Saturday, November 30, 2019


Table of Contents

Today's Considerations
Recent Posts and Archives
Tools for Realization
Author's eBooks
Author's Paperback Books
Free eBooks



1. [See the offer in gold text following this post for details on how you can watch a retreat on video which includes a detailed discussion of all seven of the steps on the path as used by Maharaj]

2. Here, with those who are still driven to talk about "god," the "Son of god," the "Holy Spirit," "Buddha," "Krishna," etc., etc., etc., the invitation to them is to view those as verbs, not nouns. See the green text after today's post for the full meaning and implications of that.

3. A new video ("Number Ten: Awakening Together Satsang, March 2018") has now been added in the far right column of this page, offering the opportunity to view a recent 2018 satsang session with Floyd being interviewed by Regina and Jacqueline of "The Awakening Together Group." (See the details in the blue text after this post.)

4. Some prefer paperback books even if they have to wait a day or so to receive it and have to pay more for a printed book and its shipment. Now, 10 paperback books by Henderson are in print and are available through Amazon. See the end of this post in red text for details.

5. Would you like to have us send to someone as a gift from you a copy of any ebook in our inventory? See the offer in purple text at the end of this post.


"Science will someday advance to the point that it will confirm the validity of the non-dual teachings."
--Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


“The idea that you know what is true is dangerous, for it keeps you imprisoned in the mind.” 
--Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


Here, there is nothing that is believed, so there is no one here who wants you to believe anything, either. Here, the invitation is to be free of all that you have been programmed, conditioned, acculturated, domesticated, indoctrinated, and brainwashed to believe so that you can be free, period.  
--Floyd Henderson 

Excerpts from the book entitled FREEDOM from BELIEFS (Believers, Non-Believers, and "No-Belief-ers") will continue with the a discussion of the way that personality-invoking "-ism's" are another source which generates a plethora of distortion-riddled beliefs: 

"-ISM'S" and BELIEFS Rooted in Personality Rather Than in Science and / or Facts
("-ism's," Part "D") 

1. There are those who are truly seeking peace. 

2. There are those who are not seeking peace because they are attached to control and are addicted to the excitement of chaos in an effort to relieve a dull existence of its tedium and boredom and depression and monotony. 

3. In an effort to escape monotony, both chaos and dualism seem appealing. 

4. For those truly seeking peace, it cannot happen unless one is freed from belief in and attachment to any "-ism." 

5. Nor can peace happen unless one is freed from belief in any false identity or role or personality or personas because they are the prerequisite for misery and the driving force behind all suffering. 

6. The peace / "-ism" dilemma is this: attachment to "-ism's" reinforces attachment to "-ism"-related personas, and "-ism"-related personas reinforce attachment to "-ism's." 

Example #1: "We are a helping, civilizing people when we invade nations with their backwards populations and share our advanced culture with them," which actually means "we have a history of imposing our high cultural standards upon lesser people to our economic advantage." 

To assume the role of "The Helping, Civilizing People" reinforces attachment to colonialism; colonialism reinforces the false belief that the invaders are "helping" and "civil." That is not unlike the parent who says, "I am disciplining you by whipping you because I love you" while the child is thinking, "Then just stop loving me, you ignorant ass. Your version of 'love' is killing me." 

Example #2: "We (Jews / Christians / Muslims) are the only ones whose beliefs are right" reinforces belief in and attachment to Judaism / Protestantism or Catholicism / Islamism. Attachment to Judaism / Protestantism or Catholicism / Islamism, in turn, reinforces the false belief that "I am a Jew" or "I am a Christian" or "I am a Muslim." 

Such beliefs, in turn, support duality and a sense of "separation from" and "better-than-ment" and "different-from-ness," and those concepts and false identities and drivers of attachment to "-ism's," in turn, have resulted in more murdering than any other single factor in human history. 

7. Attachment to "-ism's" will always nurture duality; distortion; illusion; delusion; learned ignorance; varying degrees of psychic unhealthiness as a result of personality disorders; a variety of neuroses; an assortment of psychoses and full-blown insanity; and the resulting inability to be in touch with reality or Reality either one. 

8. So, personality and "-ism's" work hand-in-hand to support each other and to nurture attachments and personality-assumption. 

9. Personality-assumption robs persons of the ability to choose thoughts and words and deeds and leaves persons at the mercy of the hidden agendas of personality (which is the root of all usually-unfounded-fears and all unmet-and-thus-frustrating desires). 

10. Fears and desires generate misery and suffering and rob persons of any chance of finding peace. 

11. To understand personality and which personalities are generating the personality-trance which traps persons in an endless cycle of misery-producing thoughts ("mind"-chatter) and which determines subconsciously all words and actions, the Enneagram provides a tool that can uncover the subconscious drivers of thoughts and words and deeds and can reveal - on an exact scale - the degree to which each assumed personality is driving a person. Thus, the tool that can assist seekers with seeing which personalities are driving them - and to what degree and with what consequences - was introduced yesterday. 

It was noted that Ichazo used Enneagram analysis to show seekers exactly how "the ego begins to develop, [how] there is a transition from objectivity to subjectivity, and [how humans] fall from essence into personality." Ichazo saw the Enneagram as a tool that can be used to examine specifics about the structure of essence and particularly about the ways in which the qualities of essence "become distorted, or contracted into states of ego." 

In developing his Enneagram theories, he drew upon the teachings regarding "the nine divine forms"; the teachings of Plato; the teachings of Plotinus; and teachings by early mystics who focused their studies on "the loss of the divine forms in ego consciousness" (those forms including tolerance, humility, sincerity, gratitude, non-attachment, courage, patience, temperance, and discernment). 

Therein lies the core Advaita / non-dual message: when trapped in "an ego-state / personality consciousness" as opposed to being free as a result of awareness of the essence and the authenticity, then tolerance, humility, sincerity, gratitude, non-attachment, courage, patience, temperance, and discernment will never manifest during the AM-ness. 

The opposites of the "divine forms," in the course of their travels from Greece to Egypt over the course of a century, became distorted and reduced by religion to "seven deadly sins" which pointed at the means by which "the divine forms" became distorted into the so-called "sins" of anger, pride, envy, avarice, gluttony, lust, and sloth. 

Ichazo's non-dual message that was delivered with a focus on personality and "personality-driven defects" also drew from the teachings of the Kabbala, but his key contribution as far as Advaitins are concerned was in discovering how these "divine forms" and their corresponding distortions connected with the already-existing Enneagram symbol and with human thinking, feeling, and instinct. 

With that understanding, he showed how a person loses both awareness and the sense of pure presence, falling away from essence into the trance of the personality; how the loss of awareness becomes a person's ego-fixation; how the loss of contact with essence and authenticity eliminates tolerance, humility, sincerity, gratitude, non-attachment, courage, patience, temperance, and discernment; 

and how the loss of contact with the essence and the authenticity sets the stage for persons to be driven by their "characteristic passion" (or "passions" or "personality traits"), including wrath and resentment and anger; pride; deceit; melancholia and jealousy and envy; greed and avarice; panic and cowardice; conceit and gluttony; lust; and indifference or laziness. 

The link with the Advaita message is this: when one loses contact with the essence and with authenticity and falls into a personality trance, then the combined effects of (1) that loss of contact with the essence and authenticity and (2) the subsequent identification with body and mind and personality become so acute that the person's ego-states become preoccupied with recreating the contact. 

It is - at least in some cases - that "acute" search for contact with one's Original (Pure) Nature that drives persons to assume the role of "The Seeker." That would be fine except for the fact that - without a realized teacher as a guide or without being in touch with the inner guru - then the search unfolds in a totally futile and self-defeating way. 

The masses are engaged in that blind search for their essence and for an awareness of authenticity, but blocked from seeing clearly by the sources of ambiguity and duality (rooted in programming, domestication, conditioning, acculturation, indoctrination, brainwashing, and their personality trance), they know not what they seek; 

in most cases, their seeking ends at the third of seven steps on the seven-step "journey" from identification with the false "I" to abidance as the Absolute (the third step being where they assume the false identity of "The Religious One" or "The Spiritual One" or "The Realized One" and where their search becomes focus of seeking control and power); 

furthermore, the odds are slim that they will ever cross paths with a fully realized teacher that can reveal to them exactly what "that / That" is which they are "missing" and thus seeking; therefore, they will usually seek blindly or will be misled by their "leaders" or "big name teachers" - all of whom are equally blind. 

So it is, but so it need not be for those that have come this way and that accept what the Enneagram and the Advaitin teachings combined can reveal. It was noted earlier that "-ism's" support personality and personality supports belief in (and attachment to) "-ism's." 

Another example: Sinclair Lewis on a couple of "-ism's" in particular:

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross." 

Might Lewis have meant something sort of like this?

Were Lewis here nowadays, he could point to candidates in 2012 who would be the President of the United States and who are suggesting that women impregnated during a rape or as the result of an act of incest should not have the right to abort but should "make the best of a bad situation"; 

that homosexual acts - which are banned by state law in many states - should be declared illegal by national law as well; that birth control should be banned because it is inspiring "unacceptable sexual activities"; and that some persons have the right to marry but that the constitution should be amended to deny others the right to marry. 

In those cases, note the combination of "flag and the cross / Catholicism"; the cross / Catholicism and flag. Fascism that year manifesting precisely as predicted.

Such is the toll of belief in the arrogance-based concepts perpetuated by "-ism's" and the blind acceptance of the desires of "-ism"-based personality / personalities. "-Ism's" and personas; personas and "-isms."

[Now, during the twelve months since the 2016 presidential election, the "-ism's" called "Republicanism," "white supreme-ism," and "Christian evangelism" have made the 2012 examples above appear to be rather tame by comparison. Nowadays, Lewis would have to modify his prediction to say, "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the U.S. flag, in the Nazi flag, in the 1860-era Battle Flag of the Confederacy, and carrying the Christian cross."

At play? Nazism and Revisionism. Fascism. Patriotism and Nationalism and Tribalism. White Supreme-ism and Racism and Separatism. Anarchism and Terrorism. Christian Deconstructionism. Demagoguism and Scapegoatism. Emotionalism. Exceptionalism. Insurrectionism. And, of course, Dualism.]

Each supports the other in an endless cycle that encourages the reinforcement of persona-adoption, followed by a person attaching to the "-ism's" that reinforce the persona, followed by the "-ism's" reinforcing the belief that the persona is an actual identity, etc., etc., etc. 

To claim that "I am a patriot" is to create an attachment to the beliefs that any given culture suggests are evidence of one's patriotism, including such statements as: "We are the greatest country on the planet"; "I am willing to die for my country"; "a real man is willing to sacrifice his life to protect his fellow citizens"; or "I will beat to a pulp anyone who desecrates our flag." 

Once the persona / personality of "The Patriot" has been adopted, then the conceptualized "-ism" of "patriotism" becomes sacred, hallowed, revered, and sanctified; and once the conceptualized "-ism" of "patriotism" becomes sacred, hallowed, revered, and sanctified, then the persona / personality of "The Patriot" is also believed to have the status of being sacred, hallowed, revered, and sanctified and that belief will blindly drive all thoughts and words and deeds. 

Thus, those trapped in personality are killing and / or dying for their country; killing and / or dying for their god; killing and / or dying for whatever the popes' desires were during the Crusades; killing and / or dying for whatever the imam's desires are nowadays; killing and / or dying for whatever the commander-in-chief's desires are; killing and / or dying for whatever the prime minister's desires are, ad infinitum

Such are the results of the perverted beliefs in false personas and in "-ism's." To be free, the recommendation here is to employ the Enneagram as a tool to begin uncovering the variety of personalities which subconsciously drive thoughts and words and deeds and which, therefore, remove all opportunity to make independent choices.

To be continued.

Watch an updated seven-hour streaming video of a retreat with Floyd Henderson which can be viewed by anyone with internet access. (In this video, all seven of the steps on "the path" as taught by Maharaj are explained and discussed.)

If interested, click the button below to pay the fee via PayPal. You will then receive an email which includes the link for you to view the private, unlisted video via an arrangement we have made with YouTube, Inc. You do not have to have a YouTube account to watch this privately streamed video.

(If you do not receive the link promptly, your computer or email provider may have high filter settings. Check your spam and trash folders because some providers automatically transfer emails containing links to those folders.)

To access the seven-hour streaming video of a retreat and begin watching right away, click this "Buy Now" button:

Buy Now

Please enter into the silence of contemplation.

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.]

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access nearly 3,300 posts for any topics of interest to you.


If you prefer PAPERBACK copies
of some of Henderson’s non-duality books,
10 of his books in PRINT FORM are available through AMAZON.
(That is, ten books are collected in two anthologies for sale on AMAZON.)


The Advanced Seekers' Series (344 pages) is an anthology of four books that share Advaita-based, non-duality pointers that can guide seekers to abide as their original nature. Included in the anthology are

"From the I to the Absolute (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality");

"Consciousness / Awareness: The Nature of Reality Beyond SELF-Realization (Peace Every Day When Abiding As the Absolute)";

"From the Absolute to the Nothingness";


"The Final Understanding."

Order a PAPERBACK copy of The Advanced Seekers' Series from AMAZON by clicking here


This anthology (438 pages) contains the six books that make up what has been called The Blissful Abidance Series for those seeking to live blissfully and happily for the remainder of the manifestation, including,

“What BLISS is and what BLISS is not”;

“There’s No Such Thing As Peace of Mind (There’s Only Peace If You’re ‘Out of Your Mind’)”;

“Liberation (Attaining Freedom from Personality via Realization)”;

“Freedom from Shifting Between States of Happiness and Unhappiness”;

“Why You Must Be Empty If You Would Be Full”;


“When REALITY Is Overlaid on the RELATIVE.”

Order a PAPERBACK copy of The Blissful Abidance Series from Amazon by clicking here


To make an arrangement for us to send in your name as a gift from you any of our books to someone you choose:;

(a) Visit

(b) Purchase the ebook you’d like to send.

(c) Contact us using the email below, tell us which ebook you just purchased, and provide the name and email address of the person you want to send the ebook to. (They will never be contacted again or solicited for any reason.)

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Here, with those who are still driven to talk about "god," the "Son of god," the "Holy Spirit," "Buddha," "Krishna," etc., etc., etc., the invitation to them is to view those as verbs, not nouns.


If looked at as nouns, they point to illusions and are, therefore, a total waste of time to even discuss; if looked at as verbs which are resulting in certain sane but rare behaviors among humanity, then they are worthy of some attention during the relative existence.

Meaning? There are members of certain groups who say things such as "My concept of god in the past was of a weak god, an absentee god, A Santa Claus-type god, a mean, punishing, vindictive god, etc. Today, I am in close contact with a loving and caring god whom I worship and praise and glorify and give thanks to."

The reply to that usually goes like this: "If you are in contact with a god that wants to be worshipped and praised and glorified, then you're dealing with someone like yourself - a narcissist - and hanging out with narcissists will never bring an end to your narcissism (that narcissism evidenced by the fact that you think you are "godly").

Next, in the phrase 'loving and caring god,' any supposed god that truly had her or his act together would tell you that the totally irrelevant part of that phrase is 'god' and that the only part that is relevant is the "loving and caring" part.

"That is, a non-narcissistic their god / their goddess would say, "I care not an iota about being worshipped and praised and glorified by you or anyone else. How arrogant and insecure and needy would I have to be to want that? Forget the man-made, dreamed up noun 'god' and focus on the 'god as a verb' understanding and then go forth and let loving and caring be verbs - not adjectives - and let them generate the act of love and the act of caring and let those actions manifest through you."

Yeshu'a (Jesus) and Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis were spot on:

"No one shall ever see 'the kingdom of heaven.' It is within"
--Yeshu'a (Jesus)


"Heaven and earth shall fade away."
--Yeshu'a (Jesus)


"Heaven and hell are not geographic places
but are states of mind, nothing more than
concepts dreamed up by men."&
--Pope John Paul II

"There is no hell."
--Pope Francis, the current pope
in an interview with journalist Eugenio Scalfari,
a writer used by the Pope to issue off the record
teachings which become a part of the Papal Magisterium.

[That said, would that the popes who have shown the courage to reject a core concept of their dogma - namely, "hell" - would find the additional courage required to question the very existence of their institution in light of the centuries-long cover-up of their history of raping children and in light of the mental and emotional and psychological scarring of billions of their members past and present.

And that need for courage also applies as questions need to be asked about why so many other sky cults are still being supported and allowed to continue to exist as well. When certain types of programming and conditioning have been shown to blind the masses, they should end. Will they? Not likely. Why?

Because what the masses think and say and do is most influenced by the international crime families which hold sway over the masses as criminals conduct their planet-wide operations. What are the major international crime families and which are the most influential and have the largest memberships?

The Mafia / La Cosa Nostra; the Catholic Church (with it 1.2 billion followers) whose Vatican Bank worked for decades with the Mafia while laundering mob earnings (for a 15% all-profit charge by the Bank); Protestant and Evangelical Churches (with over 1.2 billion followers) like the one I was raised in where the youth director molested and sexually assaulted young girls; big business which has long created environments in which people have been abused; powerful political bodies like the U.S. Congress, etc., etc., etc.)

With all of those crime families, neither the followers nor the leadership ever voluntarily step down or shut down their criminal activities. Be they gangs, organized crime families, religions, big business, politicians, etc., they all want control and they all want power and they all want money, and nothing internal will interfere with the driving forces at play.

The masses must demand that all those in charge must step down and their groups and institutions must shut down, and there's the real problem because the continuation of their crimes are enabled not as much by the people running such crime organizations as they are enabled by the masses of people who - wanting some perceived "payoff" - remain involved with them and give them money and support them and aid and abet the continued existence of those criminal enterprises and thus facilitate the ability of church criminals and political criminals and other types of criminals to continue to commit their crimes.]


the direct link to the VIDEO VERSION

of the "Awakening Together" satsang session with Regina and Jacqueline referenced earlier, 18 MARCH 2018


You can click on the picture link which has now been added for video "Number Ten" in the upper right-hand column on this page.

If preferred, here's

the direct link to the AUDIO VERSION

of that session.

Friday, November 29, 2019


Table of Contents

Today's Considerations
Recent Posts and Archives
Tools for Realization
Author's eBooks
Author's Paperback Books
Free eBooks



1. [See the offer in gold text following this post for details on how you can watch a retreat on video which includes a detailed discussion of all seven of the steps on the path as used by Maharaj]

2. Here, with those who are still driven to talk about "god," the "Son of god," the "Holy Spirit," "Buddha," "Krishna," etc., etc., etc., the invitation to them is to view those as verbs, not nouns. See the green text after today's post for the full meaning and implications of that.

3. A new video ("Number Ten: Awakening Together Satsang, March 2018") has now been added in the far right column of this page, offering the opportunity to view a recent 2018 satsang session with Floyd being interviewed by Regina and Jacqueline of "The Awakening Together Group." (See the details in the blue text after this post.)

4. Some prefer paperback books even if they have to wait a day or so to receive it and have to pay more for a printed book and its shipment. Now, 10 paperback books by Henderson are in print and are available through Amazon. See the end of this post in red text for details.

5. Would you like to have us send to someone as a gift from you a copy of any ebook in our inventory? See the offer in purple text at the end of this post.


"Science will someday advance to the point that it will confirm the validity of the non-dual teachings."
--Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


“The idea that you know what is true is dangerous, for it keeps you imprisoned in the mind.” 
--Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


Here, there is nothing that is believed, so there is no one here who wants you to believe anything, either. Here, the invitation is to be free of all that you have been programmed, conditioned, acculturated, domesticated, indoctrinated, and brainwashed to believe so that you can be free, period.  
--Floyd Henderson 

Today we continue with excerpts from the book entitled FREEDOM from BELIEFS (Believers, Non-Believers, and "No-Belief-ers")

and the discussion of the way that personality-invoking "-ism's" are another source which generates a plethora of distortion-riddled beliefs:

("-ism's," Part "C")
Beliefs, Personality, and the Science of the Enneagram

To attach to - and to be driven by - the agendas of the "this-ism's" or "that-ism's" which John Lennon sang about will eliminate any chance of his other invitation regarding "giving peace a chance." 

Peace cannot happen unless one is free and - just as a ship attached to a dock is not free and, therefore, cannot fulfill its natural providence - a person cannot function naturally or peacefully if attached to any of the "-ism's" mentioned in that earlier post. 

Why? Because, as mentioned, attachment to "-ism's" will always nurture duality; distortion; illusion; delusion; learned ignorance; varying degrees of psychic unhealthiness as a result of personality disorders; a variety of neuroses; an assortment of psychoses and full-blown insanity; and the resulting inability to be in touch with reality or Reality either one. 

The same applies when personas are assigned or adopted because persons fall under the blinding spell of the belief that "this" or "that" defines who (or what) they are. 

The antidote that some sages have used throughout history to treat belief in the "this-ism's" and "that-ism's" which persons use to identify themselves is the mantra "I AM." The advice is to focus on the “I AM” and to break the habit of allowing any word or label other than “THAT” to ever follow the phrase. 

Then, “I am a great husband” and “I am a great wife” and “I am a super employee” and “I am a great lover” all become instead “I AM” . . . only, “I AM” . . . only, “I AM” . . . only, and “I AM" . . . only. 

An impression based in reality is an intrinsic impression. Prior to having being taught even a single idea or concept, a child (i.e., a space housing newly-manifested consciousness) is aware of its Is-ness. Even the most recently-manifested speck of consciousness is in touch with the intuitive impression that It Is. It intrinsically “knows” I AM. 

Were it to later realize, it could say as another realized teacher said and as is said here: "Do not speak of me as 'floyd'; speak of me as I AM." Were it to later realize, the speck would not mistakenly believe that it was born but would say, "Before my 'parents' and even before 'this world,' I AM." 

Any impression other than the intrinsic impression that I AM (and, post-realization, I AM THAT) is merely an idea, a concept. All other impressions are nothing more than learned, acquired, false beliefs. 

All man-fabricated religious and spiritual “knowledge,” all ideas, and all concepts are generated from that accumulation of fiction called the “mind” and from fictional identities called personas or personalities or roles or ego-states or stage characters or states-of-being-this or states-of-being-that. How could that which is associated with a mind-mirage and associated with a personality-mirage possibly be real? 

Yet such impressions control the thoughts and words and deeds of persons (the non-realized) across the planet. The result is that persons are unstable and are offensive at times as they are driven by their impressions and are defensive at times when driven by other impressions. Their impressions will also drive them to be aggressive at times and cowering at other times. Instability is guaranteed. 

The following pointers are often shared with those trying to understand personality and trying to understand why all sages have advised seekers to take the steps required to be free of personality . . . to be free of belief in all of their "this-ism's" and "that-ism's" which they actually think can identify who they are: 

Many ask why the enneagram personality inventory tool is offered here along with Advaitin pointers. Consider: at the root of the hundreds of personality disorders which can 

a. guarantee a loss of contact with the essence and with authenticity and the authentic

and which can 

b. generate ignorant or insane thoughts and words and deeds is - of course - personality. 

Personality - the belief that "I am this" or "I am that" - must be understood completely in order to be discarded completely as an identity and to be eliminated as the key hidden motivator of dualistic thoughts and words and actions. 

Further, realization cannot happen unless the seeker understands personality; understands how personality drives persons via misery-producing desires and fears; understands the full impact of personality on the relative existence; understands how it generates a sense of dis-ease and separation; 

understands how personality produces emotional instability; and understands how it blocks any and all opportunity to know the Oneness (reinforcing instead the false belief in "different-from" and "better-than" and "higher than" and "apart from"). 

One of the most ancient of all methods used to "treat" the sicknesses that are generated by personality is Advaita, and the Advaita-Enneagram connection is ancient as well, though the enneagram or enneagram-like revelations that were a part of the ancient teachings appeared in a variety of versions. 

The science-based version used here is relatively new, now offering the ancient understanding with more clarity and validity than ever before and allowing the transitioning beyond personality-identification to happen more quickly and efficiently for many seekers of full realization (that is, as Maharaj said, fully free of belief in all learned ignorance). 

That said, the kind of information that is revealed by the testing and personality typing that is employed here is the information which "non-dual teachers" have shared for hundreds and thousands of years, making the understanding of one's personality (actually, "personalities") central to the realization process. 

It is one thing to speak of personality in the most general of terms, but when persons are shown on a scale of 1-100 the exact rate of their personality-based anger or pride or lust or laziness, then more awareness seems to come (which allows for many the ability to detach from the personalities that are blocking the "path" to realization). 

To understand the Advaita-Enneagram linkage, consider some of the historical background, with gratitude to the early teachers such as Evagrius and Ichazo and to the more recent instructors that are versed in the use of the Enneagram (called by some "a matrix of personality structures that recognizes nine observable points of view" among persons). 

To understand the historical background is to understand how persons become separated from the essence and the authentic; how that separation results in passions that generate the most despicable "personality defects" imaginable, relatively speaking; and why the non-dual "path" has become necessary as a means by which persons can "re-connect" with the essence, the authentic, and Real Love. 

Ichazo, who early on made the link between the non-duality teachings and the understandings that can be revealed via the Enneagram, said: 

"We have to distinguish between [humans] in essence [vs. how they are] in ego or personality. In essence, every [human] is perfect, fearless, and in a loving unity with the entire cosmos; there is no conflict within the [human] between head, heart, and stomach or between the [human] and others. 

Then something happens: the ego begins to develop, there is a transition from objectivity to subjectivity, and [humans] fall from essence into personality."

To be continued.

Watch an updated seven-hour streaming video of a retreat with Floyd Henderson which can be viewed by anyone with internet access. (In this video, all seven of the steps on "the path" as taught by Maharaj are explained and discussed.)

If interested, click the button below to pay the fee via PayPal. You will then receive an email which includes the link for you to view the private, unlisted video via an arrangement we have made with YouTube, Inc. You do not have to have a YouTube account to watch this privately streamed video.

(If you do not receive the link promptly, your computer or email provider may have high filter settings. Check your spam and trash folders because some providers automatically transfer emails containing links to those folders.)

To access the seven-hour streaming video of a retreat and begin watching right away, click this "Buy Now" button:

Buy Now

Please enter into the silence of contemplation.

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.]

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access nearly 3,300 posts for any topics of interest to you.


If you prefer PAPERBACK copies
of some of Henderson’s non-duality books,
10 of his books in PRINT FORM are available through AMAZON.
(That is, ten books are collected in two anthologies for sale on AMAZON.)


The Advanced Seekers' Series (344 pages) is an anthology of four books that share Advaita-based, non-duality pointers that can guide seekers to abide as their original nature. Included in the anthology are

"From the I to the Absolute (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality");

"Consciousness / Awareness: The Nature of Reality Beyond SELF-Realization (Peace Every Day When Abiding As the Absolute)";

"From the Absolute to the Nothingness";


"The Final Understanding."

Order a PAPERBACK copy of The Advanced Seekers' Series from AMAZON by clicking here


This anthology (438 pages) contains the six books that make up what has been called The Blissful Abidance Series for those seeking to live blissfully and happily for the remainder of the manifestation, including,

“What BLISS is and what BLISS is not”;

“There’s No Such Thing As Peace of Mind (There’s Only Peace If You’re ‘Out of Your Mind’)”;

“Liberation (Attaining Freedom from Personality via Realization)”;

“Freedom from Shifting Between States of Happiness and Unhappiness”;

“Why You Must Be Empty If You Would Be Full”;


“When REALITY Is Overlaid on the RELATIVE.”

Order a PAPERBACK copy of The Blissful Abidance Series from Amazon by clicking here


To make an arrangement for us to send in your name as a gift from you any of our books to someone you choose:;

(a) Visit

(b) Purchase the ebook you’d like to send.

(c) Contact us using the email below, tell us which ebook you just purchased, and provide the name and email address of the person you want to send the ebook to. (They will never be contacted again or solicited for any reason.)

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Here, with those who are still driven to talk about "god," the "Son of god," the "Holy Spirit," "Buddha," "Krishna," etc., etc., etc., the invitation to them is to view those as verbs, not nouns.


If looked at as nouns, they point to illusions and are, therefore, a total waste of time to even discuss; if looked at as verbs which are resulting in certain sane but rare behaviors among humanity, then they are worthy of some attention during the relative existence.

Meaning? There are members of certain groups who say things such as "My concept of god in the past was of a weak god, an absentee god, A Santa Claus-type god, a mean, punishing, vindictive god, etc. Today, I am in close contact with a loving and caring god whom I worship and praise and glorify and give thanks to."

The reply to that usually goes like this: "If you are in contact with a god that wants to be worshipped and praised and glorified, then you're dealing with someone like yourself - a narcissist - and hanging out with narcissists will never bring an end to your narcissism (that narcissism evidenced by the fact that you think you are "godly").

Next, in the phrase 'loving and caring god,' any supposed god that truly had her or his act together would tell you that the totally irrelevant part of that phrase is 'god' and that the only part that is relevant is the "loving and caring" part.

"That is, a non-narcissistic their god / their goddess would say, "I care not an iota about being worshipped and praised and glorified by you or anyone else. How arrogant and insecure and needy would I have to be to want that? Forget the man-made, dreamed up noun 'god' and focus on the 'god as a verb' understanding and then go forth and let loving and caring be verbs - not adjectives - and let them generate the act of love and the act of caring and let those actions manifest through you."

Yeshu'a (Jesus) and Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis were spot on:

"No one shall ever see 'the kingdom of heaven.' It is within"
--Yeshu'a (Jesus)


"Heaven and earth shall fade away."
--Yeshu'a (Jesus)


"Heaven and hell are not geographic places
but are states of mind, nothing more than
concepts dreamed up by men."&
--Pope John Paul II

"There is no hell."
--Pope Francis, the current pope
in an interview with journalist Eugenio Scalfari,
a writer used by the Pope to issue off the record
teachings which become a part of the Papal Magisterium.

[That said, would that the popes who have shown the courage to reject a core concept of their dogma - namely, "hell" - would find the additional courage required to question the very existence of their institution in light of the centuries-long cover-up of their history of raping children and in light of the mental and emotional and psychological scarring of billions of their members past and present.

And that need for courage also applies as questions need to be asked about why so many other sky cults are still being supported and allowed to continue to exist as well. When certain types of programming and conditioning have been shown to blind the masses, they should end. Will they? Not likely. Why?

Because what the masses think and say and do is most influenced by the international crime families which hold sway over the masses as criminals conduct their planet-wide operations. What are the major international crime families and which are the most influential and have the largest memberships?

The Mafia / La Cosa Nostra; the Catholic Church (with it 1.2 billion followers) whose Vatican Bank worked for decades with the Mafia while laundering mob earnings (for a 15% all-profit charge by the Bank); Protestant and Evangelical Churches (with over 1.2 billion followers) like the one I was raised in where the youth director molested and sexually assaulted young girls; big business which has long created environments in which people have been abused; powerful political bodies like the U.S. Congress, etc., etc., etc.)

With all of those crime families, neither the followers nor the leadership ever voluntarily step down or shut down their criminal activities. Be they gangs, organized crime families, religions, big business, politicians, etc., they all want control and they all want power and they all want money, and nothing internal will interfere with the driving forces at play.

The masses must demand that all those in charge must step down and their groups and institutions must shut down, and there's the real problem because the continuation of their crimes are enabled not as much by the people running such crime organizations as they are enabled by the masses of people who - wanting some perceived "payoff" - remain involved with them and give them money and support them and aid and abet the continued existence of those criminal enterprises and thus facilitate the ability of church criminals and political criminals and other types of criminals to continue to commit their crimes.]


the direct link to the VIDEO VERSION

of the "Awakening Together" satsang session with Regina and Jacqueline referenced earlier, 18 MARCH 2018


You can click on the picture link which has now been added for video "Number Ten" in the upper right-hand column on this page.

If preferred, here's

the direct link to the AUDIO VERSION

of that session.

Thursday, November 28, 2019


Table of Contents

Today's Considerations
Recent Posts and Archives
Tools for Realization
Author's eBooks
Author's Paperback Books
Free eBooks



1. [See the offer in gold text following this post for details on how you can watch a retreat on video which includes a detailed discussion of all seven of the steps on the path as used by Maharaj]

2. Here, with those who are still driven to talk about "god," the "Son of god," the "Holy Spirit," "Buddha," "Krishna," etc., etc., etc., the invitation to them is to view those as verbs, not nouns. See the green text after today's post for the full meaning and implications of that.

3. A new video ("Number Ten: Awakening Together Satsang, March 2018") has now been added in the far right column of this page, offering the opportunity to view a recent 2018 satsang session with Floyd being interviewed by Regina and Jacqueline of "The Awakening Together Group." (See the details in the blue text after this post.)

4. Some prefer paperback books even if they have to wait a day or so to receive it and have to pay more for a printed book and its shipment. Now, 10 paperback books by Henderson are in print and are available through Amazon. See the end of this post in red text for details.

5. Would you like to have us send to someone as a gift from you a copy of any ebook in our inventory? See the offer in purple text at the end of this post.


"Science will someday advance to the point that it will confirm the validity of the non-dual teachings."
--Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


“The idea that you know what is true is dangerous, for it keeps you imprisoned in the mind.” 
--Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


Here, there is nothing that is believed, so there is no one here who wants you to believe anything, either. Here, the invitation is to be free of all that you have been programmed, conditioned, acculturated, domesticated, indoctrinated, and brainwashed to believe so that you can be free, period.  
--Floyd Henderson 

 RE: "Thanksgiving"

A regular visitor to the site wrote yesterday and said sardonically, “I can’t wait for tomorrow’s post as you send out your annual 'Happy Thanksgiving' greeting to all. Ha.”

“Thanksgiving” is the name given in the U.S. to a national quasi-religious / patriotic / xenophobic holiday which actually focuses as much on gluttony and sports events and killing deer as on the religious / patriotic / xenophobic messages shared on the day.

Millions consider it to be one of their favorite holidays of all; others - including many among the indigenous peoples - have designated the fourth Thursday in November to be a “National Day of Mourning,” a reminder of “the genocide of 150,000,000 or more people, the theft of their lands, and an assault on their culture which continues to this day.” Here, it’s all just witnessed.

If a name other than "Thanksgiving" or "A Day of Mourning" would be accepted here, it would be “The Kickoff of the Thirty-Six or So Days in the U.S. When the Typical Levels of Stress and Insanity and Chaos are at Least Tripled.”

In the nation’s capital, the politicians kick off the season with an event that shows the U.S. President giving a presidential pardon to one or more turkeys, sparing them the fate of the forty-six million of their brothers and sisters that are beheaded each year in order to consume the birds during the annual celebration.

If the federal government were truly diligent, they would have the U.S. Surgeon General come out after the pardoning and offered a public service announcement:

"This is a warning to all people living in the U.S. from your Surgeon General: For the next month or so, leave your home at your own risk. Enter traffic at your own risk. Go shopping at your own risk. Become engaged with the masses in any way at your own risk. Other than that, Happy Holidays."

The supposed primary task on Thanksgiving Day is to thank the god of Christianity (who is also the same god of Judaism and the same god of Islam) for all of the blessings he has given during the year. National telecasts cover people expressing their gratitude, and articles in magazines and newspapers do the same.

This year, a woman named Jennifer Furmer

shared a different take which another regular to the site here forwarded to me with a question about her use of the term "I’m An Atheist” in her article entitled

“I’m Not ‘Blessed.’ 
I’m An Atheist and I Don’t Need God to Give Thanks or Show Gratitude.” 

That “regular” who sent her article noted past pointers that I’ve shared about the “I am blessed” nonsense and about following “I am” with any noun or adjective. Recent posts have referenced the “believer” and “non-believer” labels and pointed out that “no-belief-er” might be as close to an accurate “identifier” as possible for the sake of discussion only.

But her message does align with the non-dual understanding as expressed by Maharaj when he said:

"First of all you identify something as being good or bad for yourself. Then, in an effort to acquire good or to get rid of the bad, you have invented a God. Then you worship such a God and . . . you pray to that God for something good to happen to you."

All of that said, let’s look at some of the pointers Jennifer offered:

How does one give thanks outside of religion? Sure, I’ve accomplished things myself that contributed to my happiness, but I don’t feel I can take all the credit. So what deserves that credit? The universe? The energy around me? The earth? It’s not clear. But what is clear to me is it’s not a deity. 

[Regarding the chapel on the property she visits occasionally]:

I came to the chapel to say “thank you,” but instead, I say, “No, thank you.” I close the door, turning my back on the stone structure built into the side of the hill. The chapel is just one of the many religious markers on the 60-plus acres of this property used for retreats that I travel to several weekends a year. 

There are statues of Mary or Joseph peeking out from under bushes, but also Buddhas sitting quietly next to benches. There are crosses that seem to pop up out of the grass, but also symbols of other faiths and ways of thinking. I prefer neither the Christian symbols nor those of any other belief system. I no longer believe in a superior being, much to my mother’s disappointment. 

[Yet she feels grateful. So who does she thank? She continues:]

But thankful to whom? No one, I guess. I don’t believe pop stars win awards because they pray more than others. I don’t believe football players make touchdowns because God has chosen them to. 

As a child, I would thank God. I would kneel on the ground, fold my hands together, and look up to the sky. 

“Thank you for keeping me and my family safe,” was part of my daily evening prayers. The other part was my asking for something: more protection, more love, more patience. “Please, God, help me to . . . ” I would say. 

If I didn’t receive what I asked for, then I would feel it was my fault. I had failed to please God. I wasn’t worthy to receive what I desired. In America, God and thankfulness are often intertwined. 

When people are thankful, they frequently use the word “blessed.” God has blessed them, blessed their lives, has chosen for whatever divine reason to shower His good graces on them. And in return, they worship Him ― unless they are ungrateful, and then, we’re often told, they deserve to go to hell. 

I don’t use the word “blessed” anymore. Instead, I say “lucky.” I don’t believe in luck, exactly, only the arbitrariness of my good fortune. My life is merely a smattering of circumstances. If any of those circumstances had been changed in any way anywhere along the way, so would my life be changed. I prefer this view. 

I will not believe in a God who gets to choose which people suffer. If people suffer, it’s because circumstances of life happen, and whatever those circumstances happen to be either end up causing suffering or they don’t. 

Likewise, I do not believe that good people get rewarded for being good. I don’t believe pop stars win awards because they pray more than others. I don’t believe football players make touchdowns because God has chosen them to. 

I don’t think there was a day where I woke up and decided that I was an atheist. It happened over time, as I experienced more inequalities in the world, as I learned more about science, as I witnessed more suffering. My parents mourn that I won’t one day join them in heaven, but the only place I’ve planned on going for a while now is the ground, where my body can nourish the earth and my energy can give life to something else. 

We believe in what gives us the most comfort. For my parents, eternity is their comfort. I personally like the idea of a more definitive end. It gives my time here on earth more meaning to know I only have the amount of breaths I take every day to be the best person I can be. And since I’ve given up God, I feel more satisfied being the best person I can be for me instead of following anyone else’s instructions for living. 

Our Catholic upbringing ingrained in us since childhood that dinner is off-limits until we hold hands, bow our heads and my mother recites “Bless us, O, Lord, and these, Thy gifts,” or my brother offers a freestyle list of how we have all been blessed by God. I hold their hands, but instead of bowing my head and closing my eyes, I simply wait. 

I appreciate that they are thankful, and I’m thankful for the same things they are. But sitting at the table, eyes open, mouth closed, I appear ungrateful to them. And then Christmas arrives soon after. 

Some people go out of their way to remind us that “Christ is the reason for the season,” and insist the proper way to greet people is with a “Merry Christmas” instead of the more inclusive “Happy Holidays.” 

Their insistence that all gratitude and celebration must be devoted to a Christian God excludes not only people of other faiths, but atheists like me; it inflicts a guilt of sorts on those who just want to enjoy the snow, the trees, the twinkle lights. They dismiss our perspective by telling us it’s not enough to wish each other a happy holiday season ― thanks are always owed to God. But my experience after leaving Catholicism proves otherwise. 

Even when God is gone, gratefulness remains. Without God, I’m more aware of how my actions affect others and affect my surroundings. I don’t expect God to save our planet, so now I’m more careful about what I throw away and I eat less meat. I don’t expect God to save humanity, so now I speak out against hate and try to be more patient and loving with my fellow humans. 

When tragedy comes, I don’t send thoughts and prayers; I give hugs and meals and help where I can. I sometimes mourn not being part of the big Christian community in this country. It usually feels like I’m in the minority rather than the majority. 

But then I remember that now I’m part of a bigger community — the human community, the earth-dwelling community. Since I’ve cut God out of my life, I have so much more room for everyone else. 

To be continued.

Watch an updated seven-hour streaming video of a retreat with Floyd Henderson which can be viewed by anyone with internet access. (In this video, all seven of the steps on "the path" as taught by Maharaj are explained and discussed.)

If interested, click the button below to pay the fee via PayPal. You will then receive an email which includes the link for you to view the private, unlisted video via an arrangement we have made with YouTube, Inc. You do not have to have a YouTube account to watch this privately streamed video.

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To access the seven-hour streaming video of a retreat and begin watching right away, click this "Buy Now" button:

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Please enter into the silence of contemplation.

[NOTE: The four most recent posts are below. You may access all of the posts in this series and in the previous series and several thousand other posts as well by clicking on the links in the "Recent Posts and Archives" section.]

In addition to the five non-duality books made available without charge by Andy Gugar, Jr. (see “FREEBIES” above), you can now access nearly 3,300 posts for any topics of interest to you.


If you prefer PAPERBACK copies
of some of Henderson’s non-duality books,
10 of his books in PRINT FORM are available through AMAZON.
(That is, ten books are collected in two anthologies for sale on AMAZON.)


The Advanced Seekers' Series (344 pages) is an anthology of four books that share Advaita-based, non-duality pointers that can guide seekers to abide as their original nature. Included in the anthology are

"From the I to the Absolute (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality");

"Consciousness / Awareness: The Nature of Reality Beyond SELF-Realization (Peace Every Day When Abiding As the Absolute)";

"From the Absolute to the Nothingness";


"The Final Understanding."

Order a PAPERBACK copy of The Advanced Seekers' Series from AMAZON by clicking here


This anthology (438 pages) contains the six books that make up what has been called The Blissful Abidance Series for those seeking to live blissfully and happily for the remainder of the manifestation, including,

“What BLISS is and what BLISS is not”;

“There’s No Such Thing As Peace of Mind (There’s Only Peace If You’re ‘Out of Your Mind’)”;

“Liberation (Attaining Freedom from Personality via Realization)”;

“Freedom from Shifting Between States of Happiness and Unhappiness”;

“Why You Must Be Empty If You Would Be Full”;


“When REALITY Is Overlaid on the RELATIVE.”

Order a PAPERBACK copy of The Blissful Abidance Series from Amazon by clicking here


To make an arrangement for us to send in your name as a gift from you any of our books to someone you choose:;

(a) Visit

(b) Purchase the ebook you’d like to send.

(c) Contact us using the email below, tell us which ebook you just purchased, and provide the name and email address of the person you want to send the ebook to. (They will never be contacted again or solicited for any reason.)

Send your information to:

Here, with those who are still driven to talk about "god," the "Son of god," the "Holy Spirit," "Buddha," "Krishna," etc., etc., etc., the invitation to them is to view those as verbs, not nouns.


If looked at as nouns, they point to illusions and are, therefore, a total waste of time to even discuss; if looked at as verbs which are resulting in certain sane but rare behaviors among humanity, then they are worthy of some attention during the relative existence.

Meaning? There are members of certain groups who say things such as "My concept of god in the past was of a weak god, an absentee god, A Santa Claus-type god, a mean, punishing, vindictive god, etc. Today, I am in close contact with a loving and caring god whom I worship and praise and glorify and give thanks to."

The reply to that usually goes like this: "If you are in contact with a god that wants to be worshipped and praised and glorified, then you're dealing with someone like yourself - a narcissist - and hanging out with narcissists will never bring an end to your narcissism (that narcissism evidenced by the fact that you think you are "godly").

Next, in the phrase 'loving and caring god,' any supposed god that truly had her or his act together would tell you that the totally irrelevant part of that phrase is 'god' and that the only part that is relevant is the "loving and caring" part.

"That is, a non-narcissistic their god / their goddess would say, "I care not an iota about being worshipped and praised and glorified by you or anyone else. How arrogant and insecure and needy would I have to be to want that? Forget the man-made, dreamed up noun 'god' and focus on the 'god as a verb' understanding and then go forth and let loving and caring be verbs - not adjectives - and let them generate the act of love and the act of caring and let those actions manifest through you."

Yeshu'a (Jesus) and Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis were spot on:

"No one shall ever see 'the kingdom of heaven.' It is within"
--Yeshu'a (Jesus)


"Heaven and earth shall fade away."
--Yeshu'a (Jesus)


"Heaven and hell are not geographic places
but are states of mind, nothing more than
concepts dreamed up by men."&
--Pope John Paul II

"There is no hell."
--Pope Francis, the current pope
in an interview with journalist Eugenio Scalfari,
a writer used by the Pope to issue off the record
teachings which become a part of the Papal Magisterium.

[That said, would that the popes who have shown the courage to reject a core concept of their dogma - namely, "hell" - would find the additional courage required to question the very existence of their institution in light of the centuries-long cover-up of their history of raping children and in light of the mental and emotional and psychological scarring of billions of their members past and present.

And that need for courage also applies as questions need to be asked about why so many other sky cults are still being supported and allowed to continue to exist as well. When certain types of programming and conditioning have been shown to blind the masses, they should end. Will they? Not likely. Why?

Because what the masses think and say and do is most influenced by the international crime families which hold sway over the masses as criminals conduct their planet-wide operations. What are the major international crime families and which are the most influential and have the largest memberships?

The Mafia / La Cosa Nostra; the Catholic Church (with it 1.2 billion followers) whose Vatican Bank worked for decades with the Mafia while laundering mob earnings (for a 15% all-profit charge by the Bank); Protestant and Evangelical Churches (with over 1.2 billion followers) like the one I was raised in where the youth director molested and sexually assaulted young girls; big business which has long created environments in which people have been abused; powerful political bodies like the U.S. Congress, etc., etc., etc.)

With all of those crime families, neither the followers nor the leadership ever voluntarily step down or shut down their criminal activities. Be they gangs, organized crime families, religions, big business, politicians, etc., they all want control and they all want power and they all want money, and nothing internal will interfere with the driving forces at play.

The masses must demand that all those in charge must step down and their groups and institutions must shut down, and there's the real problem because the continuation of their crimes are enabled not as much by the people running such crime organizations as they are enabled by the masses of people who - wanting some perceived "payoff" - remain involved with them and give them money and support them and aid and abet the continued existence of those criminal enterprises and thus facilitate the ability of church criminals and political criminals and other types of criminals to continue to commit their crimes.]


the direct link to the VIDEO VERSION

of the "Awakening Together" satsang session with Regina and Jacqueline referenced earlier, 18 MARCH 2018


You can click on the picture link which has now been added for video "Number Ten" in the upper right-hand column on this page.

If preferred, here's

the direct link to the AUDIO VERSION

of that session.

Recent Posts and Archives