One need but be realized and understand Maharaj's pointer above.
To continue:
Specific "reasons" cause persons
• to be obsessive and compulsive
• and render them unable to relax
• and lead them to be driven to go and do and zoom (whether that involves religion; spirituality; employment; "personal relationships"; politicking; reforming; rescuing; seeking love; seeking mass approval and applause and admiration; trying to escape responsibilities; accumulating; finding caretakers; or controlling).
• We are looking at what causes "the reasons" to manifest
• and what must happen in order to be freed from their influence.
We are looking at what causes "the reasons" to manifest
and what must happen in order to be freed from their influence.
So, to continue:
Persons obsess, act compulsively, are unable to relax, are fanatical, are driven by subconscious motives, and do whatever authority figures tell them to do - unquestioningly - because of reason #52: most among the masses never do anything that does not have a perceived payoff, and when the masses want to cultivate a positive public image, then that image payoff comes by tapping into the largest audience possible.
The causes of reason # 52"
All assigned and assumed personalities have hidden agendas and trigger egotism and arrogance and other ego-defense mechanisms to try to protect an image (which is all that personas are). All assigned and assumed personalities also trigger fears, and fears can trigger greed and avarice and covetousness and desires and cravings and accumulation.
For example, a Personality Type Two Helper / Rescuer will be the first to show up if someone is supposedly in need and will also be the first to spend time and money trying to help others. Yet they have a hidden motive; their supposed kindness is actually a means to an end. They give not charitably but to get a payback . . . a payoff.
Ultimately, they want everyone to love them in order to make up for their sense that they did not receive enough love as a child (which is quite likely). Deny them the love they want or show too little gratitude for "all they have done for you" and they will shift to a Sociopathic Type Eight and become a ruthless, angry, raging control freak. It's the old "I will be kind or I will be mean, whichever it takes to get what I want" mentality.
Also, persons obsess, act compulsively, are unable to relax, are fanatical, are driven by subconscious motives, and do whatever authority figures tell them to do - unquestioningly - because of reason #53: billions of non-realized persons on planet earth live their lives as if they were bump and go cars.
The causes of reason #53:
Yeshu's (Jesus) offered this non-dual pointer, among others: "A dual-minded person is unstable in all ways." And how many among the masses are not dual-minded? According to Maharaj, very few; therefore, the masses are unstable . . . mentally and psychologically as well emotionally.
The masses are, in fact, addicted to chaos and confusion and commotion and noise and turmoil and going and doing and zooming.
Much of that is used to try to escape boredom. Some of that is used to try to drown out the chatter of a thousand monkeys which is constantly rattling away between their ears. Some of it is to avoid the silence, which most find intolerable. And their "paths" and "journeys" and "meetings" are just more of the "sturm and drang" which are part and parcel of being driven to go and do and zoom and to "do something" instead of sitting still and doing nothing.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
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