• There are specific "reasons" which cause persons to think obsessively and to behave compulsively
• and which renders them unable to relax
• and which lead them to be driven to go and do and zoom (whether that involves religion; spirituality; employment; "personal relationships"; politicking; reforming; rescuing; seeking love; seeking mass approval and applause and admiration; trying to escape responsibilities; accumulating; finding caretakers; or controlling).
• We are looking at what causes those reasons to manifest
• and what must happen in order to be freed from their influence.
• Persons obsess, act compulsively, are unable to relax, are fanatical, are driven by subconscious motives, and do whatever authority figures tell them to do - unquestioningly - because of reason #5: persons willingly listen to - and believe - misguided and dishonest leaders.
The causes behind reason #5:
To be free of being driven unconsciously by those forces requires understanding the forces, seeing how they work, being able to spot them in one's self when they activate, and turning away from their influence.
Conditioning and acculturation and indoctrination have been discussed already. As for brainwashing, it has been defined online as "a process used to make someone adopt certain beliefs by using systematic and often forcible pressure" and "a process (also known as mind control, coercive persuasion, thought control, and re-programming or re-educating) which alters or controls the human mind through the use of certain psychological techniques."
Persons also obsess, act compulsively, are unable to relax, are fanatical, are driven by subconscious motives, and unquestioningly do whatever authority figures tell them to do because of reason #6: they have become convinced that they have already "been given all truth" or "have been given a 'holy' book which contains all truth in a single volume" or "have found all truth" (but, for some reason, still seem to need life-long reinforcement of their beliefs based in that "truth" they think they already know).
The causes behind reason #6:
Personality identification has already been discussed, but let's cover the "assigned and assumed" part": early on, the roles (the false identities) which children adopt are assigned by adults; later, as those children reach adulthood, they will be assuming other false identities on their own along with the ones which their culture continues to assign.
As for "egotism," understand that the term "ego" (Lt., "I," the false personal "I") points to all of the false identities which persons assign or assume; that "ego-state" refers to the condition of being totally consumed by that role -and all roles - and allowing the hidden agendas and fears and desires of their false, "personal" identities to drive all thoughts and words and actions; and that "egotism" is one of many ego-defense mechanisms which persons used to maintain and support their false images and false identities.
Persons also obsess, act compulsively, are unable to relax, are fanatical, are driven by subconscious motives, and unquestioningly do whatever authority figures tell them to do because of reason #7: humans' egotism-driven ego-states' are always desiring to be stroked and reinforced and held in high regard by their fellows who honor them for supposedly living a life of "great meaning and purpose."
The causes behind reason #7? Also . . .
Persons also obsess, act compulsively, are unable to relax, are fanatical, are driven by subconscious motives, and unquestioningly do whatever authority figures tell them to do because of reason #8: the influence of their personality disorders.
The causes behind reason #8:
If there are no personality identifications, then there can be no personality disorders, and if there are no personality disorders, then there will be no disorders to disintegrate into what disorders disintegrate into: neuroses and psychoses.
Once personality identifications are assigned or assumed, what causes personality disorders to follow? Programming, conditioning, etc.
For example, if a child's parents are overly-focused on their image, then they will want the perfect child to reinforce their perfect image. They will reward what they suppose to be perfection and they will punish anything short of that. Years of programming and conditioning will continue as the parents' obsessiveness is forced onto their child or children.
The result: the manifestation of the Perfectionistic Personality Disorder in the child (which will also cause the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder to manifest along with the Narcissistic Personality Disorder, not to mentioned a serious, often life-long case of anger which - when repressed - triggers depression).
A child so programmed will become rigid, inflexible, and anal, and anyone who enters into a relationship with that type as an adult and then tries to "make that type happy" will be totally unsuccessful and will thus be frustrated and miserable, constantly confronted with the mate's suppressed anger and resultant depression and O-CD nature).
All of that as a result of one of hundreds of preoccupations which parents with their own disorders pass along to their offspring.
How to be free of that?
Understand that there is no personal identification for anyone. Humans, like other living things, are three-part composite unities: there's an elemental plant food body which is circulating air and which is circulating conscious-energy.
There is no continuity of that composite, much less any continuity of personal identities.
The parts of an elemental plant food body are forever cycling. Skin cells are totally replaced every 10 to 30 days with 28 being typical; the cells making up the stomach are replaced every 2 to 9 days; the cells of the small intestines are replaced ever 2 to 4 days; the cells of which the cervix is comprised are replaced every 6 days; the lungs, every 8 days, etc., etc., etc.
(As a side note, why is what one eats significant? Fat cells last . . . 8 years.)
Consider that there is no continuity of body now, so there will most assuredly be no surviving body later (even of a gauzy, transparent, or invisible version which is half person and half bird). And so much for the distortion that "you" have been around for 30 years, or 40 years, or whatever; understand the above and you will understand that there is no you.
So what is there in this regard? There is a temporarily-manifested, constantly-changing conglomeration of elements and various forms of energy. In additional to the physical, elemental, ever-coming-and-going body, the air is forever cycling in and out of the body and so is the conscious-energy.
One eats regularly in order to provide constantly a new source not only of replacement cells but also a new supply of conscious-energy. Stop eating and you will "lose consciousness." Drink water but stop eating and the composite unity might last 55 to 60 days, but around that point, it will stop functioning completely.
See? No person. No personhood. That is why nothing can actually be taken personally, but also why much is taken persona-lly because of the nonsense-filled mind and the plethora of false identities which are assigned and assumed and stored therein.
To be continued.
Please enter into the silence of contemplation.
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