[Continued from July 4th and 5th 2006]
2. In other words, once folks can annihilate ownership of the body and mind, they haven't gotten over any of their misery because they are then attached to "their pool of energy".
F.: Next, to those you reference who “haven’t gotten over any of their misery”: if misery is being experienced by persons, then they have not “annihilated ownership of the mind” at all, to use your term; instead, most persons either (a) haven’t reached level-three so they’re making no effort at all to try to address the source of misery that “the mind” is or (b) they’ve made it to level-three and are trying to use their “religious or spiritual tools” to control the mind. That is a useless exercise since it is “the mind” that results in the loss of control—which causes emotional intoxication—and thus generates all misery except physical pain. With its constant movement, the “mind” can never be controlled, and the more bastardized the consciousness becomes, the more active and erratic its movement becomes. Also, persons believe they must use the “mind” to find truth, but the bottom line is this: truth is prior to beingness, so it is certainly prior to any “mind” and certainly prior to any ego-states (including religious ego-states and spiritual ego-states). How could truth possibly be found when even the identities that persons assume are false? How could the genuine possibly be comprehended when one’s very identity is counterfeit? Actors who take their act to be real can never awaken to the authentic.
Now, back to your comment about being “attached to a pool of energy.” Post-realization, there’s no “focus” on anything involving the beingness or the non-beingness, much less “on energy.” The postings on this site happen spontaneously each morning, after which AS IF living also happens spontaneously. There’s no focusing on (or further attention paid for the remainder of the day to) Advaita or disciplines or practices or tenets or study or worship or prayer or meditation or any other concepts and practices dreamed up by men in their efforts to try to still the mind, to try to gain control, and to try to hook up with some power. To witness the way that a day in the life of a deer happens, and then to witness the way that a day in the life of the space called “floyd” happens, would offer no discernible differences.
The case with the space that is called “a deer” and with the space that is called “floyd” is that not once throughout the day does either ring a bell, burn scented sticks, hold a special rock, sprinkle water, wear special clothing, sport a special hair style, shave off all hair as an act of spirituality, enter a special building, read a holy book, genuflect, attend any meeting, sing praises, meditate, hum, chant, light candles, cheer, pledge, sit on a special rug, buy special accoutrements, eat holy food, wear a funny hat or robe, worship, own crystals, repeat a mantra, model any particular stance, accumulate, sit under a pyramid, face a particular direction on the compass, or participate in any nonsensical acts that are contrary to the ways of natural living (which happened spontaneously and automatically for the millions of years prior to the past few millennia when controlling men dreamed up concepts and dogma and rituals and dualistic thinking). For those fixated at level-three who do any or all of that? So it is. For those who eventually see that all of that has nothing to do with sane, normal, AS IF living, then how about just relaxing and taking it easy? When was that option lost? When shall you determine to reclaim it?
When Full Realization happens, energy is not focused on; the I AM is not focused on; the I AM THAT is not focused on; and nothing else is focused on, including energy. No concept is focused on. Anything of “this world” that can be focused on is not real anyway. What passes before the consciousness can be witnessed, but nothing is sought out to focus on or to occupy the “mind.” The “mind” has ended. “But what of the True Self or the Pure Witness?” some ask at this point. The Pure Witness sees what is not before it sees What Is, but eventually no effort is spent by the True Witness even to focus on what is Real. A true position of neutrality just happens. It should be realized that these states of waking, sensing presence or beingness and witnessing, and then sleeping are temporary states that came upon you but are not you. It should be realized that they came spontaneously and continue to happen spontaneously but shall stop happening in the same spontaneous fashion. (No one has any control over the events that precipitated the manifestation of this consciousness. In fact, such manifestation only follows an act of friction in which all control is lost! And no one has any control over when the consciousness unmanifests either, except for those who determine to end it. The unmanifesting might be extended for a period in some cases by following the proper food plan for the three body types or by consuming certain medicines or supplements, or by undergoing surgery, but total control over body continuity is pure illusion.)
Meanwhile, it should be seen by those who would be free of misery and suffering that two options exist as long as the consciousness is manifested: living in a state of learned ignorance or in a state of child ignorance (at least for a period as one shifts closer to being in touch with Reality). When the consciousness was initially manifested and a child was in ignorance, no mental or emotional or spiritual pain was experienced. Only physical pain was experienced by the manifested consciousness as hunger pains or rashes or unset stomachs were experienced. For persons who would be free of the mental, emotional and spiritual pain of the relative existence, the requirement is to forfeit all learned ignorance, transition religious and spiritual ego-states, and “return” to the 4th level of Child Ignorance. You must be as a child for a period in order to return fully to Reality. When the consciousness is no longer manifested, neither joy nor misery will be experienced; while it is yet manifested, relief comes when the consciousness of mental states and emotional intoxication and spiritual knowledge are all forfeited. How to remove those from the consciousness?
See that its all lies…that it’s all illusion. 59% of all women killed in the U.S. are killed when “husband” or “mate” thinks he’s dying as a co-dependent counterpart chooses to leave. That act leads his false identity to take as truth the illusion that he’s dying. Then, “husband” or “mate” strikes out, believing that a real attack is happening when all that is really happening is that a false identity is being removed. In comparison, 41% of all men killed in the U.S. are killed by women experiencing a similar illusion. Does any real threat exist when someone is walking away from a person? No. It’s all in the “mind.” A false identity can believe that it is being “threatened,” but that is as unrealistic as the notion that a mirage could be hurt, threatened, harmed, interfered with or destroyed. In Child Ignorance, the waking state is dominated by the sense of “I-Amness” as the consciousness begins to return to the state from which it can sense its presence after the deep sleep. Awake, that sensation of presence can also experience other sensations available (the physical ones being real as far as the relative existence is concerned and the mental, emotional and spiritual ones being false).
Those three states of waking, sensing presence, and sleeping were not there prior to manifestation, but that which manifested was there…always. Even the I AM does not point to your true nature, so there’s no need to even focus on that after “annihilation of the ‘mind’” and after Realization. Yes, entertaining the I AM concept is required for a time to get free of the illusion of “I am this role” or “I am that role,” but the I AM need be considered only until all concepts and body identities and “mind” identifications and personalities dissolve. Multiple identities inspire belief in the multiplicity; know the truth of the unicity instead. Then, the Realized focus on nothing, including any “pool of energy.” Please enter the silence of contemplation. [Tomorrow: the response to part #3]