Excerpt from RICH [Continued from yesterday]: "However, though the understanding is there (that this is illusion) it hasn't been [totally dismissed], so occasionally, there is an 'i' experiencing something. It isn't the real so it fades away. What's up? Residual ego?"
F.: 2. There is presently the functioning of the totality and this beingness. The illusions that must be discarded include (a) the remaining sense of individuality, (b) any remaining knowledge, (c) the remaining influence of personality, and (d) the remaining effects of the gunas—the body chemistry must be balanced. Regarding each of those pointers...
(a) All sense of form and name must be abandoned. The reference to “rich” and the absence of “Rich” is a proper shift if it truly indicates that You know that You Are the consciousness, which is formless and nameless. With the dis-appearance of “Rich,” nothing is. What could matter when only awareness remains? Become fixed in the I AM only.
(b) Knowledge has been called “the son of a barren woman.” It is illusion, something that is believed by persons to be real or significant but that is nothing more than something dreamed up by persons (that is, by personas or the non-Realized). What need to quote books or “holy” texts? What was Realized came from within, not from anything that persons perceive as being “external.” No books or “holy” men need be quoted. Words come spontaneously post-Realization. THE ORIGINAL UNDERSTANDING in not for those absorbed in ego-states who are collecting and sharing their knowledge from their sacred texts or who think that their religious or spiritual activities are making them "better." WHO (what ego-state) believes that? What most religious and spiritual persons engage in has been called nirupana, which involves collecting information, pontificating about it, and/or as practicing the concepts in texts that personas value so highly.
(c) There is no person or do-er or author or entity. All is merely happening and is happening spontaneously. Your point is accurate in that there is no choice because there is no “chooser.” WHO is the person who thinks he/she is doing and choosing when everything they do is a result of programming and conditioning? Did Pavlov’s dogs—after conditioning—choose to salivate? Your understanding is accurate: programmed and conditioned persons have no more choice than did Pavlov's conditioned dogs, yet personas arrogantly believe that they have free will and intelligence which separates them from "the animals." It is not the animals that are killing 400,000 in a region of Africa; that trumped up false reasons to invade Iraq; that are fighting their fights with other humans all across the globe. That is being done by persons who are absorbed in their false identities and are being driven by the massive egotism that supports and controls all persons living in the assumption that their ego-states really identify who they are. Animal do not separate into states or nations, into this religion or that, into this battle group or that. Each animal lives in its own state of peace, occasionally disrupted as others hunt to survive. Unless belief in all personas, do-ers, authors and entities is abandoned, you'll live in the same type of misery that is being experienced by the human masses instead of in the peace of other forms that live naturally and in peace.
(d) The three gunas align with what some call “Body Types 4, 8, and 5.” Fours behave like restless go-ers, do-ers, zoom-ers. Eights are more balanced between action and rest. Fives tend toward lethargy. Body Type Fours—already prone toward action—often become addicted not only to doing but also to chaos. As the Realized are absorbed more and more into the Absolute, even Types Fours find that they gravitate toward the quiet…or at least toward those who are not caught up in chaos. They automatically move away from those who generate chaos and are thus not around those personas who generate unpleasant situations such as that you described.
3. Regarding chaos and drama, additional pointers are available for consideration. You make the point that you “don’t have to leave—to get away from the chaos.” No, you don’t have to, but YOU will, automatically, when the shift is complete. In an earlier posting , the point was made that...
“...most people live while under the influence of the drama-drug: 95% live lives of anxious desperation, reacting and over-reacting as a result of being driven by body identification and personas. They are actors on stage who are so consumed by their play-acting that they have come to believe that their drama and their assumed personas are ‘the real.’ Conversely, 5% witness whatever happens or not, and take whatever steps are taken or not, from a rational state of calm. So it is. Which group are you fixated in?”
More and more, freedom from the influence of the addiction to “The Drama Drug” will diminish as awareness of the Real increases. Too, dramas can only take place when characters and actors are present. With the elimination of characters and actors, all of that drama will also dissipate. If persons are witnessed being dramatic, emotionally-intoxicated, highly agitated, or reacting in anger, know that they are being driven by one or more ego-states. How much drama is occurring with you? How often are you still exposing yourself to persons who are addicted to chaos? What dependencies remain that drive you to assume that you "need" something they have? Are you finding that less and less is happening that is agitating? Then “residual ego” is diminishing. For those still suffering agitation or anger, they are still assuming roles and their character-personas and actor-personas are still in charge, depriving them of even the slightest semblance of choice. Please enter the silence of contemplation. [To be continued]