Wednesday, May 24, 2006


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F.: Earlier in the month, a series of topics for meditation (that is, for consideration) were offered. Each was a topic that, if considered in the order provided and if thoroughly understood, could eventually lead persons to Full Realization. The first asked, “What is it that really cycles…and what does not?” In order to answer that, all nonsense must be cast aside, so the pointers of the last days have offered a way to clear away the nonsensical beliefs in order to make way for the truth to become known. If the nonsense has been seen to be nonsense (and if one is willing to question every belief that she/he has been taught), then the foundation has been laid for movement along the "path" to Full Realization.

First, there is that which cycles during the relative existence. The expression "earth-to-earth" does accurately characterize the “physical cycling” that happens. As reported, the scientist Szent-Gyorgyi noted that “what drives life is...a little electric current, set up by the sunshine.” Via the process of photosynthesis, plants convert the energy of the sun into a form that is usable by life forms on the planet. Energy with the capacity of consciousness is constantly being supplied to life forms via plants or via animals that eat plants. Also, the physical, cellular elements of the "body" are constantly being replaced, so the physical “you” is not “who” you were even days ago. Therein we find the first thing that is cycling in this existence: the elements that form the space that humans refer to as the body. Not only will those elements cycle from the earth (in the “beginning” of the space) and back to the earth (at the “end” of the space) but they are cycling every second as well. An earlier posting explained it this way:

The human body is constantly replacing and regenerating cells to maintain proper and efficient function. (If you spend ten minutes reading this post and considering the content, during that time you will have shed 250,000 skin cells and those will have been replaced by 250,000 different cells. Not one cell of the billions of skin cells that came about during the last twenty-eight days is now present.)

So while it is true that physical elements are cycling during this relative existence, a false belief among persons in regards to cycling is commonly-held. Persons believe that the body-mind-personality will cycle into some eternal existence, a lie that is taken to be true as a result of conditioning, of programming, and of accepting myths and superstitions as fact. Are you aware that elements dealing with the physical body are presently cycling in the relative existence but that the physical body itself will not cycle into any realm beyond the relative? The point was offered this way in an earlier posting:

There has never been one body with continuity, and there will never be a body with continuity (whether talking about pre-manifestation, manifestation or post-manifestation).

That is, there was no body with beingness prior to the manifestation of the conscious-energy that You Are…talk of sacred contracts notwithstanding. Next, even during the period that the conscious-energy is manifested, there is no body continuity since all components of the body are cycling ever second. Finally, after the conscious-energy is no longer manifested, there will be no continuity of the body…talk of heaven and hell notwithstanding. After the initial shock of realizing that your physical body will not cycle out of the physical realm (and realizing it will neither enter a heaven and be rewarded forever nor enter a hell and be tormented forever), what new and higher level of freedom might come with that awareness? How might the sanity and joy of NOW suddenly manifest as a result of that realization? Please enter the silence of contemplation.

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