Monday, July 10, 2006


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[Continued from yesterday’s post]

From a site visitor: “You wrote: ‘But once Realization happens, the ‘I Am’ is seen for its worthlessness.’ If you’re saying the consciousness is worthless, I don’t get that at all.”

F.: How much worth should be assigned to the conceptual consciousness which always inspires duality and instability and emotional intoxication? “In what way?” some ask. Consider how unstable it is when the same persons who love consciousness (because they believe it sustains their bodies and their “minds”) also hate consciousness (when it deprives them of sleep). They want it to come and then they want it to go, but after it goes, they want it to come again. Total confusion, total instability, and a complete absence of being in touch with Reality.

Next, such contradictory desires regarding the consciousness transfer easily to the body. If it is suffering unbearable physical pain, some persons are ready for it to go, but then they want it to come again—either by being resurrected into a heaven or by being recycled on earth. Neither will happen. Then there are those at the other end of the spectrum who want to cling to the body and consciousness even when the body has outlasted its usefulness. Some even concern themselves with the bodies of others and demand that they cling to their useless bodies. Persons can be suffering unbearable physical pain, but there are those caught up in dogma who want to control those suffering persons who are ready for the consciousness to go and make sure it doesn’t. Not only do they want power in order to extend the manifestation of their own consciousness. Their sense of righteousness makes them believe that they must have power in order to control when the consciousness unmanifests in others, so much do their bodies and “minds” value consciousness.
It’s all insane nonsense, generating instability and arrogance across the planet as those wanting power and control over others merely cloak their desires to control others in their comments about “life being precious.” After the first priest decided that an angry god could be appeased (by the god's rep on earth having sex with a virgin, cutting from her chest her beating heart, drinking the blood and eating the body, and then passing it among the crowd so all could commune with the god) there has been a preoccupation with controlling the bodies of people in order to sustain a ready supply of virgins. That desire to control is as strong today among those assuming the role of "The Devout" as ever, blending the value they give to consciousness with the dogma dreamed up thousands of years ago that still drives persons blindly to this day. So the rule among them is, "(1) Preserve the consciousness (and the body) at all cost since it's precious and (2) do only with your body what we approve, but (3) should we approve the ending of the manifestation of consciousness because you have angered us, that is acceptable too." Nonsense piled on top of nonsense, contradiction piled on top of contradiction. That is the way of the consciousness that you find worthy.

Yes, your e-mail reveals that you give worth to the consciousness, valuing it most when it allows you to express opinions and beliefs and thoughts about the plethora of topics that are raised by persons throughout any given day. But at night, when that same consciousness generates worry and concerns and discontentment and deprives you of the loss of consciousness, you hate it. You want that consciousness to leave and to allow you to enter into the deep sleep state. Persons across the planet who protest that they “have a great life” and have found “peace via devotional activities” still use sleep aids and prescription drugs in record numbers as they try to stop the racing consciousness and force sleep to come. Protestations to the contrary aside, actions speak louder than words. How can anyone ever be stable and content when such contradictory beliefs are present? Only by leaving the conceptual consciousness behind and allowing the transcendent consciousness to facilitate the full understanding of the functioning of the totality, followed by abidance as the Absolute.

How is the transcendent consciousness recognizable? It invites no one to acquire more knowledge. It does not invite anyone to model any behavior, to read any book considered “holy,” to acquire more knowledge by accepting more concepts, or to attach oneself to some “great guru” or “awesome teacher.” It does not invite anyone to adhere to the tenets of any teachings or study them or to practice them for life. It does not invite anyone to engage in any regular exercises nor to join anything nor to contribute regularly to anything. Those who recommend such or speak of such reveal that they are far from being Realized and that they are trapped instead in the ideas of their conceptual consciousness.

Walt Whitman, too, found the consciousness to be worthless. He said, “Has anyone supposed it lucky to be born? I hasten to inform him or her, it is just as lucky to die, and I know it.” Meaning what? Meaning the transcendent consciousness knows that no person exists, that there was no birth, that there is no death except the “death of belief” in ego (the false “I”) and ego-states, and that the bondage of consciousness ends only when the influence of consciousness ends. [Whitman was not an avowed “Advaitan” but adhered to the understanding of the “School of Transcendentalism” which understood that there is a unity beyond the seeming multiplicity.] What about you? Do you fully understand the unicity as opposed to the multiplicity? Are you burdened with conceptual consciousness or flowing along through the relative existence with an understanding of the transcendent consciousness? Are you ready for it to facilitate the Full Understanding that You Are prior to consciousness? Please enter the silence of contemplation. [To be continued]

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