Friday, October 10, 2008


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An Advaita Vedanta philosophy site, focusing on Realization, enlightenment, nisarga yoga, non-duality (nonduality), your original nature, dwelling as your natural state, and the teachings of Maharaj.

FROM A SITE VISITOR: What was Maharaj talking about when he said to find out where I was before conception? Thx Martha

F.: Hello Martha. If you would know What You Are now, you must understand THAT Which You Were prior to conception. Then, you will also understand what You Are post-manifestation as well.

That Which You Are does not change; that which changes (body, mind, personality) is what You are not. In the silence, contemplate how You got “here.” If you understand that process, then you will be freed from your limited identification with a physical body and from the concepts and ideas and beliefs which were taught to you by others and which persons think also help define who they are.

Trace the process back from conception and find the truth. Find how human cells form, specifically in this case the egg of your “mother” and the sperm of your “father.”

Trace the sperm back, for example. What was required for the sperm cell to manifest and fertilize an egg that would begin a process that resulted in what would be named “Martha”?

Is not every body a plant food body? Is it not the consumption of plant food—or, among meat eaters, the consumption of something that ate plants—which provides the ability for some cells to form, to divide, and to eventually be replaced with other cells?

Could that sperm cell involved in the conception of “Martha” have existed if your "father" had not eaten something which initiated the natural process by which what he ate was converted to human cells, including that one particular sperm cell involved in the fertilization now being discussed?

So, does the process (of following the trail back) end at the plant? Did the particular plant food that was consumed by your “father” and that resulted in that particular sperm cell always exist as that very plant? No.

So what were the events that happened which involved (a) the elements of the earth and (b) the energy that was able to manifest because a plant had a nervous system? What happened that allowed a form of energy that was non-usable by a human body to convert to a form of energy that was usable?

Trace that energy farther back. Where was that energy prior to manifestation via the plant? What was that energy? How was it that awareness which was not even aware of itself could manifest and become associated with a sperm cell that was conscious of? How was it that a sperm cell could consciously enter into a race to an egg, along with millions of other sperm cells, and win the race and fertilize an egg associated with the space called your “mother”?

The ignorant will say that there is a god that is guiding the path of each and every sperm cell. This was shared in a posting in 2007:

A recent poll indicated that eighty-seven percent of all adults in the U.S., and possibly an even higher number worldwide, don’t have a clue how human babies are made. Please note that the survey did not say that “children” don’t know how human babies are made. It showed that “adults” don’t know how human babies are made.

That percentage indicated that they believe that after an act of fornication results in an ejaculation, from that point forward a god or some supernatural force takes over control of the route run by the 20,000,000 sperm released per ejaculation and determines their course.

Those persons believe that in the case of the two conceptions per second that are occurring on the planet (along with the occurrence of thousands of other instances of ejaculation that do not end in pregnancy) that there is a god that is micro-managing—at any given second—the movement of trillions of spermatozoa.

They believe that, in each case, some other-worldly power is determining which single sperm cell—of the trillions released per second on the planet—reaches which particular egg or reaches no egg at all. (While many believe that it is a sin to waste sperm, they ignore the fact that even when an impregnation occurs, 19,999,999 other sperm die and are thus “wasted.”)

If you would understand What You Are and how the body called “Martha” came to be, you only have two tools that can be employed in the quest to understand. One is “sense” and the other is nonsense. The latter is used by those who believe and spread faith-based lies and misunderstandings around conception.

What must happen before a person will use that sense, along with logic and reason and scientific facts, to answer these “philosophical” questions about “Who Am I?” and “What Am I?” and “How did I get here?” and “What happens after I die?”

What must happen first is the dissolution of the ego that wants to believe that "you" are special, holy, sacred, or noble. Just as you are not shameful, guilty, ignoble, or an abomination, neither is any person special, holy, sacred, or noble.

The invitation is to realize that the “you” which you and others refer too, that limited identification with a body, is “here” only because of an act of friction between two persons that resulted in a release of sperm that triggered a series of natural events that followed impregnation. Please enter the silence of contemplation. (To be continued)






  • Click FROM THE I TO THE ABSOLUTE (A Seven-Step Journey to Reality)



    More and more seekers are requesting an understanding of how a personality formed in childhood is still determining and controlling everything that is thought or said or done in adulthood. Others have inquired about an opportunity to speak one-on-one about the seven-step “path” to Realization.

    Thus, two opportunities are being offered from now until Dec 15th at 50% off:


    Here’s what is included in the package that is available for the next two months (the service available to international visitors but these price being only for the Continental U.S.):

    A copy of the personality test (B) Priority mailing of the test (C) Analysis of the test results (D) A one-hour telephone session to discuss the results (E) the cost of the telephone conference. Cost is US$95.


    For the next two months, a tele-conference to discuss any aspects of the Advaita teachings one-on-one will be offered. [Rich from the U.K. completed this package recently and was able to make a low-rate international call from his home in the U.K. to the office here in the U.S. for his conference.] The cost covers the income that cannot be earned as a result of being unavailable for regular retainer contract income during your conference time.] Cost is US$75.

    To arrange either package, visit, provide all of the information requested, and in the message box at the bottom, indicate that you want to make arrangements for the PERSONALITY TYPING or for the ONE-ON-ONE ADVAITA SESSION or both.

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