Friday, May 26, 2017


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 So today we begin to move through an analysis of "the reasons" why persons are driven to behave obsessively and compulsively and how those reasons have rendered them unable to relax and how it leads them to be driven instead to go and do and zoom, whether that going and doing and zooming involves religious and / or spiritual workaholism; 

or their jobs; or their "relationships" (or their seeking a relationship); or their politicking; or their hobbies or recreation; or their efforts to reform the world; or their efforts to rescue others in order to try to get others to give them the love they did not receive as a child from their parents; 

or perform in public, forever putting on a show with a hope that they can get mass approval and applause and admiration; or trying to escape the challenges and the responsibilities of the AM-ness; or accumulating knowledge; or finding organizations or people to take care of them; or controlling; or avoiding; or dissociating. 

The analysis will also look at what causes the reasons to manifest and what must happen in order to be freed from their subconscious influence. 

Reason # 1 was reviewed earlier, so now we'll look at reason #2 which drives persons to behave obsessively and compulsively and renders them unable to relax and leads them to be driven instead to go and do and zoom and to follow "paths" devotedly and faithfully and fervently and fanatically, though they never consciously chose the path at all or chose to end up where they presently are in their lives. That all happens because of reason #2, parental modeling. 


While the term "domestication" often refers to the early interaction between animals and humans and the process by which wild animals have been suppressed and "tamed" in order to provide some real or imaginary benefits, the term also applies to the process by which humans / parents "tame" and sculpt and shape and mold and fashion their offspring. 

This definition is offered online: "Domestication is a sustained multi-generational relationship in which one group of organisms assumes a significant degree of influence over the reproduction and care of another group to secure a more predictable supply of resources from that second group." 

Now, biologists and anthropologists have long noted what they call the "negative effects" which domestication has on the animals being domesticated by humans (rendering them weaker, smaller, dependent, more vulnerable to illnesses and diseases, stressed as a result of losing their freedom to go where they want to go and being unable to behave naturally and being limited and restricted as result of being confined in or on their masters' property;

however, little attention is paid to the fact that those very same effects manifest in the children of adults who begin domesticating their offspring from early on. 

Anna Brix Thomsen said: "From the moment a child is born, it is expected to assimilate to the culture and society surrounding it, to make its norms and traditions its own. It is a war with the goal to break down the child until it surrenders its natural instincts and accepts its domestication. 

"This process is unnatural and not without bloodshed. Screaming, conflicts and violence ensues when the child tries to fight tooth and nail to express itself in a way that comes natural to it and not succumb to the unnatural assimilation process. 

"It almost never works. And when it does, the child is labeled with one of the increasingly pervasive diagnoses that we hide behind to not have to take responsibility for our creation; the invention of a society and a culture that breaks down life before it had even had a chance to grow. We call it ADD, ADHD, hyperactive disorder, child depression or simply: ‘bad seeds’. The child innocently asks: “But why?” The parents response? “Because that’s just the way it is. Get with the program.” 

In Texas, a person prosecuted for what is defined as "animal cruelty" will face penalties including monetary fines or jail or both, but the law only applies to domesticated animals. Animals in the wild? "Rip 'em up good, Bro." 

Yet in cities and states and nations all around the globe, children suffer from mental and physical and emotional and even lethal forms of cruelty which is heaped upon them if they rebel and resist the domestication efforts of the adults they are forced to deal with, and that happens without any penalty to the abusers at all. In fact, it is all normalized and praised when parents "whip their children into shape."

Maharaj said, "Facts are real. I live among them. But you live with fancies, not with facts. Facts never clash, while your life and 'world' are full of contradictions. Contradiction is the mark of the false; the real never contradicts itself," and he made clear that it the job of the non-dual teacher to make clear to seekers the contradictions which dominate the programmed mind and guide them to being free from all contradiction.

Nothing is more contradictory and at odds than (a) the natural manner of abidance which worked for human-like beings for millions of years vs. (B) the unnatural and supernatural (religious, spiritual) manner of abidance which is forced on persons who have no choice or say at all about what is done to them by way of the domestication process.

As we move through the discussion of the other "reasons," it will be seen that the effects of human-on-human domestication will show up time and again. 

To be continued. 

Please enter into the silence of contemplation. 

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.] 

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