F.: Meditation was originally "the setting aside of time to consider pointers," not a time to hum, not a time to try to make contact with a fictional god, and not a time to try to reach a “no-mind” state. “No-mind” states that are reached during meditation are temporary, and nothing temporary is the Real; post-Realization, YOU will be in a perpetual no-mind state. For the next several days, therefore, you are invited to sit in the quiet and to consider certain questions, knowing that nothing you’ve ever been told is of any use in finding the true answers. The answers have always been within, merely obscured from your view because of programming. So for the next several days, please take the following questions into consideration until an answer comes that is unlike any answer you’ve ever been given by any person. You're invited to forget magical, supernatural explanations and to find the true, scientifically-provable facts, for in that finding, you will come to know Who/What You Truly Are and You will understand the functioning of the totality:
What is it that really cycles…and what does not?
Where were you prior to conception? That is, before the sperm fertilized the egg, where was the sperm? How did that sperm happen to exist in that location? Since neither the sperm in men nor the eggs in women are obtained by eating sperm or eggs, what was consumed that “made” the sperm and egg and that provided its energy? Where did the energy that was in that consumed source come from?
What is the body, really?
What is your “mind,” really?
Who told you that religious or spiritual roles were “the ultimate”?
Why is child ignorance preferable?
What is the witness?
What is the Pure Witness/the True Self/the beingness/the I AM ?
What is the non-beingness?
What is the Absolute... the THAT?
What complete cycle is revealed by understanding all of the answers to the above? That is, what is it that really cycles...and what does not?
What is it that really cycles…and what does not?
Where were you prior to conception? That is, before the sperm fertilized the egg, where was the sperm? How did that sperm happen to exist in that location? Since neither the sperm in men nor the eggs in women are obtained by eating sperm or eggs, what was consumed that “made” the sperm and egg and that provided its energy? Where did the energy that was in that consumed source come from?
What is the body, really?
What is your “mind,” really?
Who told you that religious or spiritual roles were “the ultimate”?
Why is child ignorance preferable?
What is the witness?
What is the Pure Witness/the True Self/the beingness/the I AM ?
What is the non-beingness?
What is the Absolute... the THAT?
What complete cycle is revealed by understanding all of the answers to the above? That is, what is it that really cycles...and what does not?