Friday, May 19, 2017


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These questions have been asked: 

A. Why is it that persons (the "non-realized") are willing to enter onto a "path" and then end up staying on it, and willing to begin a "journey" which never reaches the destination but continue on that "journey" anyway, and are willing to accept a treatment plan which offers no cure for what ails them? 

Additionally, site visitors were invited to look at the reasons behind that behavior and then answer this: 

B. Is that sensible and sane, or senseless and insane? 

Finally, and most relevant is this question: 

C. What are the simple ways to stop being driven by those often subconscious reasons and to transition beyond a lifetime of seeking and searching and find a way to just be, to just live, and to just relax? 

Yesterday it was noted that a few days will now be spent reviewing the reasons which drive persons to follow unquestioningly and with blind faith whatever "path" they were put on as a child or have found as an adult; the reasons which drive persons to obsess over any given set of teachings (be they thought to be religious, spiritual, philosophical, ideological, whatever); the reasons which drive persons to become compulsive seekers; and the reasons which drive persons to commit to seeking fanatically for their entire relative existence. 

Then it was noted that certain pointers will be offered which include the ways that some have become freed from being driven by those (often subconscious) reasons and have been able to abide thereafter in a Nisargan (natural), no-workaholism, no-fanaticism, no-obsessions, no-compulsions manner for the remainder of the existence, just as every living thing on the planet does except for mind-driven humans. 

So why do humans become willing to do what they are told; become willing to follow whatever "path" they are put on as if they are some kind of wind-up toy car; become willing to do what they do in a blind and unquestioning manner; and become willing to do that for as long as they live rather than marching to the beat of a different drummer? They do that . . . 

1. because they have all been programmed, conditioned, domesticated, acculturated, indoctrinated and brainwashed; 

2. because of parental modeling; 

3. because they have been lulled into a sleep state while thinking they are awake and choosing to do what they are doing; 

4. because they have been misinformed by authority figures but remain loyal to those authorities and their teachings anyway; 

5. because they willingly listen to - and believe - misguided and dishonest leaders; 

6. because they have become convinced they have already "found all truth" but still need life-long reinforcement of their beliefs; 

7. because of their egotism-driven ego-states' desire to be stroked and reinforced and held in high regard by their fellows for supposedly living a life of "great meaning and purpose";

8. because of the influence of their personality disorders;

9. because of their obsession-driven pleasure-seeking and their escapism-driven avoidance and dissociation and detachment and evasion;

10. because their egotism-supported ego-states love the adulation that is heaped upon anyone who is supposedly being "The Super Seeker" or "The Deep and Wise and Philosophical One" or "The Great Ideologue" or "The Super Religious One" or "The Spiritual Giant";

11. because they have lost the ability to choose whether or not to follow no end "paths"; have lost the ability to choose whether or not to engage in a life-long "journey" which never reaches the destination; and have lost the ability to choose whether or not to settle for a life-long treatment plan which offers no cure;

12. because of the desires and the fears of their assigned and assumed personalities (which include the desire for the eternal continuity of the manifest consciousness; the desire for the eternal continuity of the elemental plant body and the mind; the desire for the body-mind-personality to be forever and to experience forever eternal rewards and bliss and / or an eternal life in a brothel with "x"-number of wives, "x"-number of whores, and "x"-number of virgins; or the fear of eternal punishment; or the fear of being deprived of the chance to participate in eternal orgies; or the fear of being punished / burned / etc. for eternity);

13. because they believed it when they were told that humanity's problems are caused by the fact that people are not religious enough, not devoted enough, not faithful enough, and don't study enough the dogma and the content in their so-called "holy" scriptures; or 

14. because they believed it when they were told that humans have a "spirit"; they believed it when they were told that "a spirit can become sick"; they believed it when they were told that they have a "sick spirit" and that only conscious contact with God and God's mercy can heal that; or because they believed it when persons told them that their problems are all caused by a "spiritual malady"; and because all of their seeking becomes focused on getting into a relationship with a conceptualized "Being" and thereby finding healing for something which has been dreamed up by persons and which does not exist (a "spirit" or "soul") and finding a treatment for a dreamed up malady that is making some dreamed up thing sick; 

15. because persons who have been programmed, conditioned, etc. to believe the beliefs which others pass on to them, and accept those beliefs as true even though there is not one single fact to support those beliefs, are suffering from delusion and distortion and ignorance and one degree or another of insanity; 

16. because persons are not likely to find anyone who knows what the real sources of humanity's problems are; and 

17. because - even if persons happen to find another who has some inkling about the sources of humanity's problems - the solution is not offered in a plain and simple manner in a language which all can understand. 

To be continued. 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access nearly 3,000+ posts for any topics of interest to you.

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