Sunday, August 07, 2005

REALIZATION: Understanding the Functioning of the Totality

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"It was all a natural process of automatic cycling, all just happening."
[Continued from 6 August 2005]
Q.: “When you were talking about how persons who are identified with their bodies also obsess over the consciousless bodies of others, it reminded me of the ‘ice cube metaphor’ you used. Nothing is really ‘lost’.”
F.: “Exactly. In fact, let's use that for a review. [Pause] The process begins at the core of a nuclear reactor called 'the sun.' I told you that this universe began with one hydrogen and one helium atom interacting. At the core of the sun, four hydrogen nuclei fuse together to form one helium nucleus, and that happens over and over. The part of the energy that process releases as light travels in particle and wave form and, in the case of this planet, either reflects off a surface or manifests in plants. The water and oxygen provided via plant photosynthesis sets the stage for another cycling of manifested energy-consciousness. Then, we can look at the cycles of water and see the similarity with the cyclings of consciousness. Let's pick up with a cycle where water is evaporating. It can appear to be steam, then cloud, and then rain which can fall into a river or lake. There, the water can be drawn out, processed, conveyed to the outlet in a house, placed into an ice tray, and frozen into a cube shape. As a cube used to cool a drink, water can then cycle through the body and into a waste system, into a treatment plant where some of it can evaporate into steam and form a cloud, and then the process cycles again, ad infinitum. A configuration of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom can manifest, and observers can assume that the varied ‘forms’ or ‘appearances’ are real and different, but we know now that they're all the same...all one. Clouds, rivers, lakes, steam, ice...all one thing—all H2O clusters—but all appearing to uneducated observers to be unique and different. Similarly, conscious-energy can manifest and observers can assume that the varied 'forms' or 'appearances' are real and different, but we know thy are all the same...all one. Females, males, trees, cars, pianos...all one thing—all conscious-energy, merely vibrating at varied frequencies—but all appearing to uneducated observers to be unique and different. In the end, whether 'ice' or 'human,' none of the spaces or shapes or forms remain. What they truly are remains. The appearance of supposed uniqueness was really illusory all along.”
Q.: “Clarity came when you explained before that we don’t ‘create’ anything when we think we ‘make’ ice cubes.”
F.: “Yes. So you understand that nothing has ever been created or destroyed.”
Q.2: “Clarity came to me when you explained that nothing was ‘lost’ and so nothing was ‘gained.’ It was all a natural process of automatic cycling, all just happening. Now, it's like, 'If I have a cube for my drink, okay; if I don’t have a cube for my drink, okay'.”
F.: “Ha. That’s as clear an expression of what “As If” living in the relative looks like as needs be offered.”
Q.3: “You’ve used that term ‘As If’ before, and several here seem to be familiar with it, but I’m not.”
F.: “We’ll get to that in an upcoming session. For now, stay with the cycles. “
Q.: “The cube analogy helped me get free of some misconceptions about reincarnation as well.”
F.: “In what way?”
Q.: “Well, here's what came to me in meditation after you discussed that in an earlier session. Say I have a cube and I melt it in a glass and then pour that water into the ocean. Then, if I immediately scoop up that water, I might get some of the water used to make the original cube and some water from the ocean that was not used before. Then, I can take that water home, freeze it, and make another cube. Part of that water that took the shape of the original cube is in the 'new' cube, but not all of it. The 'new' cube might have some water that had 'cubeness' before and some water that had never left the ocean before but is now manifested into the space or shape of a cube.”
F.: “Hummm. Exactly. It seems the teaching can now happen via another space. [Light laughter] What you described as that temporary 'cubeness,' that's the case with the consciousness that appears as this temporary 'Amness.' Part of that ‘new’ cube is made up of other atom clusters that had been manifested in a cube shape before but is also made up of atom clusters that had never been manifested as a cube. So it is when conscious-energy is drawn from that field of consciousness and into manifestation.”
Q.: “So do people who think they’re going to recycle as ‘a human’ or as some other life-form get upset if they hear that explanation from you?”
F.: “I’ve told you that it’s none of my business what others think of me. None I know who offer the Advaita Teaching try to recruit. All of you found these sessions; I didn't seek you out. In fact, more and more, the silence calls me. More sessions may happen...or not. [Pause] As for being upset, if the knowing is known, there’s no one to become upset. Always ask, 'Who is upset? Who is assuming a label or a role that feels threatened by these words?' Find the falsehood of that posturing and role assumption and the upset ends; don't, and it will continue. Whatever. [To Q.3] Take that as your first pointer toward ‘As If’ living. [To the group] If the knowing is not known, then ‘upsets’ become the rule, not the exception. If this functioning of the Totality is understood, the Realized can witness and feel, but no illusions shall be taken to be the real and no attachments to images or false roles shall be assumed. No offense can be experienced since no person is available to experience. [Pause] All sense of loss involves memories of things in the past that were seen to be a certain way—but that were not that way at all; or, a sense of loss can involve picturing a future that will not be what a person desires it to be or fears it will not be. Timelines are the trap; knowing the cycles frees you from the trap. Believing in ‘time’ at all is a trap. Freedom can only happen NOW. Truth is NOW only. The past is an imagining, generated in a mind—which is nothing more than contaminated consciousness. The future is an imagining generated in a mind…in corrupted consciousness. The Realized are free of all concepts, including the misconceptions of ‘imaginings’ and ‘time’ and ‘mind.’ So let’s discuss 'NOW'.”
Q.: “At this time? Ha.” [Laughter]
F.: “It’s time for you to leave.” [More laughter]
Please enter the silence of contemplation and meditate upon ‘past’ and ‘future’ and NOW. [To be continued 8 August 2005]
Tomorrow: REALIZATION: Knowing the NOW

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