Saturday, December 15, 2007


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FROM A SITE VISITOR: Teachers sometimes speak of “impressions.” Are there not some impressions that are real or truthful in basis? Thank you for the site.

F.: It was noted that Maharaj said, “What we ‘know’ becomes the source of happiness and sorrow. You were born without any existing knowledge. Knowingness arose only after the birth of the body. Do not become stuck in what you have learned. Eventually, you will have to throw it all away.”

Of course, he was speaking to one at the “wet charcoal” or “dry charcoal” stage. Those at the “gunpowder” stage will be in a position to understand that there is no birth, that there is no “one” to experience anything, and that all spiritual knowledge amounts to nothing more than learned ignorance.

In fact, those who are at the gunpowder stage—wherein a final pointer can cause the full understanding to explode into awareness—will understand that “the two impressions based in reality” are actually only one, non-dual impression.

Indeed, among those specks of consciousness that would function with the freedom that the nisarga style of functioning allows, it becomes understood that you must cast aside all that you have learned. The full understanding comes when You tap into that which You have sensed all along, namely that [A] for the moment, You (the manifest consciousness) Are; and that [B] You, a speck of energy, will be forever since energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

At that point, it is understood that the “I AM” + that which is being pointed to in the statement “I AM THAT” actually equal…ONE. How many persons will arrive at that understanding? Few, so persons will continue to add words after “I am” as they accept false identifiers as actual identifiers:

"I am a spouse"; "I am a president"; "I am an employer," ad infinitum. The result will be, as Maharaj explained, the instability of fluctuating between “happiness and sorrow." Living a relative existence that is like a roller coaster ride, the ad infinitum eventually becomes the ad nauseum.

Those who are so miserable that they (A) engage in self-destructive behaviors or (B) commit suicide in order to escape the misery and suffering of “this world,” are among those that did not cast aside the effects of programming, conditioning, enculturation, and domestication.

Those in group “A” above are so sickened by the false self/selves that they cannot tolerate their existence, but instead of being rid of those "selves" via conscious Realization, they subconsciously try to destroy those false selves by assaulting the body that houses the brain wherein the false "mind" works to produce instability and chaos.

The tools they used to demolish the body and "mind" include risky sexual conduct, the abuse of drugs and alcohol, or any of the other ways and means that can destroy the body which provides a space for the temporary manifestation of consciousness.

Members of group “B” use a speedier approach, but the motive is the same: to escape the constant and frustrating fluctuations or the constant instability or the pain and misery and suffering of “this world.”

Those who complete all seven steps of the “journey” to Realization eliminate “this world” via the enlightenment process which leads to liberation (from personality) NOW. Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)


  • Click THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS “PEACE OF MIND” (There Is Only Peace If You’re Out of Your Mind)
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