Friday, December 14, 2007


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FROM A SITE VISITOR: Teachers sometimes speak of “impressions.” Are there not some impressions that are real or truthful in basis? Thank you for the site.

F.: [Continued from 10 December, 2007] These pointers were offered earlier:

Once persons are highly impressionable, they are set up to believe anything, and most persons do not have a clue about what has been impressed upon them. You were invited to consider how many concepts have been impressed upon you. The purpose was to determine if You are truly aware of the way that false impressions can govern whether you are trapped in dualistic beliefs and whether you are happy, sad or constantly fluctuating between the two.

During past sessions, honest seekers have listed their impressions about wealth, about “racial differences,” about marrying “outside your faith,” about “social levels” about “economic levels,” about "feeling separate from," and about a variety of other dualistic concepts. Some listed the impressions they had about what “love” is and about “exactly how it should be shown to them by others.”

Some listed their impressions about what is “moral” and what is not. Some mentioned their impressions about what looks “good” and what doesn’t. Here are other impressions made upon impressionable persons that inspire belief in duality and that cause instability and/or unhappiness and/or misery and/or suffering:

“We lived in a mansion and our parents always impressed upon us that we were different and were expected to behave in ways that showed we were better. I could only date boys from other wealthy families.”

“My Sunday school teacher impressed upon us that we were to be good, God-fearing children.”

“Growing up, I got the impression that I was not good enough and could never be good enough. Now, I still have the impression that I am not good enough, but I also have the impression that no one else is good enough either.”

“My teachers always impressed upon us that we lived in the greatest country on earth.”

“I got the impression that members of my race are more intelligent and more honest than the members of that other race.”

“My preacher impressed upon me that I was not to look at anything that was ‘dirty,’ was not to say any words that were ‘dirty,’ and was not to ever do anything that was ‘dirty.’ (By the way, I found out later that he was the ‘dirtiest’ of all.”)

“It was impressed upon me what a real gentleman acts like and what a real lady should expect and demand from men who are dating her.”

“I got the impression that I was special and that everyone should always treat me special.”

“My mother taught me that I should never leave the house without makeup on and my hair fixed because she said you never know when you might come across the right man who’ll want to marry you and take care of you for life. I got the impression that I was not supposed to take care of myself.”

“I got the impression that our nation has a clearer picture of the way things are supposed to be so we have the right to impose our will on other nations.”

“My parents and teachers and friends impressed upon me that I deserved to be treated better than others. They did that by constantly telling me I was better looking than most people, and in school I was voted ‘beauty’ and ‘favorite’ and ‘homecoming queen’.”

“I got the impression that there is some god (or gods) or divine being that micro-manages this universe and that I can tap into that power and can influence where storms go, can influence whether it rains or not, can influence god to kill those I consider my enemies, can influence whether certain people are blessed or not, can influence whether people are healed or not, can influence whether my loved ones are safe or not, can influence by prayer whether my business thrives or not, etc.”

“My father impressed upon me that a real man takes charge of everything…his business, his wife, his children.”

“I got the impression that I am an object to be used for gratification, so I now have the impression that people are objects to be used for my gratification.”

“My parents impressed upon me the importance of having faith and believing that Christ died for my sins. They also told me that I would earn my place in paradise with good works.”

“I got the impression that if everyone else would just be like us, the world would be a better place.”

“My parents taught me that money is freedom and that if I am successful enough, I can have anything I want.”

“I got the impression that the proper way to react to anger was with violence.”

“My parents impressed upon me the fact that knowledge is power, that I should never stop learning.”

Maharaj said, “What we ‘know’ becomes the source of happiness and sorrow. You were born without any existing knowledge. Knowingness arose only after the birth of the body. Do not become stuck in what you have learned. Eventually, you will have to throw it all away.”

Do you understand what the relative effects would be if everyone understood that only two impressions are true and that belief in all false impressions produce instability, a sense of separation, a sense of brokenness, and a sensation of fragmentation? Do you see that all conflict, fighting and war are rooted in false impressions?

Do you understand that in 95% of all cases, the storehouse of those impressions, the "mind," will cling to those impressions and that the consciousness will never be re-purified? Do you understand that the task of the seeker, therefore, is to focus on self—on false selves—and to eliminate belief in all impressions and ego-states and concepts other than the two impressions that point to Reality? Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)


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