“The prerequisites for contaminating the consciousness and producing the illusion of a ‘mind’ include words, letters, language, superstitions, traditions, beliefs, ideas, shared communications, efforts by persons to use all that to control other persons, the perpetuation of more concepts, the taking of imagined worlds as real, images taken to be reality, misperceptions, an imagined ‘I’ in the world, the ‘I’ taking desires and fears and needs to be real, faulty neurotransmitters, and chemical imbalances. All contribute to the constantly-in-motion thinking mind.”
[Continued from 13 August 2005]
F.: “Finally, here’s the last understanding that you must ‘get’ to understand completely the nature of consciousness and its movement. [Pause] Let’s go back to the ice cube. The ice cube is a system, really. A system is any complex whole marked by an organized arrangement. Organized arrangements just evolve as a result of consciousness. In this universe, an organization simply evolved...over a period of billions of years. As a result of the organization of the universe that happened to evolve, an organization on this planet also evolved...over a period of millions of years. The ice cube in our example is a system of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom that, if organized into a particular space, interact in a certain way at a certain temperature as a result of an organizing field of consciousness. That’s the key to any system: the organizing consciousness is present. Put water into an ice tray and place the tray in a freezer and the process that results in what appears to be a ‘cube’ just happens automatically as a result of that consciousness. No one guides the process. The same happens when an oak tree ultimately results in a forest of oaks or when friction between two humans ultimately results in a race. Do you remember our earlier discussion of entropy? I made the point that entropy guarantees that all except the real shall change, but the change is only in appearance. When that ice cube melts, a change in appearance occurs, but the essence of the cube—the hydrogen and oxygen atoms—remains the same. So it is with food-bodies that come and go. The appearance changes...the essence remains. Later, as the cube undergoes the effects of entropy, then the field that organized that cube suddenly unmanifests from that place. It moves. [Q3 nods in understanding] As with electrical currents, it is not seen as it moves, but it moves and it’s real nonetheless. The organizing consciousness that allows all systems to function as they function, that consciousness itself, remains as a field or expanse that extends infinitely. It is not limited by time or space or form or shape. Consciousness can re-manifest if the circumstances are suitable but will not remanifest if circumstances are not suitable. ‘Suitable circumstances’ can include the circumstance that allowed for the formation of this universe when consciousness provided the organization of a system that allowed an original hydrogen atom to manifest in a perfectly void vacuum. The consciousness guided that atom to split and eventually to fuse into a group of four which then formed a helium atom. When the two interacted, that act released an immeasurable amount of energy. That seminal function in the case of this universe is now the same system that is functioning at the core of what we call the sun. Understand the functioning of the sun and you understand the origin of this universe and all universes. That fusion process occurs at the core of the nuclear furnace that is supplying heat energy and light energy to this solar system. ‘Suitable circumstances’ can also include the circumstances that evolved on this planet that allowed for a system that organized plants and allowed them to flourish. ‘Suitable circumstance’ includes a system that allows photosynthesis to occur. That process eventually resulted in another system and another ‘suitable circumstance’ for consciousness to manifest in a plant that could be consumed and would eventually allow for the movement of consciousness from one space to another on earth. And a ‘suitable circumstance,’ namely the ‘demise’ of a food-body, allows for the unmanifestation and movement of that conscious-energy which will return to the field or expanse that extends infinitely and that is not limited by time or space or form or shape. Circumstances can also allow consciousness to re-manifest…or not. [Pause] We’ve discussed the prerequisites for manifestation of consciousness on this planet, namely, plants and photosynthesis. We’ve discussed the prerequisites for the manifestation of consciousness into the space of a food-body. The prerequisites for contaminating the consciousness and producing the illusion of a ‘mind’ include words, letters, language, superstitions, traditions, beliefs, ideas, shared communications, efforts by persons to use all that to control other persons, the perpetuation of more concepts, the taking of imagined worlds as real, images taken to be reality, misperceptions, an imagined ‘I’ in the world, the ‘I’ taking desires and fears and needs to be real, faulty neurotransmitters, and chemical imbalances. All contribute to the constantly-in-motion thinking mind.”
Q. “But if the consciousness that You Are has been freed of all contaminants, how can feelings of anger or joy happen? You admitted that you still have feelings.”
F.: “Feelings happen...via the food-body and the functioning of the brain. I don't experience them. They are witnessed, that's all. Pure consciousness is natural. Emotional intoxication is unnatural and is rooted in the agenda of false identities. Parts of the brain, via electrical and chemical functioning, can trigger fight-or-flight responses. So it is. That’s natural at times and unnatural at times, depending on whether a threat to the food-body is real or imagined. Pure consciousness knows the real. Illusions are not even considered. When contaminated consciousness triggers a reaction based in the false belief that something harmless is harmful—consider the snake in the rope—that is not natural. A person can try to live supernaturally, driven by the illusions of magical thinking, and that is not natural; a person can live unnaturally, driven by the illusions of contaminated consciousness; or living can happen naturally when consciousness is freed of the contamination that results in the disquietudes of a thinking mind, when freed of the influence of concepts, when in touch with reality, and when freed of believing lies or myths or superstitions or any of the other insane notions set forth by persons in any culture.” Please enter the silence of contemplation.
Sunday: REALITY: NO self…NO Self…No SELF, Part One
Q. “But if the consciousness that You Are has been freed of all contaminants, how can feelings of anger or joy happen? You admitted that you still have feelings.”
F.: “Feelings happen...via the food-body and the functioning of the brain. I don't experience them. They are witnessed, that's all. Pure consciousness is natural. Emotional intoxication is unnatural and is rooted in the agenda of false identities. Parts of the brain, via electrical and chemical functioning, can trigger fight-or-flight responses. So it is. That’s natural at times and unnatural at times, depending on whether a threat to the food-body is real or imagined. Pure consciousness knows the real. Illusions are not even considered. When contaminated consciousness triggers a reaction based in the false belief that something harmless is harmful—consider the snake in the rope—that is not natural. A person can try to live supernaturally, driven by the illusions of magical thinking, and that is not natural; a person can live unnaturally, driven by the illusions of contaminated consciousness; or living can happen naturally when consciousness is freed of the contamination that results in the disquietudes of a thinking mind, when freed of the influence of concepts, when in touch with reality, and when freed of believing lies or myths or superstitions or any of the other insane notions set forth by persons in any culture.” Please enter the silence of contemplation.
Sunday: REALITY: NO self…NO Self…No SELF, Part One