Wednesday, July 26, 2006

BODY-MIND-PERSONALITY: Your “Rope-in-a-Snake,” Part Five

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F.: Again, Advaitans speak of the “snake-in-a-rope” to illustrate how persons perceive incorrectly, but persons also see many "snakes" as "harmless ropes"—failing to see the things in their relative existence that actually account for their misery and suffering. The discussion of the snake called the "mind" continues:

Prior to the time when the persons of the earth became absorbed in dualities, children were not taught concepts that resulted in fear and discomfort and anxiety. There were no dual gods, so there were no “God-fearing” children because there was no concept of a god that wanted to be feared. There were no “souls,” so there was no “God of Good” engaged in a universe-wide battle with a “God of Evil” in a struggle for souls; therefore, there was no eternal reward or eternal punishment, so there was no internal conflict going on in a “mind” that could foster preoccupation with such notions as, “Will I—The Child—mess up with my parents, teachers, preachers, etc., and will I be punished…or even killed? The looks they give me at times certainly show they could kill me” or “Will I—The Employee—lose my job and thereby die?” or “Will I—The Spouse—lose my mate and thereby die?” or “Will I—The Good Person—still not be good enough and will I thus not be saved and, as a result, will I have a soul that is actually a body since it can experience physical pain and a 'mind' since it can suffer mental suffering...for eternity?” Yet persons living under the influence of their programming and ego-states will accept their programming as “truth” rather than taking an objective look at the actual facts and the actual results of believing their beliefs. That will lead to the assumption of ego-states such as "Employee" and "Spouse" and "Good Person" that will struggle throughout the manifestation for "their" very survival--which is always dependent on being considered "good enough" by a co-dependent counter role. Meaning? Meaning that Employee cannot survive without an employer who believes that Employee is "good enough"; meaning that Spouse cannot survive without a spouse who believes that Spouse is "good enough"; and that the "Good Person" cannot survive without constant effort to convince others that she or he is "good" and "good enough" in order to attain the acceptance and reward that is required for that image to be sustained in the "mind" of the role player and in the "minds" of "others" dealing with that role player.

Certainly there is no need to hate any parent for teaching what was taught as a result of blind ignorance, but only arrogance will continue to try to justify, and even boast about, the results. Instead, that arrogance will lead persons to believe that they are separated from the animals by being more noble, that they are separated from “others” by virtue of being more noble, that they are separated from the followers of other religions by virtue of being more noble, that they are different from and can separate from their spouses by virtue of being more noble, that they are separated from the citizens of other countries by virtue of being citizens of a more noble nation, ad infinitum. Duality leads to perceived separation and to a sense of "self" being separated from "Self," a condition which leads to the sense of brokenness, incompletion, and longing that marks the relative existence with its misery and suffering or boredom or discontent or sadness or malaise or tension or anxiety...or all of those combined.

Recall those tribes mentioned in past postings who were the ancestors of "modern man" or who live today in some remote jungles? What was the significance of pointing out that—at least early on—they had no words for “stress,” "peace," “restless,” “good,” “bad,” “punishment,” “reward,” “discontented,” “work,” “purpose,” “meaning,” “irritation,” “rush,” “speed,” “hurry,” “busy,” “business” (“busy-ness”), “noble,” or “important”? Words come into existence after conditions exist that have not been labeled and that require labeling if they are to be taught and discussed. If you study the South American jungle tribe that was only “discovered” in recent years by anthropologists, you will see that their group had no need for the words “stress” or "peace" since they experienced no stress and were not, therefore, absorbed in any "search for peace." Their lifestyle reflected the lifestyle followed by humans and their ancestors for millions of years when a few hours per day were required to meet basic, survival needs. The rest of the day was spent in recreation. Even today, that modern tribe has no word for “restless” because their days are marked by relaxation. Since their children are raised in a society that has no words for “good” or “bad,” the children and adults have no hang-ups, fears, or anxiety about “punishment” if "bad" or “reward” if good enough. Thus, they have no need for the words “discontented” or “irritation,” and they engage in no daily struggles to prove to others and to themselves that they are "good enough." They do not suffer the sense of low esteem or no esteem because they had no demanding parents that were absorbed in their dualitistic concepts and thus sent the message that "You are not enough, and you are not good enough, and therefore you will never have enough. You'll always be in need and wanting and lacking."

They have no word for “work” because they enjoy doing for free every day what most persons pay to do during the two weeks of vacation that they get per year: fish, hunt, forage while walking through the woods, taking time to relax or to cook and enjoy mealtimes that extend for hours rather than eating fast food in a fast manner. Logically, it follows that those tribe members have no words for “rush,” “speed,” “hurry,” “busy,” or “business” (“busy-ness”). They are not preoccupied with “purpose” or “meaning” because their existence is marked by beingness rather than doingness. Sensing intuitively the unicity, they have no sense of separation that could inspire coming up with dualistic terms such as “noble” or “important.” At least that's the way it was early on before some of their members came up with concepts and did what persons do: create a pecking order with a “chief” at the top and with whomever the culture least respects at the bottom. Pecking orders are about dualities, separation, and division, and across most of the globe today, that concept of division is dominate because persons have had the understanding of the Oneness programmed away by being taught to view all in a subject-object fashion. The "us vs. them" mentality (the "us vs. them" mind) sets the stage for the beliefs in "better" and "different from" and "right" that paves the way for all conflict that happens.

Even if it were their stated goal, most parents in modern cultures couldn’t do a worse job of raising children to be in touch with reality. And if persons cannot move beyond the egotism that prevents seeing that truth, then they cannot move beyond the insane results of their upbringing that was steeped in duality. Therefore, they will have no ability to choose anything in their relative existence and will live—not in an AS IF fashion—but in a style that is marked by rigidity and a level of blindness that drives them to claim that they are happy when they could not be more miserable or bored or exhausted or disgusted or driven. Only when it is realized that there’s no such thing as a “my mind”—and only when it is seen that there is only “their mind” that has been taken to be one’s own—can one begin the “journey.” And it is only via completion of all of the steps in that “journey” that the end of the false "mind" can happen. And it is only via the understanding that all misery is rooted in the “mind” that persons can begin to transcend belief in the lies and belief in their false personas and then seek true peace rather than the illusion of “peace of mind” which is merely a concept...a mirage...and thus totally unattainable. Peace comes only after "mind" goes. Please enter the silence of contemplation.

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